Blog Post 5-Spanish Complements

She is a good person.

Ella es buena.
eh-yah ehs bweh-nah.

She is hot. (sexy)
Ella está buena.
eh-yah es-TAH bweh-nah.

He is a good person.
Él es bueno.
EHL ehs bweh-noh.

He is hot. (sexy)
Él está bueno.
EHL es-TAH bweh-noh.

Rico/a with ser means “rich” (wealthy). Rico/a with estar means “cute” or “sexy.”

She is rich.
Ella es rica.
eh-yah ehs ree-kah.

She is cute or sexy.
Ella está rica.
eh-yah ehs-TAH ree-kah.

He is rich.
Él es rico.
EHL ehs ree-koh.

He is cute or sexy.
Él está rico.
EHL ehs-TAH ree-koh.

Usually, in spanish speaking Countries they use complements as a sexy talk of some sorts. The more I researched, the more flirtational it was. 

As you see, El esta rico is he is cute or sexy. Many of the other complements related to this but others for example were: El es rico or he is rich or ella es rico she is rich.

Even the resource was called "Hook ups in Spanish:

Sex in spanish

Good morning, sexy.
Buenos días, sexy.
bweh-nohs dEE-ahs, sehk-see.

Since adjectives agree with the plural form of the noun they are modifying the plural form of sexy is sexis. Here’s an example of the plural form:

Look at those sexy girls.
Mira a esas chicas sexis.
mee-rah ah eh-sahs chee-kahs sehk-sees.

Body Language

She has sexy body language.
Ella tiene languaje corporal sexy.
eh-yah tee-ehn-eh lahn-gwah-heh kohr-pohr-ahl sehk-see.

She has seductive body language.
Ella tiene languaje corporal seductor.
eh-yah tee-ehn-eh lahn-gwah-heh kohr-pohr-ahl seh-dook-tohr.
