Max Amar-Olkus Public Feed
Max Amar-Olkus Capstone
My capstone was done in collaboration with RubyJane Anderson. We wrote, directed, edited, and starred in two short films about SLA. Before production began, we did lots of research. We researched different types of comedy, journalism, and media production. We wanted our show to be both informative and entertaining so we took inspiration from comedic news programs such as The Colbert Report and The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. Our research included lots of time spent watching programs like these, to observe what made them such effective platforms for conveying information. After that, we started to think about what issues we wanted to tackle.
In our first episode, we really dug deep into the issue around students cutting the lunch line. We set up a hidden camera to record people cutting the line then identified them and interviewed them. We interviewed some staff members about their thoughts on the line cutting and their ideas for potential change. We filmed all of the interviews then recorded narration, then edited it all together into one cohesive piece. After that, we uploaded it to Youtube.
After finishing the first episode, we moved on to our next idea; the school building. We focused mainly on the holes in the walls and the oversized toilet paper rolls. We researched the owner of the building and tried to contact them for an interview but they chose not to comment. We filmed interviews with students and staff members alike, again, then edited and published it on Youtube.
Max and Jules' third podcast
Max and Jules' second podcast
Max and Jules' first podcast
Life on the Streets
Tell us a bit about your digital story, what did you set out to do?
We set out to show what the day to day life of a teenager in Philadelphia is.
How did you accomplish this goal?
We took tons of photos, and compiled the best ones in this photo essay.
What do you hope your audience gains for viewing/listening your piece?
We hope that the audience gains some insight into a life different from their own, to show that this world is full of different perspectives.
Karl's Journey
“Hey buddy, you got any spare change?”
Karl stared at the bum, straight faced, and began to take the next few steps towards the
door of the internet cafe he spent his off time in.
“Alright buddy, God bless you,” the bum said with bored disappointment.
“What’d you just say to me? What the fuck did you just say to me?” Karl was shouting; people were stopping to see what was happening.
The man behind the counter of the internet cafe with the grease slicked hair looked up from his laptop screen, a rare occurrence. A cab driver turned the corner and honked his horn to try to stop Karl. At this point, Karl had a grip on the man’s shirt collar and was hurling weak, clumsy punches at his head. The bum, realizing he was no longer in any actual danger began to loosen up. Karl’s blows weren’t nearly enough to do any real damage, so the bum was able to crack a dirty, swollen smile.
The bum began to laugh and a crowd began to gather around the scene. Karl was incoherently screaming scientific facts about how God can be disproven and that saying, ‘God bless you,’ was the greatest insult of all to him and his community of intellectuals.
“You idiot plebeian!” Karl screamed, tears streaming down his face.
The crowd that had gathered around them began laughing with the bum. “Easy killer,” someone sarcastically remarked. Karl, out of breath, his wool khakis spotted with sweat around the buttocks and waistband, realized that he was probably on the losing side of this fight. He quickly dropped the bum and grabbed his leather laptop case which had fallen off his shoulder in the commotion. Then, quite ungracefully, he turned and ran back down Main Street. He ran for what felt like forever to him, but what was actually about 3 blocks to his apartment complex.
He burst through the front doors of building 4, crying and sweaty, and was greeted by the doorman.
“No luck today downtown, Mr. Johnson?” he asked. Karl ignored him and kept running to the elevator.
He ran past the pamphlets for events; Singles Dodgeball, Singles Aqua Aerobics, Singles Cooking Classes. Karl’s apartment complex was geared towards singles looking for love between the ages of 30 and 50. Karl got into the elevator and as soon as the doors closed he collapsed in the corner. No longer fueled by rage, he could only think, ‘I am so out of shape.’
The elevator bell dinged. Floor 69. The top floor. Karl pulled himself up and waddled out of the elevator, his pants chafing him with every movement. His was the only apartment on floor 69, a lazy design flaw by both the architect and engineers, and was located at the end of a long, doorless hallway opposite of the building’s elevator corridor. The floorplan was exactly the same as all the others, with apartments ranging from numbers 401-420. The 69th floor was different though, apartments 401-419 were nonexistent. The hallway was long and dimly lit, with cobwebs all along the length of it. It was in stark contrast with the rest of the apartment complex which was undecidedly modern and clean.
