Caresten Moses Capstone
Many people overlook Individuals with Disabilities. People who are Deaf, Blind, Paraplegic, Autistic, Mentally Challenged, and others with so many other Disabilities. Some may come in contact with those Individuals from time to time. Others may always be around them. A popular feeling about these Individuals is that they will always need assistance, they can’t do things normal people can do, and they don’t have independence. I wanted to prove these thoughts wrong by documenting their ability to do great things and SHINE! By publishing this video for my Capstone, I plan to SHINE the light on Mentally Challenged and Intellectually Disabled Individuals in particular. They are a part of an overlooked group: The Disabled Community. I was able to document a special moment for a group of Individuals with Disabilities. I also held interviews with them and their caregiver to assist them in displaying their full potential, even against odds. Working hands-on and closely with them has helped me understand their individuality within the vast community. After research and conducting a survey, I was able to understand my peers’ perspectives on People with Disabilities. With my newfound knowledge and this short film to show, I hope to change some of my peers’ perspectives and the way they treat any person with a controlled or severe disability--To open minds and influence people to understand, accept and assist in the lives of People with Disabilities. If I can’t do that, at least I will be giving insight on the Disabled Community, helping to inform others about an important and large part of our community. Annotated Bibliography: