James Klenk Public Feed
Losing yourself
Throughout life people are asked who they are. This is simple at first with people saying their name, address, and ages. As you get older and gain more responsibility your identity changes to your major in college, current or past jobs, and who you are dating. These changes, while small have a great impact on how people perceive themselves. The changes lead, to the problem that today’s society is having. Today’s society Identifies themselves as being apart of multiple systems where there is no defined stability like in relationship and employment.
When people are in a relationship they are supposed to love each other and they are supposed to date and marry someone that makes them happy. When someone has a relationship based on materialistic goods, instead of feeling, it can cause unhappiness in the relationship, which could cause a divorce. Statistics from Mckinley Irvin Family Law States there are 876,000 divorces a year. The amount of divorce there per year is affecting people psychological identity and sudden failure of the opposite spouses will change the personals ideals and point of view of themselves. The loss of am important relationship like a spouse from a divorce changes the other spouse’s point of view. They question their view of themselves as a graduate student to a husband to I am a graduate student and recently divorced. They question what they did wrong and what they could do differently and what negative effect happen in their relationship with their spouse. The break up causing them to losing their identity. When both spouses agree to the divorced there is still a a identity crisis. Both spouse have emotional damage and Identity damage.
People who are workaholic can lose their identity by fully investing their life into their work. If they fully devote their lives to a particular type of work they are more likely to have no other way to define themselves beside their work. Working hard at your job is not a bad thing. They have a higher chance of a raise, promotion, and the ability to network. It can still cause inner conflict with themselves later on in life. Jobs aren’t forever and when they retire from their jobs that they dedicated their life, what do they have? So much time of a person’s life is spent working to get a perfect job and once they get the job then the goal is to plan for retirement and to pay off student loans. They have little or no time for personal time and fun until retirement. Working in certain fields like medicine can cause a person to not have a chance to define themselves outside of work with eight to ten years in college and residency, While this could cause them to have a higher quality of life, it could also caused them to have a mental issue during like depression and anxiety with little to no outlet to let off stress. The fact that they don't have an outlet for destressing allow them to mentally have a breakdown more easily and lose themselves and who they are. So when retirement comes around they have no idea how to enjoy life because they don't know what to do because they don't really know themself.
The best way to stop people from losing one’s identity is to stop following the principles of the previous generation. Throughout history people lived and learned from the beliefs of the past generation. With each new generation there a new set of principles that are commonly shared with everyone in that generation .With having ideas for the previous generation being pushed down to the next generation in concern of relationship and jobs. Past generations has there after college experience be to meet someone and they get married and get a job and a mortgage in there early to mid 20’s. They had to take responsibility much earlier than the newer generation. While the principles changes thought out the generation the ideal stayed the same about wanting to be a good spouse and parent and being a valued member of their respective community. The difference from the two generation is a small change of the newest generation having the choice in there early adulthood. This choice caused them to be able to expression what they want in life before they have to be fully committed to a job. This is something that older generation like bosses and parents doesn’t really understand about the younger generation. These are not the only factor that caused people to lose their self-identity. In 2008 newly graduated college students found the economy in a recession. Student could not get any jobs during that time and this causing them not to know what to do with their life with no job employment in their field and. This made them not know how to fit into the world but these are factors that are man-made. We can all fix and change how we view society idea of a person self image. There identity, makes the next generation can become successful and healthy by the idea only they define their identity.
Advanced Essay #2: Keeping thoughts
As my friends and I were talking about the class reading that we had to do for Mr. Kay's class. We were talking about the main character in the book and what we thought about her. As we walked, we were talking about the character choices in the book. I was telling them that I thought that the character actions were too impulsive to make any sense. As I told them that they gave me a look of confusion and giggles. I asked what happened. And all they said was what is the character name. ¨Why her name is Dane¨” everyone laughed with the laughter filling the halls ¨ẅhat did I say, that's her name¨. ¨Her name is Dana, You know that right¨ I looked at them thinking that they're crazy because I knew that I said. ¨You said Diane you know that right¨ as I looked at them I said ¨ Ya I guess¨. I went through that day not truly know what I said wrong but I know that the reason why they didn't fully understand me was that of my speech and dyslexia. The knowledge of know that your being affected by something that you can't change about yourself. I know that I am not the only one effect by a speech in their everyday lives. The short story Mother Tongue It illustrates the struggle of a mother who is trying to live her everyday life with working, finances and raising a child, and dealing with the knowledge that she will not be fully understood and taken seriously because of her ability to speak English. “I knew from a four fact because when I was growing up, my mother’s ‘limited’ English limited my perception of her”(2). This ideal of speech impacts someone's ability of taken seriously is something that many people have to face in their everyday life with people with speech people are being less likely to be hired over other people. This practice can not only affect business body with them not hiring the best person for the job because they don't speak perfectly but instead picking people that might not be qualified and cause them to lose financially.