Karl opened his door and immediately disarmed the multitude of alarms that protected his home. Next to the alarm panel sat his homemade aquarium that housed one of his closest friends, a Chinese Red Cap Goldfish named Poncho. Poncho was the kind of goldfish that looks like it’s brain is popping out of it’s head; Karl praised it for being “one of the smartest non-humanoid beings he had ever met.” In reality, Poncho was nothing more than a common pet store variety goldfish.
Over the 8 years Karl had lived in his apartment he had spent upwards of $2,000 on furniture pieces for Poncho’s aquarium. He wanted to base the interior design of the tank off of the general aesthetic of the mythical lost city of Atlantis. His imagination of the mystical world stemmed from a version of it portrayed in the Disney film Atlantis: The Lost Empire. Poncho’s aquarium, garnished with a plethora of sea grasses, brass gears, and miniature brass submarines, was top knotch - to say the least. Karl liked to attribute Poncho as being one of the strongest and most supportive people he’d ever met. He would speak for hours to Poncho, explaining all of his ideas for inventions: gloves to keep dorito dust from caking your hands, a machine to perfectly synthesize the taste of Monster energy drink from home, a vehicle to travel between parallel universes. Karl had almost no scientific knowledge to backup his outlandish invention ideas, and Poncho knew that, but he never actually spoke up to dash Karl’s dreams.
Across the apartment, next to the collection of Victorian era gears and the scale model of an A-Frame house floating above the ground, suspended by a steam powered flying apparatus, sat an object that hadn’t moved for years. It was overgrown and unkempt but still gave off a certain aura that made you feel as though it’s eyes were following your every move in the house. Karl had gotten this Chia Pet years ago, and it bore a striking resemblance to the actor Adrian Brody. It wasn’t quite him, but for a second you’d think it was. Karl still called this ceramic planter Adrian, though. He had been tormented in his dreams by Adrian, an issue he often brought to Poncho for advice on. That aside, Adrian and Poncho were Karl’s only friends. He even considered them his family ever since the incident.
Karl spent his 30th birthday in the basement of his parents’ home, alone, in his underwear, and watching The Big Bang Theory. When his parents got home from their night at the theater they found him half asleep on his couch, with his bare hand in their peanut butter jar and peanut butter covering the immediate area around his mouth. He had done this regularly for his whole life and it drove his parents understandably insane.
Karl had ruined countless jars of peanut butter this way. His parents would try to salvage the jars but by the time they would get there, Karl would have already tainted them with a toxic mixture of Mountain Dew and crushed Doritos. On its own, the Dorito-Dew cocktail was tolerable by some but it was something about the oils in peanut butter that changed the chemical makeup of the mix and caused it to be repulsive and extremely conductive to electricity. His parents were tired of this happening. Their son turned 30 years old that night and he still had no job, no life, and no aspirations. Judy and Paul were both successful lawyers and it pained them to see their son wasting his life this way. They didn’t understand his internet comics or steampunk outfits. When they found him at home that night, hand in their brand new jar of peanut butter, they decided that they had to do do something. His father looked at him in disgust and disappointment, “Get your hand out of that jar and get out of our house,” he said with a crack in his voice. Karl’s parents paid for his apartment and gave him money to live off of every month but otherwise they hadn’t spoken since Karl left his childhood home 8 years ago.
At home, Karl often had night terrors. He would wake up in the middle of the night, drenched in sweat and thrashing in bed. He described his incredibly vivid yet terrifying dreams to Poncho every morning. “They’re pushing me to my limit, I’m telling you. The dreams, they.. they keep getting more and more elaborate. It’s hurting my huge mind!” He said one morning while reading his copy of Anime Quarterly.
That night, Karl poured himself a snifter glass full of Mountain Dew and sat down by the window to look out at swirling night sky. Karl found Kansas City profoundly beautiful at night, more so than any other city in the world, even though he had never actually been out of the Midwest city. He would just sit and watch the sky and think. Doing this, he found, was just as therapeutic as discussing his problems with Poncho.
