Canvas Scene/Drawing
I chose to build this drawing because it seems very unique. It is similar to a scenery rather than a drawing. It was a drawing at first but then I played with the codes a little. Then it turns out to be a sunset-like scenery. In modifying this code, I used my knowledge from building the HTML codes. HTML coding and the canvas is almost similar but different functions. The section of the canvas code that I would like to point out is modifying the speed of the circle. It is followed by the following code, c.fillStyle = "white"; / c.beginPath (); / c.arc(posX, posY, 340, 90, 0, TWO_PI, false); / c.fill(); / }, 30); This part of the code modifies the speed and the flowing direction of the circle. The X and Y position modifying the direction and the 30 represents the speed. The lesser the value is, the faster it goes.
Canvas drawing/scene -->
Canvas drawing/scene -->