Musical Instrument Blog #2

My instrument, a simplified "Hammered Dulcimer":
The instrument is played by hitting strings with a small metal mallet. When the mallet hits the string, it causes the string to vibrate. This vibration sets off a wave in the air molecules - a sound wave. The different strings of the instrument produce different waves, and therefore different pitches. For example, a more tightly pulled string will produce a higher frequency wave, which results in a higher pitch. Important physical characteristics of the instrument include something to tune the strings with, so that I can make sure they produce the right wave frequency. Another important characteristic is the mallet, because that is what causes the strings to vibrate. I think that I need to have some kind of base that will make the sound more audible, but I'm not sure how. Maybe something like a guitar – a hollow wooden construction. I'm not sure. I'm not sure what kind of material is best to use for the strings, but I think I'll use a spool of "string wire". I'll need wood for the base of the instrument and also a stick of wood for the handle of the mallet. I'll need some metal for the head of the mallet. I kind of want to try to use bridges as well, but I'm not sure how those work. I need to do a bit more research into that topic.

Day one

January 22 2014
My name Isn't important, everyone calls me blaze, even before all of this...maybe I should start at the begining, I had a wife, and kids, like everyone else...all eleven of us. I was a police officer, and I loved my life...but now its all over. They say its the end of the world, but all I care about is killing now. They took everything from me. being the only police officer in the group of survivers though makes me in a leader position, I had to train these men, and I have to make sure tey live. Its bullshit, I want to fight, I want to kill. but for now I'm just a diplomat. My name is Blaze, and this is my zombie Apocalypse journal day one

27/05/11 E1 U9 AHORITA

1. Prueba de ortografía. (spelling test)

2. Di (Say) si la frase es lógico o ilógico.

  • Hay una estufa en la ducha. ilógico
  • Hay dos carros en la nevera.
  • La casa tiene 2 pisos.
  • La casa tiene un jardín con flores bonitas y árboles altos.
  • La casa está cerca del centro comercial.
  • En la casa hay una sala con una cama grande.
  • En el sótano hay un ático.
  • En el carro no hay ventanas.
  • Hay un espejo en el lavamanos.

Extra Credit Assignment

For the 1st quarter our benchmark for statistics was to calculate the consumer price index for different grocery stores. The Consumer Price Index is a measure of the average change over time in the prices paid by urban consumers for a market basket of consumer goods and services. It measures changes through time in the price level of consumer goods and services purchased by households.


 We worked in groups of three to collect prices of different grocery store items. My group investigated Shop Rite, Acme, and Fresh Grocer. We collected prices on items like bottled water, cereal, ice cream, bread, and chips. We used statistics by calculating the mean prices for each item in each store. After we got the mean we calculated the five number summary and IQR’s for the items. We displayed our information on box plots and histograms. We calculated this information for all three grocery stores.


This benchmark helped me better understand grocery store prices. It helped me choose which store was more beneficial to shop at when it comes to saving. I learned that all stores are not the same. Sometimes prices differ because of the brands of food or just because of where it is sold. I noticed that the same items that were sold at Acme and Shop rite were considerably lower than the items sold at the Fresh Grocer. We connected this to the neighborhood the Fresh Grocer was in. Stores in wealthy neighborhood tend to have higher prices.


How it connected to the core values:


·      Inquiry: Are question was to find the consumer price index of different grocery stores.

·      Research: We each went out to different stores to collect prices of different items.

·      Collaboration: We worked in a group of three.

·      Presentation: We presented our findings to the class in a keynote

·      Reflection: We included reflection questions in our presentation to show what we learned from the project. 

Embryo's Gift To Mankind

New stem cell research might lead to more cloning experiments especially after the breakthrough with Dolly the sheep. Also stem cell research is leading to curing many diseases. Many experiments they do on animals have showed superb results that will soon be taken to the human stage to see if those experiments show good results also. They have been doing experiments on many animals but sheep and rats show the best results because they are cloning sheep and curing many diseases that the rats have. They are also finding many other sources to find stem cells. The best to use are embryonic stem cells but they are finding ways too get stem cells out of adult humans/animals. 


In this diagram you can see that the have used stem cell research on rats to stop heart failure. 

Resources -

Embryo's Gift To Mankind #2

New stem cell research might lead to more cloning experiments especially after the breakthrough with Dolly the sheep. Also stem cell research is leading to curing many diseases. Many experiments they do on animals have showed superb results that will soon be taken to the human stage to see if those experiments show good results also. They have been doing experiments on many animals but sheep and rats show the best results because they are cloning sheep and curing many diseases that the rats have.


In this diagram you can see that the have used stem cell research on rats to stop heart failure. 