Karl watched a helicopter fly across the sky and land on the helipad of Kansas City Memorial Hospital. He scoffed and figured that some idiot from Park City probably blew up their meth lab or something. The night was especially cloudy and he could see lightning striking a few miles away.
“Storm’s a brewin’,” Karl heard from across the room.
“Wh-who said that?” Karl asked tentatively after taking a gulp from his glass.
“The lightning’s getting closer. You better get ready to go.” Karl watched Adrian’s ceramic lips move and he couldn’t believe his eyes.
He took a gulp from his glass, finishing it, already intoxicated from the high sugar levels of the soda, then threw it against the wall. Karl knew exactly what to do.
He had a strange sense of Déjà vu; he had seen this all in a dream before. It had all happened, up to him throwing the glass at the wall. Adrian wasn’t oddly cryptic in the dream, though. He was uncharacteristically conscice. Adrian knew everything about Karl and therefore had the utmost control over him. He was able to use Karl’s insecurities against him and play with his heart. Karl could recount a handful of dreams where Adrian had given him what were supposedly top secret government secrets, information about the future, and even the meaning of life. This got Karl into a lot of trouble after he would wake up and try to act on his new found “information.”
The lightning cracked again in the sky, this time slightly closer. Karl recounted a dream he had had just 2 nights prior in which Adrian gave him the blueprints to a vehicle that could travel between universes in the multiverse. Adrian mentioned specifically the codes that needed to be input into the machine to get to Karl’s own version of Utopia: the steampunk universe.
Karl rushed around his apartment to assemble to components he could remember from the list Adrian had given him. He ripped the circuit board out of his television remote and hot-glued it to the lense of his camera. He then ripped the battery pack out of the camera and replaced it with the ignition switch of a barbecue lighter. The intended outcome of this hodgepodge invention would be for the user to stand perfectly still and press the shutter button of the camera, which would cause a web that sucks in everything within 5 feet into a different universe.
Once Karl had the contraption set up as best he could, he took a look out of the window to see where the lightning was. It had just struck the lightning rod of another highrise in his cluster. He took a look around his apartment. It was littered with all of the waste he detested from modern American society. His gaze turned to all of his steampunk figurines and scale models. He grabbed his bottle of Mountain Dew and took a swig straight from it then grabbed a Dorito and his jar of peanut butter and took bites from both in one sweeping motion. He turned around quickly and clumsily, knocking the open bottle into the pile of crushed chips and peanut spread. He was ready to be in the universe he was meant to be in.
He pressed the button and nothing happened. Karl was shocked; for some reason he couldn’t believe that Adrian would trick him like this again. He looked over at the chia pet, it sat there petrified with a smirk on its face. Karl sighed deeply with disappointment and dropped the camera on the ground.
Just as his camera hit the ground, a bolt of lightning shot through his window and struck his kitchen table right at the divergence of the Doritos, Mountain Dew, and peanut butter. It’s hyper-conductivity and complex chemical makeup caused a reaction once the lightning hit it that viciously tore a hole in Karl’s universe and swept him up into a Purgatory-like tunnel. He was falling, yet felt weightless in this strange vacuum. He saw clocks and gears and vast expanses of color flying past him. He looked to his left and narrowly escaped the grip of a dinosaur’s jaws. He was confused and scared.
Karl realized where he was after 10 long seconds of falling that felt like forever. He remembered stumbling upon a book at work, Costco, that detailed theories about our universe. He remembered a chapter about the multiverse theory that hypothesized that our universe is nothing more than a bubble, surrounded by fundamentally similar but slightly different universes in their own isolated bubbles. The theory dictated that each universe began the same way but followed a different timeline of possible options. In one universe, the dinosaurs never went extinct, in another, dogs were the dominant life forms. Anything was possible in the parallel universes. Karl realized that in this case, the separate universes were stacked on top of each other, explaining the pipeline he was falling through.
Karl realized the potential for a positive outcome after getting pulled out of the tunnel. He knew that somewhere, somehow, there’d be a universe that followed the steampunk timeline. Karl also realized the potential for his new universe to be catastrophically bad. What if he got sucked into a universe where Earth was just a barren wasteland? What if he was shot into a universe where everything was claymation? He couldn’t handle that.
