Cats Got Your Tongue Podcast #3

Comments (13)

Aareon Monroe (Student 2022)
Aareon Monroe

I believe that an introduction is everything and the music and then the title of the podcast was very intriguing and it just made me want to listen to the whole thing. The whole part is that the whole world is ending and people are still being greedy and then making bad choices. People want to do things for themselves even though everything was going to end

Aareon Monroe (Student 2022)
Aareon Monroe

I believe that an introduction is everything and the music and then the title of the podcast was very intriguing and it just made me want to listen to the whole thing. The whole part is that the whole world is ending and people are still being greedy and then making bad choices. People want to do things for themselves even though everything was going to end

Miles Menasion (Student 2022)
Miles Menasion

Interesting take away from the end of the book. There do seem to be a lot of points made about human stupidity, especially since all of the characters, even the smartest ones, are stupid in one way or the other.

Leo Cohen (Student 2022)
Leo Cohen

It is interesting how two groups can read the same book and have a different takeaway. I think this reinforces the ideas in the text that we read yesterday about author's intent and how the readers takeaway is just as much, if not more impactful that the author's.

Daniel Lin (Student 2022)
Daniel Lin

I really enjoyed listening to you reference back to the foreshadowing you made in the first podcast, and being excited that it came true. I liked how critical you were of the characters actions, calling them stupid and greedy. The part when you quote an outside person, albert einstein was unique, I don't think anyone else thought to do that.

Jacob Farrell (Student 2022)
Jacob Farrell

I liked the quotes and context from the book to support the ideas you guys had and especially quotes from the end of the book that supported the ideas you guys had from the start of the book.

Marcus Diemer (Student 2022)
Marcus Diemer

you did a good job unpacking and analyzing what it would mean for the end of humanity to be happening. Also you still found a lot to talk about even without a lot of group members.

Nicolas Werner (Student 2022)
Nicolas Werner

I liked your analysis involving the cat's cradle. I thought it was an interesting idea that it represents the neverending cycle of human stupidity. My group also read this book and it was interesting to see what we interpreted similarly and differently.