Literary Dynamite --- Podcast #2

Members: Tai, Wes, Waverly, Lei

Episode 2: Through the Looking Glass!

Yaa Gyasi’s 2016 historical fiction work Homegoing is a tale of two alienated Asante sisters, one who becomes enslaved and one who marries a slave trader, and the collaterally damaged generations that follow them. In following the stories of these characters, Gyasi makes visceral statements about the unbending truths of colonization, slavery, and the dehumanizing effects of these systems. In this episode of our podcast, we look at different characters and their actions through three of the main literary lenses: New-Historicist, Feminist, and Marxist. Using these lenses, we unearth connections between past and present, fictional and reality. Unfortunately, there are so many interesting characters and plot-points that we only have time to talk about a few!

Ness associates real love with the hardness of spirit (pg 71)
Ness associates plantation with Hell (pg 74)
Ness marries man named Sam, have a son named Kojo (pg 80, 83)
Sam refuses to learn English (pg 80)
Sam and Ness consummation (pg 81)
James falls in love with anti-slavery woman named Akosua, but he knows he is not able because she is “nothing from nowhere” (pg 99)
Akosua is against the Asante-Fante War (pg 98)
Failure to conceive was always the woman's fault (pg 101)
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Screen Shot 2019-01-05 at 7.05.14 PM

Comments (6)

James Klenk (Student 2019)
James Klenk

I really like the podcast but I agree with what tai said and that I felt that it was distracting in a since and also I felt it could have benefited by going over it a couple of time

Sharron Norton (Student 2019)
Sharron Norton

Their energy was very entertaining. They did well onto taking the advice of previous class when Ms. Giknis asked us to review over a podcast she picked for us to see what they did well and how can we take from that and add onto our own podcast. It was a normal conversation. Everything was good.

Sharron Norton (Student 2019)
Sharron Norton

Their energy was very entertaining. They did well onto taking the advice of previous class when Ms. Giknis asked us to review over a podcast she picked for us to see what they did well and how can we take from that and add onto our own podcast. It was a normal conversation. Everything was good.