The color Purple- Episode 2- Mindy, Aysha, Alan, Autumn, and Sharron
The Purple Table Talk The names of the group members Aysha Siddiquee, Mindy Saw, Autumn, Sharron Norton, and Alan Chen
Episode 2- Purple Table Talk 2
In this episode of Alice Walker’s The Color Purple we were focused on shedding light on Nettie’s journey and the way that comes about and the changes that were made throughout the beginning and how it comes about especially the way that through her journey the different lenses especially the feminist lens. We dived into the Marxist and Historical to discuss the impact of setting on Nettie especially.
A list of the evidence used (with page numbers) for listeners to locate as desired ( Pg. 121, 170, 179 ) - the letters from Nettie to Celie.
179- Shug’s encounters with Albert explained
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