Shaina Keenan Q2 Media Fluency Slide

Shaina Keenan, Slide #1
Hi, I am Shaina Keenan. To begin with, I utilized my own photography to make my slide visually appealing. Next, the point of my slide is to present one of the many parts of my life, taking pictures. I used my quote from my Me Magazine, because it is short, sweet, and gets the point across to the audience. For example, I love to capture small things such as flowers, because they are simple yet beautiful things that we all walk by everyday. As Presentation Zen suggested, I was not a wimp about the size of my font; I did not make it too big or too small. For my contrast segment, I chose the classic black and white theme, with hints of pale blue and gray; I really wanted the pictures to stand out. Furthermore, I did not want the placement of the pictures to JUST be side by side or perfectly centered on the slide; that is BORING. Therefore, I made the decision to have the pictures bleed over the bottom and side, a little. Lastly, as one of my final decisions that I made about the slide design is the information that it would consist, along with the space it would take up. I did not want too much empty space, so I made the font and picture sizes larger. Also, it allows the information to pop, and the slide to not be to boring or empty. 
Shaina Keenan, Re-Slide
         As a second part to our Quarter Two Media Fluency slide, we were to create a second slide based off of our feedback from the presentation. I learned a lot of new vocabulary from Presentation Zen and my fellow classmates. I learned such things contrast, rule of thirds, and more. This new information and vocabulary has led me to reviewing and critiquing other billboards and advertisements. 


 Based on the feedback from my classmates and Technology teacher I have ended with one final product. I received a little amount of feedback, but it was very helpful. Ella and Ameena commented that I should change the positioning of my quote. Also, I was told the colors, and choice to bleed were strong and good. Therefore, I changed the positioning of my quote, and just removed my name and the quotations. I did not touch any colors or any of the pictures! Along with the vocabulary, I learned that your peers can truly support you to help you produce a better product, and become a stronger student.

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