Cultures around the world have dictated their version of success in their society with people who ability took and speech a certain part leads them to be more successful in their society. Thru their eyes they cherry picking people that will be able to compete in the world to make them look more smart and intelligent. The Idea of only picking people that looks and sound like the part cause them to overlook smarter and brighter people because they are different. This Practice not only limits the society as a whole by not putting their best foot forward in the areas of ideas, jobs, and knowledge. But it's also limit the society in another way. Its limit people experience and culture with them suppressing there difference and accents it fixes the average way people speak. As a society, we need to think and talk about if we want this to be the process of people being accepted into a job. If as a society we are comfortable with that we need to ask why. Why are we comfortable with allowing a part of our population that percentage numbers in the double-digit not being able to be heard or taken seriously. That the real question that everyone should be asking themselves and that will people with claim different causes are more moral the ideals that anyone forms any background cannot listen be the cause of the way that they speak is something that we all need to acknowledge and do something about because for more people it´s unchangeable.
Advanced Essay #1: satisfactory
My essay
Introduction: this essay was written to show the acceptance of oneself and that the story is playing with the ideals of being told some and how you talk what was told to you. The story also plays with the Ideas of limits and if they could be reached or surpassed. Thought out the essay it is about how something that told of you affect you and how limits affect your ideals.As I walk through the hall to put my stuff away, I then went to talking to my friend from advisory. We were talking about what we were feeling, and I explained that I was upset about my easy but annoying math benchmark. As we continued to talk about the benchmark she said that she was wasn't upset about anything in life and that she was alway happy with herself. I was, of course, shocked, telling her that ¨Before SLA I went to a school where everyone was dyslexic and had ADHD and that we were told that we could not be satisfied with ourselves and that we should try to improve ourselves for the better at all time. I was taught not to be happy with myself when it come to certain aspect of myself. I know it seem crazy for a school to basically tell you that you're not good but it not, if it went your grew up being that.¨ With a shocked expression, She told me how terrible it was for my to feel that way. She said
¨Oh, are you like upset with them for doing that to you because that like tourable that they made you feel bad about yourself.¨
¨ Why should I be mad at them? If I was happy and satisfied with myself with some like reading level it won't push me to be better. If I didn't push myself to be better with my weakness I couldn't grow as a learner and an all around just better person in general.¨
¨ Just because the told you that you suck at reading and writing doesn't mean you're happy with your work and I hoped that you could be happy with your work one day. I went and looked at her with a tilt in my head to look at her eyes and said,
¨ I am usually happy with my final product work. Because when I am upset with myself gives me the ability allows my to appreciate the work that I done. it allow me to push through my perceived limit to do something that I am proud in because it something that I want to get better at.
