Matt Ferry #ilovephilly
Neighborhood: Boathouse Row to East Falls
About Me: Student, Runner, Avid-Reader, and Donutslinger @ Federal Donuts
Years in Philly: 18 years strong
Current Home: Center City
Dear Kelly Drive,
It is difficult for me to display my admiration for you in words, because for so long I have done so through a different medium. Sitting here as I struggle to write this, I find my mind slowly drifting to when we were first introduced to one another. Treading your trails one cold winter day, I was not quite sure what I had gotten myself into. I was told to turn around once I saw the Three Angles. I was confused. Was that a Charlie's Angels reference? To the right of the Schuylkill River I found three pillars with one angel statue on top of each of them. That day I learned that Three Angels were the landmark adjacent to Fountain Green Drive.
Trekking your trails more often, I began to notice even more about you. I noticed the fish hidden in the trees, only observable from Boathouse Row. I saw the house on top of the hill next to the road, just a little after Columbus Bridge. I even noticed the discreetly hidden Strawberry Mansion Bridge stairs.
I do not remember when exactly, but a point came when I began to understand myself through your trails. I found peace in hearing the pitter-patter of my feet against your roads. I learned what my limits were, and how to overcome them. Through patients and perseverance, I learned that no matter how formidable an obstacle may seem that it is conquerable.
Thank you for exposing me to running.
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