Resources -

Human Trafficking/Prostitution

Human trafficking is the crime of forcefully recruiting,transferring, and exploiting a human for sexual exploitation and labor. In modern day, thousands of men and women and children are at risk of human trafficking. Human trafficking has been going on for hundreds of years.Victorian Women had limited options available and found prostitution the only way to support themselves. 

Some women were forced into the countries poor leaving their selves to turn to prostitution to survive.
They usually became prostitutes because they were illiterate, poor and from broken families. They suffered from economic poverty, lack of education and social disgrace. In older times, human trafficking or prostitution was a way of supporting one self. Over time, prostitution has changed terms but focused on the main ones.

Even though human trafficking isn't likely to effect me, prostitution seems to be. I know that I will not get into that as an occupation, but that type of industry can influence me to lower certain standards of mine. I am against this crime because I think that its a bad look for the world. 

Musical Instrument Blog

I am making a bass guitar it is played most of the time using the fingers,but a pick could also be used if the person so choose.The tension on the strings produce a note and you are able to change the note thought pressing on the fret bored at different points.The waves it produces is sound wave that most of the time have a deep undertone.

The Franklin Institute Board of Trustees Honors SLA Seniors

As part of the on-going and vital partnership between the Science Leadership Academy and The Franklin Institute, The Franklin Institute Board of Trustees have announced winners of The Franklin Institute Board of Trustees scholarship. The students will receive a $5,000 scholarship for their first year of college renewable for the second year. The competition for the scholarship was very strong this year, and we at SLA are proud of all who applied.

The winners are:
  • David Buckholz
  • Aidan Jamison-Frank
  • Sky Kalfus
  • Taylor Valentine
  • Maya Wright

Dominque Miller's Capstone

For my capstone, I decided to teach a debate class, at a K-8th grade school named Folk Arts Cultural Treasures. It required a lot of work including lesson plans, proposals, and many other things. I have provided the link to all the work I have done throughout the year. During my presentation I will a binder with all of these documents as well.

Link to Work.

Musical Instrument Blog #1

I watched a man play the piano the other day. It was one of the most amazing things I’ve ever heard. The man pressed the keys in order to produce a wonderful sound from the piano. With every stroke of the keys a different note was struck, becoming lighter and deeper as he moves along the piano keys. From the look of piano, I’d say the shape of it has a lot to do with the quality of sound and pitch of the notes produced by the piano. I think from the way the keys hit the stings it tells whether or not the pitch is high or low. I think if I design an instrument to mimic the way the keys hit the stings I’ll get the same tone and notes.  I know that sound travels in compressional  waves, this means that the vibrations of the strings are so fast that its able to travel so far and be so loud.

Extra Credit Assignment

Quarter 4 Benchmark: Study Guide
"Favorite project​" 


During my senior year in statistics the most memorable benchmark was the last one, which was the study guide. This benchmark is my most favorites due to the fact that it’ll help me in the following year with the endeavors that I’ll be taking on. They study guide applies past math courses to my future thus ultimately helping me and creating a guide throughout the class Math 101.  Since the class entails statistics the math in the guide was based off of stats and the combination of some algebra.  The statistics part consist of the following Probability & Simulations, Chi –Squared, Real number, Logic, Equations, Correlation & Causation, Bi-variate Data and Observational Studies.  I learned various tolls that I once did not comprehend such as the correlation and causation. Once introduced to this term I was still unsure what this actually meant until practice questions and mini quiz I found that Correlation is like domino affect one thing has to affect another to have a correlation or relationship. In having to do the benchmark and applying what I know all comes back to the core values SLA set up inquiry, research, collaboration, presentation and reflection.  I researched my future college and what course I’d be taking and what concepts I’d need to grasp in order to make my study guide. Collaborated with my peers to exchange some ideas to help my Q4B with the math tools needed for representation. Presentation I did I n a regular word doc instead of any other applications because I wanted the raw math to be displayed instead of a picture with some fragments a clear explanation was needed. Reflection was overall me just looking at my work with some feedback in my meeting with Thompson and actually looking over what I’ve done thoughtfully in my high school career.

Semaj's Instrumental Blog Post #2

To remind you of what we talked about in my last blog, I chose to build a guitar of my own for my physics project. In this blog post I will talk to you about the sound vibrations, pitch and the materials I will need to use to build my instrument. 

Sound from a guitar is produced by plucking or strumming the strings which are all different sizes to my understanding there are six strings on guitar and each strong makes a different sound while holding your finger down on different sections of the neck. When you pluck or strum the strings the strings vibrate from where your finger is on the neck down to the end of the body of the guitar.