As we get to are first class with the teacher telling use to right down in are journal about the weekend for ten minutes then to share. As we finish the table started to talk and when it was my turn I end and said ¨nothing really happen to me this weekend I just went and did homework and just practice some skill I have forgotten.¨ when I finished I saw the confusion on there face so I went and tried to expand. ¨I went and practice spelling and typing, I don't really like it but my parents made me type the dialogue that was said on the t.v.¨
¨It can't be that bad it's just like one of two episodes of a 30 minute show.¨
¨ It was 3 season of Grey's Anatomy, do you know how many episodes is in this season. Over 60 episodes.¨
As we finished talking and finished the warm up we sat there doing the classwork. As we talked about the problem as a group as we looked at the equation x=2+3/2 -2/454 10+5 we looked at the word problem that went went with the equation. As we talk the problem made less and less sense with the problem asking about the perpendicular slope plus 22. As we work on solving the rigorous problem one of the group member said ¨I can't do it, the problem make no sense and that it was set up for us to fail.¨
¨this problem is solvable it just we need to work more on it¨
¨ No it's not my thing and that i just can´t¨
¨ well even tho math isn't your thing doesn't mean you can't be better at it and that you even tho you don like the math you still have to do it.¨
As she rolled her eyes and pulled out her phone we gave each other the look getting yourself ready to help her push through her barriers but also know that she was probably not ready to get help that she would need and the group future needs. I went and stood at her and said ¨I know you won't like practicing math, everyone in this room can relate by you are apart of this benchmark group and we need you to reach your potential and we're here to help you with it.¨
The Truth about the evil leader
When people think of leaders, they imagine fearless and caring people who strive to better the lives of everyone they watch over. In society, being an effective leader is solving conflicts while still doing the most for your people. William Golding shows the ideal leader in Lord Of The Flies in the form of Ralph, who embodies the characteristics of an effective leader. While he was elected leader he slowly loses how over the kids on the island and that they stopped following him and turn to someone that they felt that was better. As the book is presented in the eyes of the perfective of ralph’s side and that he we say thought the conversation with Piggie showed that he believes that jack is bad even when he went and organized the boys on the island and making everything run smoothly. Like most leader Why are some of the most effective leader are considered evil?
The boys went and had a meeting with each other to bring order to the group and to get people to work together. During the meeting, one of the youngest children on the island told the kids that he had seen a snake monster. Piggie, Jack, and Ralph tried to calm him down. Piggy and Ralph tried to say that it just didn't exist and yelled at him while Jack tried to settle his fear by saying that it doesn't exist and if it did they would hunt it down. "’Ralph's right of course. There use, the snake-thing. But if there was a snake we'd hunt it and kill it’”(36). The book tries to put the moral dilemma that it the book present Jack as the bad guy and as a person who doesn't care about anyone else and that Ralph and Piggy are the good people and that people will follow them, but before the quotation Piggy and Ralph were yelling at the little kid, saying that the monster does not exist "'He says he saw the beastie, the Snake thing, and will it come back tonight?' 'But there isn't a beastie!'". This reaction was not from Jack, who we are told is a bad person; it was Ralph and piggy yelling at a frightened kid who thinks he saw a creature that could kill him. On the other hand, Jack calmed down the little ones fear by agreeing with Ralph but also telling the little one that if they ever see the monster that they will kill it. This reaction cause the the little one to calm down from his fear from the monster and also it calmed down the other smaller boys who were afraid of the monster. While the boys went and and appoint Ralph as their leader because he had plan but this seen anthesis why people are willing to follow Jack, while people will call jack bad and evil as a little kid you are going to be afraid of someone that is yelling at you instead of someone that isn't yelling.
During the Cultural Revolution in China, the leader Mao Zedong started to change the structure of the Chinese government into a Communist government. Throughout his leadership he helped cause cultural change by forcing his people to get rid of things from the ancient world, because he did this taking away his country heritage to bring China into the 20th century. While he was considered to be terrible for getting rid of chinese history and the willingness to allow some of his citizen to die to allow himself to transformed China from a third world country to a manufacturing, electronic and agricultural powerhouse. Jack in the book goes thought the same situation and that thought out the book he went and use the basic need of food and salfy to take power over Ralph. While the boys on the island killed and that the death of Simon was blamed on Jack because they were doing their ritual and Jack was leading to get the boys excited for hunting the beast and when Simon comes out of the woods stumbling, hunched over, and looking like the dead pilot who they thought was the beast. While ralph believes that its jack felt that simon died but he forgot that all of the boys attacked and killed simion without know it was him. While this does not excused his from his punishment that he does to the other boys but Ralph never knew about the punishment later in the book and so Ralph ralfe anger and fear of Jack is from his his ability to rally the kids and make the follow order better than he can.
Thought out the book Lord of the flies there is a power struggle between Jack and Ralph witch cause the boy on the island to take side on what leader they believe in. Looking through the eyes of the character that are not named in the book you can see that Jack ability to use people fear and the ability lead over power Raph long term thinking because Jack allowed the boys to feel safe living on the island under Jack because he can calm or enhance their fear, while Ralph is trying to get off the island and trying to plan for the staying on the island he could not calm the boys fear of the beast and to take good leadership over the boys. While the leadership on the island is trembling at best in the real world leadership mirror the leadership and that thought out the world there are leader at are are put in hard situation that when they have to make the hard call. This becomes problematic when people who disagree with the action of the leader start labeling the leader as bad, evil, and unqualified just because they did not like one or two action that the leader had to do instead instead of look at the leader as whole because people only really remember the bad what people do instead of the good.
