Election Day 2010
Interview with Syreeta Dukes
1. What motivated you to come out and vote?
To make a change in my community.
2.What would you like to see changed in our political system?
More funding and grants for small businesses.
3. Do you vote in every election? (How regularly do you vote?)
I try to mostly if I know the candidates and I'm familiar with them.
4. Do you know why we vote on Tuesday?
Actually, no I don't.
5. Where have you encountered the highest amount of ad campaigning?
Radio, TV, print, internet, other. I basically have seen people advertising everywhere but the most I would have to say is on TV.
6. What was the most memorable campaign ad that you have encountered?
This one on tv where Obama was talking about making a change.
7. Are you always sure of who you are going to vote for when you walk into the booth or are you still deliberating?
I basically always vote for democrat so that's how I decide. I try to make sure I know who Im picking before I vote.
8. What changes do you hope to see in Philadelphia as a result of this election?
More jobs for the youth. I would like to see more programs for women who have small businesses and more funding for recreational and community centers.
9. What impact do you feel that your vote will have on the election?
I think that my vote will have a big impact because I feel as though if I don't vote then I can't talk about what the government is not doing to help my community and I feel that every vote counts.
10. Did you learn about voting in school? No. If yes, did that impact your willingness to vote today?
When I first learned about voting I was in school, highschool around 17 or 18.
Interview with Vincent Evans
1. What motivated you to come out and vote?
The fact that every vote counts, the fact that people in the past have died fighting for the opportunity to vote, I think its extremely imperitive for us to go out and vote, and finally I wouldn’t have the right to complain about the turnout or the politician’s descisions since I didn’t go out and vote for who id prefer.
2. What would you like to see changed in our political system?
I would like to see more money spent on education but other than that impretty satisfied with the condition that the political system is in right now.
3. Do you vote in every election? (How regularly do you vote?)
I just turned 18 in july so today was my first time voting but I do plan on voting regularly at every election.
4. Do you know why we vote on Tuesday?
Yes, in the mid 18 hundreds only certain spotshad places to vote so voters had to make a long trips by horse and buggy but that trip couldn’t interfere with Sunday since that day was reserved for church and worshipping.
5. Where have you encountered the highest amount of ad campaigning?
Radio, TV, print, internet, other. Telelvision for sure, every other commercial is a campaign ad bashing another politician.
6. What was the most memorable campaign ad that you have encountered?
I change the channel whenever I see them, they annoy me.
7. Are you always sure of who you are going to vote for when you walk into the booth or are you still deliberating?
Definitely positive, I do my research prior to the event, weeks before in fact.
8. What changes do you hope to see in Philadelphia as a result of this election?
Less violence plaguing the streets, less drugs, more education, job opportunities, and more positive change overall.
9. What impact do you feel that your vote will have on the election?
Not a significant one by myself but if I can encourage a large amount of my friends to vote id feel my descision would make a ample change in politics, its all about large quantity I believe, so vote!
10. Did you learn about voting in school?If yes, did that impact your willingness to vote today?
No I didn't.
Pictures from the voting location:
My Extra Credit work
For extra credit I chalked up three squares of sidewalk close to my home with different slogans encouraging others to vote. Because the light was so bright outside and the camera that I used was the one on my laptop, the pictures didn't come out so great. Here they are:
- Other extra credit
I also chose to handout short fliers to voters outside of the school that detailed
their voting rights. I first approached this man who was standing outside doing
something similar to what I planned to do, and introduced myself telling him
what school I was from and what I was here to do. He was friendly and had no
problem letting me pass out cards. I felt awkward and a bit shy standing outside
of the school with fliers in my hand, but standing next to the guy helped
because I wasn't alone. A lot of people came into the school which surprised me
because I never knew that the people in my neighborhood were into voting. I
guess I 've always had low and bad expectations for my neighborhood because
it isn't that great. However, the voters that came out seemed nice, they all spoke
and took the fliers willingly and some of them even smiled. I met a lot of
different people from my community that I would have never met if I didn't have
to do this project. It was a good experience.
(Lady with the flier)
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