Benzini Bros 3

Benzini Bros' Author Intent & Circus Action
Book: Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen
Group Members: Antonio, Emily, Meeghan, Raymond, & Sashoya
Our Podcast:

Brief Blurb:
Today's podcast, Benzini Bros' Author Intent & Circus Action is focused around the story Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen. We discussed what happens in our latest reading, which concluded the book. As the ending of the book was full of action and drama, we share our reactions. The podcast is split in different ways. There are moments when we focus on the Author's intent with the heavy focus on animals and her intent with how masculinity is perceived. As this was the ending of the book, there were a lot things to talk about so we try to cover many different topics to cover a large portion of discussion topics. As this is our final podcast covering the ending of the book, there will be SPOILERS, and this is our warning!

Moments that we referred to:
  • Pete killing the horse for feeding other animals (pg. 139)
  • Animal cruelty (pg. 140)
  • Rosie using a stake on August (pg. 309)
  • Death of Uncle Al (pg. 320)
  • Jacob and Charlie's conversation (pg. 328)

Comments (10)

Ayala Silverman (Student 2019)
Ayala Silverman

This was really fun to listen to. The conversation flowed naturally and everybody contributed something to both the discussion and overall atmosphere. I like how Meeghan posed questions that kept the conversation going.

David Roberts (Student 2019)
David Roberts

I like your conversion about the sexism in the book and how that pertains to when the book was written. I am likewise sadden by the sexism that was discussed. Otherwise, fun conversation.

Waverly O'Neal (Student 2019)
Waverly O'Neal

I would really like to commend this group for their energy and flow throughout the entire podcast. On top of providing sound literary analysis keeping to the theme of the author's intent, they maintained and friendly casual air about the conversation displaying a sense of comradery that could be felt during the listening period, and that made it all the more engaging. It felt very inclusive to the point where I felt that I was laughing with them and not two separate entities. I am thoroughly impressed

Sharron Norton (Student 2019)
Sharron Norton

I really enjoy the flow of their podcast. They entertain the viewers while really completing the task at hand. Another thing I noticed is how they give us a lot of context about the evidence they present