My Daily Routine By: Morgan Taylor

For this project we had to describe our daily routine by showing a video and explaining in spanish
I learned how to use imovie better and I also had a lot of fun making this project.
This project helped me with my fluent speaking and pronunciation of words as well as the conjugation of verbs.
Inquiry- We are asked to describe our daily routine. I had to ask myself exactly what I d almost every day and how I was going to present that in a short 3 minutes.
Research- I had to find different words like agarrar mi cosas which means grab my things and how to find different verbs and conjugate them to mean different things.
Collaboration- I worked with my peers so that I can make my project better they peer edited my work and I perr edited theirs.
Presentation- I made an interesting imovie with clips of what I do in my daily life, although I did not add my extra curriculars I think it captures what I mainly do. I also added sub titles to explain exactly what I was doing just in case you couldn't tell.
Reflection- I would try to add more about what I do at school and with my friends. Every day I have a different schedule and I go a lot of places and maybe next time I will add that to my project.

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