"Best of Both Worlds" by Henry Poeng
Honestly, I was really nervous going into this project. Why? I will never know, but it was a great experience. Just sitting there thinking of ideas on how to start, end, and just keep it interesting. That was fun. The best part was listening to past projects and seeing how each one was different from the next. I got this idea and thought, “Well since they’re all so different, why not make mine normal?” So that’s exactly what I did, and I think it did it pretty well. Just a straight forward interview plus background music. This came complete with question and answer. But with strengths come weaknesses, which I feel I had plenty of. During the interview, I had some problems coming up with questions because as a new one came up, it got knocked down. This continued to the point where I couldn’t even think. Also, I think that I jumped around too much with different subjects, and that it affected the quality of my project. Too many last minute changes and not enough peer edits. But overall, I am pretty proud with my work. Then again, anyone would be proud of their work if they spent three hours editing everything. Also, another strength that I feel my project and the interview has, is that it conveys a great message. A message that I feel everyone should listen to, and that they should take the heart. I only wanted to do this specific subject because I wanted people to realize that they have it good. I know I do.
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