Lobbying BlogPost #3

After school programs are being shut down and closed because of budget cuts to schools and school districts around the country forcing children to seclude themselves from active play and stay inside. There have been many movements around the country to reverse this trend of physical play being boring and something of the past with help from programs like play60 which is involved with the NFL and has been directly been given help by Michele Obama and Jill Biden who have made progress in getting more and more school districts across the country involved in getting these programs back up and running so that more and more children can have access to outdoor spaces and places to play rather than being inside; this also correlates to mrs. Obamas idea of having a healthier America and a America without obesity

My issue still stays at the idea of sports and after school programs in general being cut to save money for the school and how these programs are crucial in getting and keeping kids active but also keeping children from getting in trouble outside of school. At this point I would have to directly speak with people involved in programs like play60 and other organizations that are around and trying to get these programs back but also trying to address the issue of children being active and staying active. I wanted to directly focus on schools in communities where there isn't much happening outside or around the school because in more developed neighborhoods you don't see these programs being cut because the community and the area is doing fine itself particularly the school system but by looking at school systems in lets say small communities or Philadelphia for example because of all the budget cuts we can see and address the problem directly.

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