Payton's Phosphorous Print
Hello, my name is Payton McQuilkin. I go to Science Leadership Academy High School. One of my classes I take is art, in this class we went through a printmaking project. We connected this project with biochem by making a periodic table. We were each given a element and had to make a creative design. I was given Phosphorous, atomic number- 15. Phosphorus was the first to have a history on how it was discovered. You can find phosphorus in the tip of a match, also in fireworks. The process we did was: we made a design, then we traced it on tracing paper, after traced that on a plate, then after we made the trace on the plate we rolled color paint on the plate and printed the finals out. I would probably trace better if I did this again. I enjoyed rolled the color on my print and printing it. I t was exciting and I enjoyed it a lot.
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