- Explain your decision making for choosing the bill.
When I choose to do my benchmark based around this bill it wasn't my first choice. I wanted to do the something based on the drinking age act. But I learned that they came from the federal high way act so then I decide to do the federal high way act of 1956.
- Why did you choose the particular presentation format?
I choose to do a comic book/ story bored because I feel as though everything looks better with pictures added to it. And people can normally learn better with pictures.
- What challenges did you overcome in completing the project?
Understanding certain terms and vocabulary when doing researching my project was a challenge. As well as trying to compress the story of the bill.
- How would you do the project differently if you had to do it over again
If I were to do it over again I would choose a different bill and do more in depth research so that i would understand it more.
- What did the research and investigation tell you about the creation process... from idea to bill to law?
My research and investigation told me that bills take forever to become laws. And that congress cant really agree on anything.
- Was the process easier or harder than you imagined based on your particular bill/law research?
It was harder because I was expecting the research part of the project to be easy.
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