A day in the life (Jordan)
A day in Jordan
My life and there life is quite different. I don't have to worry about having to worry about having to struggle for getting my food or even being able to go to school each day. I have always been able to attend school and some of these kids don't have that privilege. It would bother me that i had to go out every day as a kid working extremely hard to get food, and than coming home and having to cook or eat a meal with what ever i could find. Plus they are always being checked for diseases so that would affect me to always thinking i could potentially have a disease of some sort.
My life and there life is quite different. I don't have to worry about having to worry about having to struggle for getting my food or even being able to go to school each day. I have always been able to attend school and some of these kids don't have that privilege. It would bother me that i had to go out every day as a kid working extremely hard to get food, and than coming home and having to cook or eat a meal with what ever i could find. Plus they are always being checked for diseases so that would affect me to always thinking i could potentially have a disease of some sort.
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