To change the pitch of my instrument I will have to adjust the machine heads also known as the tuners, I would have to turn these tuners to the left or the right in order to get a high or low pitch. There are many parts to a guitar but I think the important physical characteristics would have to be 16 out of the 20 parts of the guitar.

  1. Headstock
  2. Nut
  3. Machine heads (or pegheads, tuning keys, tuning machines, tuners)
  4. Frets
  5. Truss rod
  6. Inlays
  7. Neck
  8. 8.     Body
  9. 9.     Pickups
  10. 10.   Electronics
  11. 11.   Bridge
  12. 12.   Pickguard
  13. 13.   Soundboard 
  14. 14.   Sound hole
  15. 15.   Strings
  16. 16.   Fretboard (or Fingerboard)

To build this guitar I will need wood to build the body, some plastic pieces for different parts of the guitar, some twisted screws for the machine heads, wire and thin metal piping for the fret board and I will need different sized plastic string for the actual strings of the guitar. All of these materials should be able to cover the necessary components of the guitar.

I will construct this instrument in my Advanced Engineering class that way I have all the materials I need at my fingertips, If that time id not enough I will also take extra time out of my day to stay after school to try to complete the guitar.

Reasons Behind The Abuse-2

 As I've told you before my topic is on animal abuse. It’s a growing problem. My Mom had a cat that suffered from animal abuse. My mom had a cat that was a semi – indoor semi- outdoor cat.  One day her cat didn’t come home, so naturally my Mom to look for him. She found him in an ally crushed under a cinder block he was still alive. That cat suffered to death. Now I’m not saying that the person was evil he could have been a kid trying to impress his friends. That though doesn’t excuse the fact that he hurt another living thing. A lot of animal abuse comes from people who don’t know how to take care of their pets properly. Most cases of animal abuse stem from people who forget to feed their pet or that they even have one. Hoarders are also an issue


This is why..

​ I don't wear dresses or anything nice or girly cause every time i do my mom always says that i'm showing too much and makes me feel insecure when the dress doesn't show anything at all. I try to stay away from dress unless they are really long cause i just don't being judged like that. I just want to wear a dress like i would wear pants. Nothing out of the ordinary. I put this white dress on that i wanted to wear for a while and when i do my mom goes " Ew your titties are hanging out" 


1.) Never ever say titties. EVER 

2.) This is my dress that i bought with my money. Your opinion can go suck it. 

3.)  I think I look damn good in this dress i'm 18 i wear what i want, it doesn't matter. 

4.) I don't have boobs to show off anyways. 

Time vs. Life

I understand time stops for no one but I mean sheesh.
I need a break from my life.
Just a little one.
I have time for nothing anymore.
I don't have a computer and I have so much work I need to stay on track with.
I currently have a headache.
I really don't understand anything that is happening in Globalization class (benchmark that is) I mean I get it but I need a better example.
Do we have a benchmark for chase? Or is this paper thing the benchmark?
I need a nap.

Musical Instrument Blog #1

       ​For the project, I am making a violin. I have a 6 - year experience playing the violin so I know a lot about it. The violin is played when a person uses the bow, the bow strikes against the violin and produces notes. A person can either pluck strings or use the bow to get sound out of the violin.
      To change a note on the violin you press down on the strings in a specific place, almost like a guitar. A violin is shaped like a mini guitar.


      To create and change sound, I would press my fingers against a part of the violin to see what sound comes out. I think that when you make the bow go against the violin, the string that you strike vibrates and sends sound waves out the violin.

E1 U9 AHORITA 26/05/11

Describe la casa de Oprah. 10 frases mínimo. ¡Inventa!
Some ideas of what to say:
  • Say where it's located (Está en...)
  • Say what it's close to (Está cerca de(l...)
  • Say what it has (Tiene... / Hay...)
  • Comment on the size of the property (Es grande/pequeñ@)
  • etc.

Screen shot 2011-05-26 at 8.12.29 AM
Screen shot 2011-05-26 at 8.12.29 AM

American Idol

I haven't really been into the show since the 8th season started. 

But I was aware of who the final two contestants were this season.

And I can honestly say that I think both people sucked.

However, the girl sucked less than that "Scotty McCreery" guy.


Yet again

I am sick yay but on top of that yesterday before I departed school early my charger broke my accident because of a friend. At least I have this mini one but not all of my work is on it nor dose it work to well as it randomly kicks me off the net.


I am not a particularly spiritual or religious individual.
I am merely one who decided years ago that I wanted magic to exist and have been consistently surprised to see that it does, though it often goes by different names.

       I am a great admirer of the world.

            It is marvelous.