Media Fluency
Hello my name Kayla Cassumba and I am in Mrs. Hull 9th grade Technology class.For this slide we had to implement lessons we learned on Presentation Zen on not only how to advertise but how we can make engaging slides. While working on my slide, I touched basis on a couple of designing principles. I tried to focus on the 8 concepts on the “ Presentation Zen” article. First, I wanted it to be eye-catching, making sure your mind goes on this image journey with me. I also played around with the font and font size. The text needed to be simple, yet large and legible. I also used a couple contrast rules. I used black and white even though different articles suggested not to. However Mrs. Hull always says, “You have to know the rules to break the rules.” And that is exactly what I did. I tried to ensure that the font did not clash with the actual image by keeping it simple and to the point.
Hello, this is my new and improved presentation slide! Through the critiques of others , a lot of valuable information was gained. The first thing that needed to be addressed was the font. After viewing my slide a couple more times I noticed that the two fonts clashed, so instead I made it one specific font for both words. I changed the color of the font to add contrast. For “fast” it was now a dark gray to resemble the light streaks, without hurting your eyes. “Life” was colored orange and moved closer to the word “fast”. This made the reader concentrate on the words written. I wanted the reader to read the words from left-to-right so I put an effect that has the words moving into the background which is appealing to the eye. Then I adjusted the alignment as well. I increased the size of the font to make the point get across in a matter of 3 seconds, just like a billboard. Last, deleted my name from the top right corner because it was just unnecessary.
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