"Collapse-ibility" Investigation of Indonesia & El Salvador

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El Salvador, a country from my region to-date, endures hurricanes and suffers from a number of human-induced environmental issues such as: water-pollution and climate change. Indonesia, a country from my previous region, experiences tsunamis (and the like) and deals with water and air pollution. There are many issues within these countries in addition to those that I mentioned. Deforestation is the main environmental commonality between Indonesia and El Salvador. Climate change and environmental damage afflict both countries significantly.

             I began this process by entering all of the guidelines for this project into a word document. I applied the five-point framework to each of the countries and researched information that corresponds to each. The document that I created was consistently referred to throughout this process. Google was of great assistance in acquiring websites that produce information that is essential to understanding and determining the “collapse-ibility” of the countries. I encountered websites like: U.S. Department of State and environmental organizations. The most tedious task, other than using the five-point framework, was settling on an appealing and informational layout. Other steps were to organize, form my bibliography, and incorporate pictures.

             The five-point framework was all of straightforward, difficult and perplexing. Categories (points) like: hostile neighbors and trade partners were open. I did not enjoy wrapping my research around the point framework because some of the information lacked. The process of indentifying recent, accurate sources was frustrating.

             Things I'd Change...I would address the 5 points in further depth. I made some connections to Collapse and mentioned the issues that support each category, but the paragraphs could be longer and more detailed. *The information was still adequate and well presented.

             The project was different, complex, and plenty other things. More time for completion is necessary for this project.