Just as these thoughts were going through Karl’s swelling head he felt himself being pulled in every direction. ‘This is it,’ he thought, ‘It’s happening!’ All of a sudden, Karl’s senses were hindered. He was floating in a sensory depraved bliss. All of the thoughts that troubled him, all of the pet peeves that drove him insane, and all of the physical limitations of his imagination were gone.
Karl woke up on a foggy, moss covered beach. His wool khakis soiled and his polo shirt stained with tears and his own saliva. He rubbed his face and touched the ground, just to make sure he was actually conscious and in a real place. He sat up, his head pounding and massaged his temples. He looked to his left and through the fog saw what looked like a man. Karl examined the man from a distance. He immediately noticed the man’s faded brown leather tophat, garnished with brass trim. Karl had once seen a tophat like it on an online steampunk forum. He kept looking at the man, to see whether he was friend or foe and noticed the man’s extremely thick neck. In fact, the man was quite large all around. He could tell from a distance that this man certainly possessed a physical strength far greater than his own. Karl began to wonder why this man was sitting in perceived solitude on the beach.
Karl tentatively approached the man whose gaze seemed to be set on the open ocean. Or was it a harbor? Karl had no idea.
“Hello comrade!” Karl yelped from about 20 feet away from the man.
Karl watched the man slowly turn his head and stare at him from behind a pair or horned rimmed brass glasses. After about 15 excruciating seconds, the man lifted a finder to his mouth and made a loud “Shhh” noise.
“Where are we? What year is it? Who are you?” Karl spat out nervously.
“I reckon you’re new here, huh boy?” The hulking man said. His voice slow like molasses with a thick accent that sounded cajun.
“The name’s Tommy, Tommy Hilfiger.” He said
“L- Like the designer?” Karl asked, thinking he was being duped.
Tommy gave a crass chuckle. “I do declare you’re out of your element, son. I am no designer; I’m a military man myself. Been fighting ever since I can remember. I know what you’ve been through, I’ve been through it too. The war has ravished our society and displaced many a person like you and I.”
Karl knew this man had no idea what he had just experienced and normally he would aggressively correct him but something inside him told him that would be wrong. Did the trip into this new universe change him? That was neither here nor there he decided. He wanted to talk to this stranger more to try to piece together where he was. At that moment a huge airship passed over them both. The fog parted and light was set onto this steam powered goliath that resembled a cross between a zeppelin and a fighter jet. “Great scott..” Karl managed to whisper to himself. He had made it, he was in the steampunk universe.
Karl heard a faint hissing in the air, the sound of steam being released at an incredibly high pressure.
“I’d say we should probably find a new spot to talk,” Tommy said nonchalantly. Karl didn’t hear him, he was focused on that incessant sound coming from the sky.
“You must be some kind of simpleton,” Tommy said, grabbing Karl’s arm and in a swift sequence of steps pulled them both off the beach and behind a pile of boulders about 30 feet high.
“How dare you call me a simpleton!!” Karl screamed, unaware of the brass box that had just landed on the spot they occupied just moments ago.
Before Karl could continue his rant, Tommy grabbed him and forced him in a cavern formed in one of the boulders. Once again, Tommy silenced him and nodded towards the beach. Within seconds, an explosion rocked the area.
Trembling, Karl stood up. He was ready for Tommy to give him guidance. A tear ran down his fleshy cheek and he couldn’t believe that the world he had always dreamed of living in was plagued with war.
“Let’s saunter over to my safehouse, son.” Tommy said, sensing fear in Karl.
“That’d be nice,” Karl managed to say.
Tommy noticed that Karl had soiled his pants during the explosion and muttered a well intentioned, “God bless this boy,” under his breath.
In his head, Karl began to think of ways to scald Tommy about this comment but realized his pomposity, along with his general weakness would prove futile against Tommy and against anyone in this world that was quickly becoming his nightmare."El pelo mojado"
Erase una vez, en el año dos mil catorce, vivía un hombre mas interesante. Se llamaba Jeremy Spry. El trabajaba en un escuela mágico se llamaba SLA. Todas las personas en SLA tenía miedo de Jeremy Spry porque el fuera demasiado tacaño por niños. Una dia, Jeremy Spry dicen “¡Te odio!” a un estudiante mas inocente, frágil, y tenía mucho hambre se llamaba Max. Despues, Max se mataba de un corazon roto.
