
  • (Link to video)

    My partner and I chose this topic because it was something that caught both of our attention. We both love art and believe that censored art is something that has a deep meaning. I really liked that we could be creative with our projects. I felt as though we could go anywhere with it and expres ourselves. The one challenging thing was trying to tie it all in together. The most interesting thing that we investigated was "Piss Christ" because learning about it's background was very challenging because many people find it sacreligious. This project could have had more time put into it. The one place we ran into trouble was trying to upload it. On thing that went well with this project was gathering the information. If I had to do something over I would pick a different topic because it was hard to find things to speak about. I learned that many things in our world are looked down upon but have a deep meaning and people don't seem to be ready for it.
