Globalization Qtr 4 Benchmark
Have you ever wondered what life is like for a celebrity's pet? Yes I'm talking about the pampered pooches you see on television and in all the magazines with the designer leashes and matching outfits. Well now take a step down from the glamour and the cameras and think about the animals in your very neighborhoods. Take an even deeper look and think about the animals who have ended up in shelters because of animal cruelty. Many places in Philadelphia have been known for having many untended animals.
Many of them have become strays. Animal cruelty can start anywhere from not giving your pet the proper amount of food to beating your animal. Overall it still has the same effect on the animal, heartbreak. Yes animals feel it to. Imagine if the person you loved and trusted decided to just hurt you and beat until you could barely move, just because they wanted to. Now for the main question, what exactly is animal cruelty? Animal cruelty is the infliction of suffering or harm upon animals, other than humans, for purposes other than self defense. Long story short, it means cause some type of pain to an animal other than when you are trying to protect yourself.
One example of animal cruelty I have was even with my own dog Kujo. When Kujo was two months old he was tied to a fence as the owners moved out of the home and left him there to basically die. When we stumbled upon him, he was very skeletal and very dirty. If you looked into his eyes it was as if his whole body told a story of his pain. As a result of this horrific experience, Kujo now suffers from a dream anxiety disorder. Dream anxiety disorder is a sleep disorder that is characterized by very frequent nightmares. Even though this disorder is usually diagnosed for humans, Kujo has been diagnosed with this because of what the doctor called post traumatic stress. Now Kujo has to be taken care of a little bit more than a regular dog would need to be, but none complains because he is a joy to have. Animal cruelty is something that should be taken very seriously because poor pets like Kujo are the ones who have to deal with the physically torture but the people who are causing the pain will feel the emotional torture.
Links for more information:
Dream Anxiety Disorder
Animal Legal Defense Fund