Cada persona tenía un idea de porque Jeremy Spry fuera muy tacaño. Una persona observía que el pelo de Jeremy Spry parecen mojado todo el tiempo. Una dia, una mujer mas vieja aparecido en los pasillos oscuros en SLA. Esta mujer parecen que tenía 140 años. Estudiantes dicen que oiste la mujer hablaba cosas de Jeremy Spry.
Ella sigio al lado de Jeremy spry. Toco su pelo mojado y decia a todos los chicos que estaban en la escuela que Jeremy Spry era un hombre especial. Que iba una razon que solo se meten en fantasia que explica por que su pelo siempre era mojado.
Era que Jeremy Spry fue mágico. Que el he vivido durante cientos años y su pelo se quedo mojado para siempre por que se callo un dia en la fuente de la joventud. El siempre esta de mal humor por que la fuente del joventud deje a el vivir para siempre. Y eso era por que su pelo siempre esta mojado.
Y uno de los chicos le preguntó a la señora ¿Pues como era antes de que calló en la fuente? ella mira así abajo y para arriba hasta que vio la cara del chico que pregunta a ella. Y le dijo, que Jeremy Spry era alto y tenía musculos grandismas. Era un gran heroé donde viviamos nosotros. Tenía pelo largisimo y era muy amable. Cuando ella vio a el para primera vez se enamoré de el. Con su cara, y todo.
Un dia cuando el fuí de batalla para la gente de nuestro pueblo me pregunto para casar con el. Yo le dije que si que claro que si. Teniamos quisaz 16 años. Y el salió para batalla, con el resto de los hombres del pueblo. Pero cuando regreso algo era diferente. Por lo primero fue fenomeno. El siempre era bailando y tenía tanta energia siempre.
Pero despues de muchos años el nunca cambio. Ella podria ver los años debajo de sus ojos. Y ya cumplío 23 y el 24 pero el vio lo mismo. Ni un cambio mas chiquitio en la cara. Y ella ya no tenía esa energia y el siempre tenía la alma de un niño. Pero ella no era niña mas. El se salió. Y dejo a ella sola. Para siempre. Se quedó enojado por si mismo porque nunca podria tener su amor cierto.
Old Man With Guitar by Pablo Picasso by Richard Nixon

Soy Richard Nixon. Soy el presidente de los Estados Unidos. Hoy es el once de septiembre, mil novecientos sesenta y seis. No me gusta las pobres y no me gusta el comunismo. No me gusta rusia, cuba, o norte korea. No me gusta personas democráticas. Tengo un nariz muy grande. Me gusta robbar documentos del hotel Watergate. No me gusta las inmigrantes. Creo que denecesitamos un guerra nuclear con rusia. Dar dinero por las militares de chile por un golpe de estado porque creo que rusia y chile son las mismas. Soy un representante para el 1% y creo que la mayoría de la gente de los Estados Unidos necesita poner la mayoría de su atención en la guerra para drogas, y cuánto dinero ganan. No me importa la clase obrera para nada por que son un peso para nuestra país.
El pintor Pablo Piccasso pintaba este cuando en el “blue period.” Solo usa las colores azules. Creen que las azules representa la tristeza. Antes de el “blue period,” el hermano de Piccasso fue muerte y Piccasso entre un periodo de deprimido fuerte. Este cuadro es de un hombre muy viejo en las calles de Barcelona, la ciudad de Piccasso. El hombre es ciego y fragil y llevar un camiseta rasgado. El toca la guitarra en las calles por dinero pero nadie dar dinero a el.
