The US Patriot Act

I chose to pick the Patriot Act for the prior knowledge that I had of it from a paper written on it in 8th grade. I love talkng about 9/11 and honoring the people who have fallen.

​ In my opinion, this law was pass relatively fast and could have received a little more revision. This bill was pass in the nation most weakest point in it history, and the government need to strengthen their securities. Some of the paranoia of this attack and the creation of this law has cause a serious racial profiling issue for every muslim and/or of Arabic culture american problems. I think the government should look over this laws now and modernize and update it.

My decision for choosing this bil is before the project I was becoming interested in learning more about The Patriot Act. I had learned about it back in 9th grade for a brief time and we talked about how it became a law. I picked to make a video because  Some of the challenges I had faced was trying to make a interesting video and not packing it full of words and paragraphs. I also had difficulties making the background music for the video in garage band. I would make it better, honestly I think I could have done better. I had all the information but put it poorly in the presentation. The creation process of this law was  fast and not well thought out to me after researching it. The was not harder than the story of the bill on school house rock. It was easy in my opinion.
