Greetings My Friends;
Normally you don’t just walk up to people and start talking to them, randomly out of the blue. You need to approach and greet them before starting an all out conversation. There are multiple ways to greet somebody in the Spanish speaking language. Look through the FIRST set of flash cards and listen to the pronunciation of the words until you get the hang of it!**Starting to get the hang of it? Now lets move on to the second part of our greetings! Usually the question "How are you doing?" follows shortly after hello is said. To ask "How are you doing" or "How are you" use the phrase, "Como estas?" Study the second set of flash cards until you get the hang out it, be sure to listen to the pronunciation of each word.
**Now that you've got it, watch this video clip of two strangers talking while they wait at the bus stop!**
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