La pobreza que tiene este hombre es muy similar a la pobresa en Chile durante 1973. Su gobierno fue malisimo dictado por Salvador Allende que era socialista mala, y no pago a la gente rica el dinero que necesita. Entonces yo ayude a la gente hacer un golpe de estado, para que sacaron lo que necesitaban de su País. Lo que recuerdo es nuestros heroes de los Estados Unidos fueron a chile para ayudar a los soldados contra allende y el general Pinochet que era el nuevo presidente de chile. Mas poderoso y mejor para la gente de chile. En este cuadro ver el simbolismo del talento y la pobreza y como son la misma cosa en contextos diferentes. La guitarra simbolisa la esperanza de un sueño perdido. Y el hombre que es todo azul representa la deprimente que sigue cuando eres talentoso y no lo puedes usar su talento apropiadamente. El mensaje que trae esta obra es que la pobreza puede tomar la vida de qualquier persona. Y en tiempos de guerra toma la vidas de los que son inocentes. Los que no tienen países que importa su gente mucho. Pienso que Pablo Picasso pinto está obra por que queria representar la gente mas pobre de españa. El queria eseñar como eso puede ver cuando alguien es deprimido y perdido de como pueden continuar la vida, si no tienen los recursos propios para salvar a su mismo. Cuando yo trató de tener una conexión de este obra a la vida mía veo la gente America, que es bien honesta. El hombre que trabaja por lo que necesita.
Este obra no me parece bonito para nada. Pienso que el uso del color era un buen representación de la pobreza y los problemas que causa en la vidas de gente que pudiera ser inocentes. En los tiempos de guerra, o tiempos de deprimo.
3 obras de arte
Dylan Long: El Heroe del 11 de Septiembre
Clandestino por Manu Chao
El tono de la instrumentación sonidos optimista y feliz pero las palabras esta malo. Tiene muchas guitarras, creo que es dos o más, y el piano. También, apoyó con las baterías tradicional y bongo. La música latina influenciado por la música africana. El mensaje de esta canción es que los hombres en los vuelos esta escapar las países porque las minorías fue “ilegal.” Temas importantes esta, “Mi vida la dejé//Entre Ceuta y Gibraltar//Soy una raya en el mar//Fantasma en la ciudad//Mi vida va prohibida//Dice la autoridad//Africano clandestino//Marijuana ilegal” Eso es el primer verso de canción y dicen mucho por todo canción. Por un lado, las letras representar las experiencias de Manu Chao cuando en sus viajes por mundo. Por otro lado, las letras representar las luchas de las personas procesado. El coro del canción es “Solo voy con mi pena//Sola va mi condena//Correr es mi destino//Por no llevar papel//Perdido en el corazón//De la grande Babylon//Me dicen el clandestino” Este pintar un foto de un persona que viaje todo su vida. El no fue un ciudadano por un lugar. Una línea que te llamo mi atención es “Marijuana ilegal”. No sabes el contexto de eso, los otras lineas fue de los humanos como “Argelino, clandestino//Nigeriano clandestino//Boliviano clandestino” creo que Manu Chao crees marijuana no tiene los derechos que necesito como los humanos.
Mi reacción inicial fue “¡Es un canción sonido bueno! Me gusta las guitarras. ¡No creo que las letras significa pero me gusta!” Tengo un conexión personal por eso canción. Soy un Clandestino. No llevar papeles tambien. Viaje por todo mi vida, pero solo en Filadelfia. No tiene un casa. Este mensaje es muy aplicable por muchas personas. Mucho del tiempo, las inmigrantes creen que no tiene un identidad. Necesitas encontrar sus casas espirituales. Creo que ellos ver sus mismos clandestinos. Ellos creen que nadie se ver sus. Me gusta como Manu Chao presentar eso mensaje. Aprendo mucho de Manu Chao y las inmigrantes invisibles en el mundo.
Literary Lenses Benchmark
Q3 english BM from Max Amar-Olkus on Vimeo.
Write Ups
By doing this project, I got a chance to reflect on the different lenses we learned in class while reading the Great Gatsby. It helped me understand all of the lens more by actually relating them to things that we watch everyday. Everyone in the group took part in each aspect that we had to do. From writing the script, to creating the storyboard, and recording, we all took part in it. But personally, I think I contributed a feeling of excitement and motivation. When recording, I couldn’t remember my line, but after a few tries, I got it.
