Reflection Of Media Fluency

Copy of ME Magazine Billboard (1)

This was a far cry from the strenuous side of the spectrum but in the end, I took away more than I had expected.

I learned that there is a proper way of creating a visual display that not only your audience will digest but you as well will be pleased with when it is completed. Balance is important when creating a billboard. You must be careful not to clutter your space at the risk of losing your audience’s interest. Patterns are welcome, as well as bold text to draw the viewers’ eye to a specific region on the board in order to bring notice to the point that you are trying to convey. Going into this project, I knew very little of these tips and tricks, however, reflecting on the piece I can say that these are ideas that I will use in future projects.

As you can see, or barely, I have made changes. Due to the peer review I’ve received pointers on how to correct the imperfections of my slide but there were only a few that I absolutely needed to change. Those being the type of font of my surname and the alignment of the center cluster of media. Because it was merely impossible to depict the word just by glance as I would have liked, I felt it appropriate to change it to a slight wider font. As for the symbols, for the audience to be able to notice the symbols’ entirety, I moved them up about an inch away from the dim mountains that filled the background.

Research was the most important factor in creating the picture that you see above. There would not have been a finished product had there not been research done before hand. Prior to the design part of the project, Ms.Hull required green stream to research elements of design and vocabulary on various websites and also watch videos that could prepare us for the hands-on element. I thank my obedience in the long run because now I am able to take away more than I bargained for, for the benefit of myself in the projects like this one to come.

Comments (5)

Jeremiah Butler (Student 2020)
Jeremiah Butler

Your slide was really intriguing it releases a lot of travel through the slide, very important. This is good because it means I'm not lost in what you're trying to provide, which is important to have.

Mariel Bonet-Lopez (Student 2020)
Mariel Bonet-Lopez

Your slide looks much more proficient now because you made the background kind of faded, so it gives more of a chill vibe to match. It was a smart choice because it also made the symbols more easy to see.