El septiembre pasado, mi mama y yo fuimos a ver PennState partido de futbol de Americana. El estadio en feliz valle.
El junio pasado, yo fue a un juego de béisbol a veintiuno y evitar. hemos perdido, pero quedó en segundo lugar
El junio hace cuatro anos, mi hermano y yo fuimos a Busch jardines. Acabemos de llegar de una montaña rusa.
El augusto pasado, mi todo familia fuimos Yankees partido.
El junio pasado, mi papa y yo fuimos boda de mi mamma y mi Papa, en Scranton.
El augusto pasado mi hermana y yo fuimos foto y mi cumpleaños, en mi abuelos casa.
How did you apply the SLA core values to your project?
I collabarated with my peers to put my project together
I did a reflection on the project
I presented it on the blog
I had many inquires to answer
I researched words i didnt know.
What did you learn about Spanish through completing this project?
I learned more worrds and what they mean.
What did you change about your final project based on peer feedback? What did you change based on Srta. G’s feedback?
I Changed a few spelling errors.
If you had the opportunity to start your project all over again, how would you do it differently?
Try harder on the voice over it didnt work
Did you enjoy this project? Why or why not?
I did it gave me a chance to remember my past summers.
Do you have any suggestions for me if I do this same project next year?
No i thought it was fun and good.
El junio pasado, yo fue a un juego de béisbol a veintiuno y evitar. hemos perdido, pero quedó en segundo lugar
El junio hace cuatro anos, mi hermano y yo fuimos a Busch jardines. Acabemos de llegar de una montaña rusa.
El augusto pasado, mi todo familia fuimos Yankees partido.
El junio pasado, mi papa y yo fuimos boda de mi mamma y mi Papa, en Scranton.
El augusto pasado mi hermana y yo fuimos foto y mi cumpleaños, en mi abuelos casa.
What grade would you assign yourself for each category?Exceeds Expectations 20-19 | Meets Expectations 18-16 | Approaches Expectations 15-13 | Does Not Meet Expectations 12-1 | |
Design | 16 | |||
Knowledge | 19 | |||
Application | 18 | |||
Presentation | 17 | |||
Process | 17 |
Strengths of your process or product | Weaknesses of your process or product |
Knowing peers who can help Knowing the words The story behind my product i think is a strength | My voice over didint work |
How did you apply the SLA core values to your project?
I collabarated with my peers to put my project together
I did a reflection on the project
I presented it on the blog
I had many inquires to answer
I researched words i didnt know.
What did you learn about Spanish through completing this project?
I learned more worrds and what they mean.
What did you change about your final project based on peer feedback? What did you change based on Srta. G’s feedback?
I Changed a few spelling errors.
If you had the opportunity to start your project all over again, how would you do it differently?
Try harder on the voice over it didnt work
Did you enjoy this project? Why or why not?
I did it gave me a chance to remember my past summers.
Do you have any suggestions for me if I do this same project next year?
No i thought it was fun and good.
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