Work cited:
"Mao Zedong Biography." Notable Biographies. Notable Biographies, n.d. Web. <http://www.notablebiographies.com/Lo-Ma/Mao-Zedong.html>.
Golding, William. Lord of the flies. Place of publication not identified: Hodder Education, 2016. Print.
Fishtown es un uo y concediendo parte de philly y que sobre el pasado para la gente del año estaban siendo tasados fuera de allí casa y apartamento y tienda se construyeron allí en el lugar de viejas casas de ladrillo e historia. Esta ciudad de pescado ha conseguido un montón de jóvenes que están en o granulado de la universidad y están animando en el apartamento. A través del uso de los jóvenes se están construyendo más murales en el barrio. Estos mural muestran el espacio de dos viejos cuties en la forma en que las personas blancas y la gente de fishtown cultura.
Es para mostrar el significado de los septos y cómo trae la cultura diferente togetter y debido a la línea de la calle del tablero y el mercado franfordline. Este mural traerá luz a algo que mucha gente aprovecha y que está a punto de hablar con diferentes personas.
Para el mural van a haber cinco manos de niños y van a venir a jugar signo de secta y estarán bastante cerca del chico loestán con inspiración a su alrededor y Kensington High School está justo debajo del EL y así iba Basado en ellos y que ayudará a la importancia de los septos y mostrar que no diversidad podría no suceder si el no estaba allí.
Me siento como que esto es no sólo dar más serpect para scepta con todo lo que han hecho a la ciudad, sino también se mostrará qué septa hizo para traer diversidad a la ciudad y también lo que ha hecho para impove la ciudad para mejor.
E2 U3 Proyecto
Una Oda a Venustiano Carranza
Una Oda a Venustiano Carranza
El inteligente, él era un valiente, y es sabio
Cuando te veo, pienso en un presidente
Me haces intrigado
Eres la revolución mexicana
berks stations
Transpass Mishap
Stop! Stop! Oh My God thank you I thought I would have to wait another hour. (swipes transpass)
My transpass, I already swiped it!
I am telling you the truth the transpass has been swiped you can even ask the people behind you.
It doesn't matter there is no one behind me, I swiped it.
No I am not being loud I am just telling you the truth! Here, I will even show it to you. (goes through her pocket )
Here you see there’s my transpass.
What do you mean, swipe it? I already did. (swipes transpass)
You see, it won't work, because I already swiped it. I just need to get to the other side of the city
What do you mean I am getting too loud¨!
No I am not on any drugs! Why does everyone think that just because I am me I am on drugs!
It’s not my fault you don't believe me.
Why do I need to get off the bus?
If you felt you were falling behind then you should have already started to move.
Why are you calling the cops? I am doing nothing wrong!
I am not holding up the Bus, you are!
No I am not disturbing the peace.
Why are you trying to blame me for your unwillingness to let me on the bus.
I am trying to get to my brother's school, so I can pick him up.
Because I am the only one that can pick him up after school
You know I swiped my transpass and you saw me can you please let me pick up my brother
No that’s not true and I can't believe you think that is ok to say to me at my age.
No I didn't drop out of school, I have a backpack right here.
No I am not carrying drugs. I am just trying to pick up my brother.
No you can't check my bag.
Get off of my bag!
Can you please let me on the bus
I am not hiding anything I am just trying to get on the bus
What do you mean it’s filled to capacity, half of the bus is empty
Why don't you want me on the bus
No, that can't be the reason because half of the bus is empty. Is it because of my hijab?
How am I making the passengers feel uncomfortable? Is it because I called you out on not letting me on the bus because of my religion and that you feel uncomfortable with someone with a hijab on the bus? If you aren’t being racist, give me a good reason right now before I call your boss and get you fired.
Oh My God Did you just say I could have been a threat to the other passengers. Ok how could I hurt the passengers? (start pulling out a book) Am I going to hurt them with reading out loud from a history textbook or am I going to hurt them with a math problem?
