Artist Statement Q3 (Tucker)
This quarter was kind of a short but sweet one. We have done 4-5 drawing this quarter which the overall hours spent on all was 14 hours. I am very happy with the outcome on my drawings. I learned that I need to spend a little more time on my drawings and make sure I edit the picture right before I submit my work. Also, when it comes to my art it can mesmerizing or it can be dull but I try to put everything into my drawing so it usually isn't.
My inspirations for my pieces of art are just to make sure it comes from the heart because if not then what are you drawing for. So, My first assignment was my bike drawing. My bike drawing took 4 hours or 4 one hour classes. We had to draw a bike from looking at one and making sure we had all the possible parts bike have. Also, my drawing isn't the best I could have done but I make up for it in my other assignments. I know for next time to just to make sure I focus more and work harder.
Our next drawing was our shading forms. What we had to do was use value maps and graduated shading to turn a circle, cube, and rectangle into a real three-dimensional form. I didn't understand this assignment fully but I tried my best to do the assignment. This took 2 hours to do in class.
My next drawing is my eye drawing. So, this is my favorite drawing of this quarter. This is a replica of MY eye. I was so excited with the outcome of this because I never would have though I could do this. Everything from the eyebrow to the exact shading of the pupil was just right for me. In the end or final drawing I did color it the color of my eye which is brown. This drawing took 2 hours until submission time.
My last and final drawing of this quarter is the Mandala drawing. This is my second favorite drawing. This assignment is 4 hours long because there are two parts. I worked really hard to make this look very colorful. I spent a lot of time on little details and I love the turnout. In the end it turned out super well.
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