Printmaking Blog - Yasir Thomas
My element is titanium and the atomic number is 22. It was named titanium after a titan from greek mythology because it’s strong. Now it is mainly used to make aircraft, spacecraft, and missiles because of how strong and dense it is. I chose to do an airplane because it’s made out of titanium. At first I wanted to do a cool airplane until I realized how difficult it was to draw. So then I stuck with a regular one that only shows the front view of an airplane. To make this print I made numerous amount of sketches until I found one that was the best that I could do. Then, I traced the sketch onto tracing paper then put it on the foam. If I had to do this project over again I would chose something that would resemble how strong titanium is instead of doing a plain airplane. The part of the project that I enjoyed the most was finishing and turning in the art because I would worry about how good it was until I realized I did the best I could.
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