Lobbying Post #1.

I am lobbying to change the way the process of restraining orders are handled and who has access and rights to them. The motivation behind this comes from a personal experience of not only being stalked but threatened and being overwhelmed with just wanting freedom and peace from the situation. However Iw as told I couldn't do anything about it and that a restraining order was not available for my situation.The main supporters of my Idea so far are only other citizens who have gone through a similar situation.The main opponents of the idea are basically everyone who issues them and is comfortable with the law of restraining orders.From researching I have yet to  find any pending legislation on this topic or issue . I would love to see a piece of legislation declaring that If someone has been threatened or stalked and  can prove so they should have legal freedom from having to see or deal with the person . For example if the person is following  you and you can prove it , then go to the police the person should suffer sentencing or if anything a fine.
