Post# 3 Hablando Sobre España
Conversation Question:¿Como es vida es España?
Pre-Conversation: This time, I actually made some questions to ask:
Que quieres ser en el futuro?
This time I'm doing a voice call, so I'm kind of nervous.
AT the same time, I'm very excited to text out my listening skills!
Post Conversation:
So we spoke for over an 1 and a half. I'm superrrr proud. Here are some things that I found our about life in Spain:
-Graduation in high school is seen as this HUGE party, in America
Pre-Conversation: This time, I actually made some questions to ask:
Que quieres ser en el futuro?
Que te gusta hacer?
Como es tu familia?
Como es vida en spain?
Quien te admiras?This time I'm doing a voice call, so I'm kind of nervous.
AT the same time, I'm very excited to text out my listening skills!
Post Conversation:
So we spoke for over an 1 and a half. I'm superrrr proud. Here are some things that I found our about life in Spain:
-In Spain, they think that every house it america has a gun O.O
- "To me soccer sucks"- Emilio
-If you don't play soccer and you're a man, they say "you're gay"
-There, they mainly play a lot of soccer, and maybe some basketball'
"pero, que coño" <- "wtf"
"que tal tio" - what's up dude?
-Graduation in high school is seen as this HUGE party, in America
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