Animal Cruelty

Throughout the history the United States, animal abuse and cruelty has been inflicted on so many innocent animals. Many of the common victims of these crimes are dogs, cats, birds, horses and livestock. They have been through torturing, beatings, starvation, poisoning, burning, throwing, neglecting, testing. Stabbing, kicking, dragging, shootings, hangings, mutilation, shooting. Being ran over with a vehicle, being forced to fight among themselves, and even being sexually abused. Do you know that women, in abuse relationships, often don’t leave their abuser due to the fact that they are worried about what will happen to their pet if they leave? So both the owner and the pet are being abuse, this is why a stop has to be put to animal abuse and cruelty.

People protest to stop animal cruelty.
  About 13% of animals in America involves domestic violences and 70% of their owners have been recorded of other crimes! In my opinion is shocking that they are allowed to even have animals. 3 to 4 million adoptable young and healthy cats and dogs living in shelters are euthanized each year and those who aren’t euthanized are sent to no-kill shelters where they are caged for up to many years ( if they aren’t adopted) were they die of loneliness and insanity for being caged by themselves. Millions of 1-day old chicks in a crowded macerator because they are damaged or not good enough for the egg industry. 13,000,000,000 animals are research and tested every year in the United States alone and more then 15,000,000,000 warm blooded animals are are apart of research each year. According to scientist, every day 100 species of animal go extinct. 

A monkey is caged while waiting to be tested on.
   Two ways you can if an animal is being abused are through physical signs which may appear in their bodies and environmental signs which appear in their living habitats. If opened wounds in the head are observed or continuous injuries or illness that aren’t being taken care of are in most cases animal abuse. Other signs of physical abuse are abnormal skin conditions that are not treated ( bumps, rashes, loss of hair, scaly skin). The visible weight of an animal is very thin to where the bones can be seen; infestation of fleas, ticks and other parasites with in the fur. The appearance of inadequate grooming (matted, dirty fur, long nails, etc.), the way an animal walks either with a limp, the inability to stand, and just weakness in their walk. A tight collar the has created a neck wound or form the shape on the animals neck; and the most apparent is observing and owner actually beat of strike an animal.

The environmental signs may being the pets are tied up outside for log time masses without access to clean food or water. Pets are kept outside in unstable weather without access to shelter; some pets my be kept in polluted areas that may endanger their health. Pets may be housed in small crowded cages that are to small for them to stand or make any movement at all. Also if you observe high traffic coming to and from a place with animals live, its possibly it may be animal fighting rings.

A dog bones are visible for being previously abuse and starved. 
 Animals are not only abuse by ordinary people but people who bring entertainment to humans and people who help find cures to save many lives. Animals working in circuses are often abused all their lives, behind all there majestic looks they have tight collars around their necks and whips always on their bodies.  The are beaten and starved of food, circus animals are force to preform by being abuse and being deprived of their wild nature. And when they finally get sick of the way they are treated they attack their owners, there two lives are taken of the face of the Earth because now the owner is gone and soon the animal will be for attacking the “victim” of this crime receiving a bullet through the brain.

An elephant is being force to strench out it's body with ropes and chains attached to his body being pulled by humans.
Other animals such as domestic ones wouldn’t even be considered as being abused because its normal to the ordinary human. Whipping horse to make them increase their speed would be consider just aport of a sport. Hitting a dog due to its continuous barking or forcing a cat it live in the outdoors for missing the litter box would just be "normal reasons" for doing whats done to an animal but imagine yourself in their shoes. How would you feel if you had to be whipped time after time, after time,after time just to be apart of a sport, how would you feel if you where kicked in the stomach or in the face for barking maybe cause you were hunger, or lonely? Or how would you feel if you had to live outside in the cold/heat/rain/snow with no one to feed you as you wander into land that you never seen before? It pretty hard to imagine yourself going through these types of things as even a human who dominates and are the main predators over every living animal while those helpless animals become new prey for anything that larks in this creepy world. 

A horse has all four legs broken and has been starved fro a previous abuser.
In the U.S. 62% of houses own a pet, 78.2 billion are dogs, 86.4 million are cats and 65% of them were free or low cost pets. A large majority of animals purchased from family or friends. 26% of dogs brought are from breeders, 20 to 30%of both cats and dogs are adopted from rescues or shelters and 2 to 10% are brought from pet shops. Due to over population 70 million animals are stray just in the U.S. alone. 10% of animals adopted by shelters have been spayed or neutered, but 78% of owned dogs and 88% of owned cats are spayed or neutered. 

In U.S. animal shelters, 5 to 7 million companion animals enter shelter every year while 3 to 4 million are euthanized every year. Less 2% of cats and 15-20% of dogs are returned back to their owners and 20% of the people who leave their dogs in a shelter adopted them from a shelter. 

This picture shows how chickens are caged with other chickens with there is barely enough room for them to move.

Many ways to prevent animal abuse and cruelty is to first get your pets spayed or neutered to prevent more offsprings to endure such terrible things. Then if you suspect animal abuse contact your local police department for information for your local ASPCA.Remember to teach your children how to treat and respect animals like they were human because it starts with the younger generations. Take care of the animals you have, support local animal shelters, donate at the Humane Society of the United States and get involved.       

A human is expressing his love for the lion. 


Here is my Annotative Bibliography​

A monkey in pain being tested on in a lab.

Comments (4)

Jamison Turner (Student 2016)
Jamison Turner

I really liked this post because it is something that people don't necessarily think about everyday. At the same time it is more important than most of the stuff that we constantly hear about everyday