Life Hack
(Grabs controller) This game, that game, almost every game deals with hackers, lag switchers. Don’t get me started with these consoles (Looks at gaming consoles). These petty gaming consoles get hacked or shut down for a day due to their poor security system. Last year, Playstation and Xbox or known as Microsoft got shut down on christmas day. A hacking organization known as Lizard squad hack into the security system and shut the connection to play online for the day and they claimed to that this was their doing. If these companies gain so much money for their production why do they have such a poor security system? Furthermore these companies gain a portion of games created for their console.
(Faces the direction of the computer) Hacking organizations, I’m not sure if I should be fed up with them or not. Not every hacking organizations are bad. They have created code names such as Black, Gray, and White hats. Which stands for what they do, Black and White hats are the opposite of each other. Black hats are groups of hackers who hack for their personal gain, to get attention, for their personal amusement. While white hats are groups of hackers who hack for other gains, such as they may steal money but they donate it to a charity for people who need it more they're more like vigilantes. Gray hats are neutral.
Why the hacking? Aren’t games meant to be FUN!? (Exhales) Even though I may get mad because of the hackers but I can see why they hack in videogames. It’s like a hateful comment on a youtube video, and people arguing with the comment. They simply hack/cheat to get something they want. an awesome piece of gear in a game, most people do it because they lack skill the game others tend to hack because they just want to see what it’s like. Others just simply do it to piss people around the world off just like that hateful comment on youtube. But why hack? There’s other options, get carried, improve in the game, get friends to help, etc. Most people who play videogames normally get skilled at the game and enjoy the game, until they meet a group of hackers. They rage, hate the game and eventually rage quit.
(Grabs the keyboard) It’s not that difficult to hack is it? Just a number amount of codes to get into the system, and patience. Playstation and Microsoft make billions of dollars with their production, and yet they have this weak ass security system. To most hackers it’s like stealing candy from a baby. (Turns on monitor) Maybe I should try hacking, or see how it is for myself. I can’t I just can’t do it, as a rightful player as a player who gets things done the way it should I shall not fall into that path. (Turns off monitor, and pushes keyboard away) If I do this then I can’t complain so much about hackers because they’re in almost every game whether it’s console, pc, or portable console. The virtual world and reality are so different. Security system should be improved, I didn’t decide to pay this amount of money to buy this console, or game, just to experience hackers ruining the fun.
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