Elliot Snyder Capstone
For my capstone I wanted to use skills I have learned through CTE engineering to create something that could help people in the future while also learning a new skill. My idea of doing this was through a side interest of mine, building a tiny home which would lead to learning how to design one. My final product is a completed design of a tiny home in Sketch Up with complete dimensions and specifications as well as a thorough guide detailing how anyone, regardless of experience, can design a tiny home that works for them. The goal is that in conjunction with other resources anyone could gain the proper knowledge to feel confident building a safe and legal tiny home for an affordable price. In order to complete this I had to do thorough research, corroborating many sources and consolidating information as well as go through the entire process myself while learning from mistakes in order for the process to be easier and more simple for others. Annotated Bibliography & Slideshow - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VgkX0NbCHFoznQNGAIXOpLllYUIJtMhL_RaqqpNePyo/edit?usp=sharing