
In 2006, relations between Iran and the U.S. were tense. The Bush administration considered Iran's nuclear program a growing threat that had to be dealt with, but did not consider military intervention an option. To intervene silently, the NSA and a secret Israeli agency created Stuxnet, a virus that would stealthily sabotage the computers controlling Iran's nuclear centrifuges.

Comments (4)

Aaron Block (Student 2016)
Aaron Block


Your little infographic was incredibly informative and interesting. I was more drawn to the text then the graphics but the information provided was so interesting that it didn't matter so much.

Miles Cruice-Barnett (Student 2016)
Miles Cruice-Barnett

I really like this infographic. It is very visually appealing while informative. The color scheme works well, although there is the one chart that is blue and yellow that does not go with anything else. Good job.