"Box Of Dreams" Artist Statement
Artist Statement:
I had my idea really fast, but it's wasn't as easy as others might have thought. I call this my "Box Of Dreams". I had many reason to call it that but the major one is that it represents me a lot. It shows my artistic side, and a few things that I care a lot about in my life. This also has music that goes it. It was very fun to make it. I really liked doing it.
I first started with the idea I want for this project. I had a lot of ideas that came into my head, but I had to make something that would represent me. So I picked the idea of a music box because I love music and I can show my artistic ways better with this idea. So when the idea was set I had to think of a way that I can involve a circuit. We had learn a lot about parallel/series circuit. I was only going to have 4 bulbs in my circuit so a parallel wouldn't work for me. So I made it into a series circuit. I build my circuit and then started constructing it into my music box. I had a switch installed into the circuit.
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