This project was fun to do. Looking at common things in our lives through different lenses definitely changes my point of view. I’ve began looking at things through these lenses subconsciously. I think that Family Guy was a good choice to analyze for our project. I think the moment of collaboration I’m most proud of is the rap by Ronald. We had discussed this from the beginning of the project and finally got it filmed the day before the project was due. It took a lot of attempts to get the final shot and it was very relieving to finally have it done.
I’m particularly proud of our final product in this benchmark. I contributed to analyzing what the Marxist Lens is in the show Family Guy. Another thing I did was putting the screenshots from our episodes we chosen. I also contributed to actually being part of the video and putting some of the script together.
The moment of collaboration that I am most proud of is when we decided as a group that we should have a rap in it. I felt like we collaborated on what we wanted to have in the video, which showed that we were talking as a group and not individually.
For the quarter three benchmark, we all worked together as a group, analyzing our lenses that we learned while reading “The great gatsby”. Feminist lens that take us on a journey through the feminist aspect of different situations that can occur in real life, Also we touched upon the Marxist lens. I contributed with analyzing the feminist lens for our family guy scene when peter assumes Lois of being a prostitute, Also I wrote the ending spoken word of our movie to reflec all of the things that we've analyzed. Thinking about it now, looking through the world, media, and everything else does change my point of view and makes me thinks about the different shows, movies, and songs that I listen too. I enjoyed this project and I'm proud of the work that my group and I have accomplished during it.
"¿Gentrificación, es bueno? Siiiiii" En el norte filadelfia
Vivo en el veintisiete y Girard. Mi barrio parece muy malo pero es muy tranquilo. Vivo en este barrio para quince años. Me gusta este barrio, los personas estan muy amistoso. Me gusta que es cerca de la ciudad y yo camino muchos lugares. No me gusta los personas no tiene casas en mi barrio. Los temas importantes en mi comunidad esta la pobreza, la gentrificación, y la amistad. Cuando piensas mi bario,imágeness los restaurantes, los tiendas chinos, y septa. No hay grandes personas importantes de mi barrio. Mi barrio cambiarías mucho. Los casas subir de precio y los edificios que más nuevo.
Creo que las formas de arte que puede tomar estan todo visual. Tomar arte con los ojos. El arte tiene muchas características. Mas que dice pero todas las formas del arte tiene un aspecto de expresión. Para mi, el propósito del arte es muy complicado. Si, un proposito del arte es expresion, pero el proposito depende para cada persona. Creo que no tiene que ser atractivo el arte. En ingles, "beauty is in the eye of the beholder." Desde mi punto de vista, cuando mi me gusta arte, creo que ser atractivo. Me gusta el arte que tener un mensaje. Preferir los fotos que tiene un mensaje. Todas personas tiene la abilidad que tomar un foto bonito pero una persona que tomar un foto que tiene un mensaje esta mas mejor, como lo veo yo. Cuando personas dicen "ahh la graffiti mural, o la Throw Up o Blockbuster o Wildstyle es un forma del arte pero el tag no esta arte,” soy muy confundido. Que es diferente? Todas estan formas del expression. Un tag es muy intrincado cuando ver en el situation bueno.
El propósito de mi mural será expresar un mensaje de la paz en mi comunidad. Mi motiva de hacer este mural será este clase y para permitir la violencia en mi barrio. Este mural será a hacer más arte en mi barrio. Necesitaría los imagenes de la violencia y la paz tras el tiempo y como la paz ganó. Me gustaría utilizar los palabras "la paz, la guerra, las drogas, los políticos, los chicos, el dinero"
Para mi, mi mural es un obra maestra. Aunque la mural final es muy diferente de mi idea original, me gusta mucho. Estoy feliz con la resultado. Creo que mi mural significativo por la gentrificación en mi barrio, pero en el buen sentido. Creo que la gentrificación es un aspecto positivo de mi comunidad y mi mural. Los relojes representar el tiempo que passar y el cambio con el tiempo. Los imagenes de los personas diverso simbolizar la diversidad en mi barrio. La palabras “It’s a bird, It’s a plane, It’s a….. Spy?” simbolizar el escepticismo de los personas más viejo por los personas más joven en mi barrio. Me gusta mucho mi mural.
