Blog Two- Keeping the Convo


Since I'm doing a chat instead of video, I think that the people answer quickly and politely.

I'm looking forward to meeting my goal for this chat: chatting without a dictionary.

I'm not really nervous about much, but the on thing is when I come into a stump. I want to be able to call upon all of my knowledge to prevent that.


Name: Emilio Gago

Country: Spain

Emilio is a great guy! We talked for a long time about things that we liked, and he really likes comics, and learning english. I learned that he is from Spain, and is also a student. I've learned a lot from him actually. He really helped with grammar errors, and even just better phrasing. I've learned some cool phrases too, one being:

"Eres el amo"- you are boss and another less school-appropriate :O.

I was really proud of my ability to recall all of what I know, and I was even complimented on my spanish abilities! Though, I must admit, it was much easier to think on my feet while I was just TYPING. But I still give myself credit because it was IM.  I'm very aware that I can conjugate pretty quickly when I'm typing/writing, but talking takes a few seconds more. For my next post, I want to have more questions ahead of time (just in case) and I also want to have a way to measure what I learn. Perhaps, I might just count the number of strategies I come up with. Or I may even make that my next blog post question- ask what are good strategies for conversations in Spanish.

More Slang (from Peru I believe)

Slang: Mamada.- significa Mentira

Choreado: Robado

Jodido:: Destrozado, arruinado, tambien significa " Super"

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