What! You think I am going to stab people with a pencil and give them lead poisoning!?
Yes I can wait for the cops to come and arrest you for what you are saying to me.
You are an adult accusing me! A teenage for being a terrorist! You are crazy and delusional.
Look who’s here. Officer this man won't let me on the bus because of my Hijab.
What? What are you doing? What, why do I have to leave the Bus?
Let me go! Get off of me!
Help! Help!
No I am not, (sobbing) I’m not resisting arrest
Stop! No! Dont Hit Me!
Emulate your Author BM - James Klenk
Modern age
One day during the 7 grade, I was in class with one of my friends, who was sitting next to me. We were getting bored, we were finished all of our class work about a half an hour earlier than everyone else. He pulled up a new article so that we can stay in touch with current event and so I wanted to look smarter than him so I went and looked up new article. After we started to read some story he read into a story to make him laugh and he showed it to me. Epic Apple Pie Revenge. I gave his a look of disbelief from just reading the title told me to wait until i read the rest of the attic. As I continued reading the article it talked about how a guy who was waiting in line in a burger king was getting annoyed by a m=woman and her child because the kid was loud. As the article goes on he said that he went and bought all of the apple pie in the store because of the fact that the woman-child expressed wanting apple pies and when the woman found out she start to go to him angrily before being stopped from the loud line. When I finish reading I looked at him in a shocked and surprised fact saying “how could anyone do that or offered that.”, He looked at me laughing like I have my face painted by a toddler. As he laughed he said that the mother and kid got what they decided for making to much noise. I looked at him trying to hold in my laughter saying “did you forget that this takes place in a burger king and not the a restaurant they were trying to get fast food and the articlel is only one sided.” as he looked over at me we could see that the both of us really don’t care anymore and so we drop the subject. A week and a half later my school gave us the a new bully policy this year they add on two knew things about respecting each other believes and also to try not to cause anger that could lead to yelling and violence. My friend looked at confusedly saying “Why would they add in the last part about do not do thing that could lead to yelling and violence, not like the article that we read a while ago about the guy buying all of the apple pies in burger king was pulling the mother and child.” “Why would you say that, based on the new paper it would be concluded it bullying because at the at the end of the article it said the woman was going after the man before being stopped because of the long line so you could say that she was going to yell or hit him.” I said looking at his confusedly because of his confusion. “Well we don’t know because the story ended and so we don’t know what is going to happen.” as he was talking he was pulling the definition of bullying on webster. I looked at the definition when he pulled up the definition and I looked at him saying. “Well the is only taking in account because of the fact the it only apply to the stereotypical type of bullying and not taking in account the internet and modern bullies.” as I spoke I could see the confusion on his face. “Well there is no modern bully bullying being mean to people” “No bullying is more than just being mean to people and I know that now in days people are using it more loosely but you can say bullying has not changed just look at the article that we read he is clear that he is being mean to a mother that we can only assume that is a working mother and was taking her kid to get fast food,” I said. “Well you are just assuming a lot it and not looking at what the story said” he said boldly. “You have to assume because for the fact that this store is one sided but you have to admit that bullying has changed for kid beating up other kids for lunch money to People people being jerks for other people for a laugh or being mean to other people because of they lifestyle.”
E1 U5 mí la vida
Cuatro generación amarecono
Cuatro generación en filadelfia
Filadelfia está en mi sangre
escuela publica nunca supe
Soy completa
Mi casa es yo
Soy completa
el pasatiempo es yo
madre amarilla olor room
de pasta y salsa en los cocina
con el sonido del padre viendo fútbol
Soy completa
Mi casa es yo
Soy completa
el pasatiempo es yo
el deporte es mi vida y último disco volador
es mala y el fútbol es bueno mi deporte es
larga y jugar juegos de mí es ,
pero no todo de mí
Soy completa
Mi casa es yo
Soy completa
el pasatiempo es yo
mamá y papá ocupado trabajando y momento con
diamante en el papel
Valiete y liel,
Bijo, delgado y timibo
Soy todos los días confundido más de futuro.
Soy poderoso en todos los días más de gente
Soy perezoso y trabajadoro y serio
Odio escribir y descansar
me gusta correr
y nadar