E2. U3.miniproyecto aeddy
Design: 15
Knowledge: 20
Process: 15
Over all: 80
My strengths were having baby pictures because that was me before and I know what I liked back then (plus I thought they were cute pictures!). Since I know myself back then I can explain my pink princess style better than ever.
My weakness is definitely not having pictures from now and day and my vocabulary I had trouble with pearls and ruffles and sleek N shiny. If I actually had pictures that were recent I would of used them. Also I’m not too familiar with ALL of the fashion terms to use. Also it’s difficult to expand the Spanish style vocabulary but I’m going to try harder next time.
If I could do this project all over again I would probably try to take good pictures of myself to have a more recent feel to it. Also I would talk more about if I liked the outfits I was wearing and why or why not. I would probably have some quiet calm song in the back round but when I change to modern day I would put rock music on.
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