Quiero pintar esta pared
Arte de la calle
Stranger Than Shakespeare
Stranger Than Shakespeare
Comparing “The Taming of the Shrew” to “Stranger Than Fiction”
With today’s ideals in mind, most people would assume that love comes before marriage. The opposite is the case in The Taming of the Shrew. The protagonist, Petruchio, gets married to Katherine in the beginning of the play without really knowing her. The marriage was for his own financial gains and also so two other suitors could have the ability to marry Katherine’s sister, Bianca. At the end of the play, after a score of mental games played by Petruchio to “tame” Katherine, she gives a long, emotional speech that displays her love for him and he goes on to tell of his love for her.
Stranger Than Fiction revolves around Harold Crick, an IRS agent who lives a monotonous, receptive and droll life. One day, everything changes. He begins to hear an author in his head narrating his life to extraordinary accuracy. He recognizes the voice to be that of a famous author he once saw on television. The author reveals that Harold is going to die and he has to find her and convince her to change the end of the story (and his life) before it’s too late. At the same time, Harold takes on the task of auditing a baker, Ana Pascal. Harold is uncomfortable with the narrations made by the author when he’s around Ms. Pascal. The author makes Harold realize that he’s subconsciously falling in love with her. Romantic love is approached differently by both men in both scenarios. This shows that romantic love is approached differently in today’s society.
In Act Two: Scene 1 of Taming of the Shrew, Petruchio says, “What, with my tongue in your tail? nay, come again, Good Kate; I am a gentleman.”
This is a quote from when Petruchio is first meeting Katherine. He is crude and inappropriate at first, intentionally. He is trying to be funny. This was Shakespeare’s version of comedy. Petruchio is aware that Katherine is known as the mean sister and takes a jab at her sense of humor or perhaps just tries to make her feel uncomfortable. Petruchio goes on to confirm that he was just kidding and he tries to show her that he is a respectable man. Harold Crick is in a similar situation. He runs into Ana Pascal on a bus and tries to interact with her in a non-auditing manner.
Harold: How are you?
Ana: I’m lousy, I’m being audited
Harold: Of course
Ana: By a real creep too
Harold: I- I think I owe you an apology. IRS agents, we’re given rigorous aptitude tests before we can work. Unfortunately for you we aren’t tested on tact or good manner so I apologize... I... Ooggled you.In this short exchange of dialogue, Harold attempts to show Ana that he’s a respectable man by apologizing for an incident that happened a few days prior in which he began to fantasize about her and blatantly stare at her breasts. Harold’s crude actions weren’t intentional, like Petruchio’s. Because this movie takes place about four hundred years after all of Shakespeare’s plays were written, courtship is approached very differently by the two men.
In Act One: Scene 1 of Taming of the Shrew, Hortensio says, “There's small choice in rotten apples.”
Hortensio and Gremio are the two suitors that are going after Bianca, Katherine’s younger sister. Hortensio and Gremio are friends and they have to work together to get past the only obstacle in their way: Bianca cannot get married until Katherine gets married. They have to narrow down the already small pool of men who would be willing to marry her for them, so they could achieve their goals. In the beginning of Stranger Than Fiction, Harold Crick goes to a therapist about the voice in his head. The therapist listens to him and then tells him she thinks he’s schizophrenic. He tells her that he isn’t schizophrenic and she tells him that if his condition were real, she’d refer him to a literary expert. Harold then goes to Professor Jules Hilbert, a Literature Theory professor. After Professor Hilbert agrees to help Harold, he explains the theory that all works of fiction can be narrowed down to two categories: Comedy and Tragedy. He explains it in simple terms to Harold, “Tragedy you die, Comedy you get hitched.” They go on to try to figure out which story Harold is living in.
Professor Hilbert: Most comic heroes fall in love with people who are introduced after the story has begun, usually people who hate the hero initially. Although I can’t imagine anyone hating you, Harold.
Harold: Professor Hilbert, I’m an IRS agent. Everyone hates me.
Professor Hilbert: Ah ah good, have you met anyone recently who might loathe the very core of you?
Harold: I just started auditing a woman who told me to get bent.
Professor Hilbert: Well that sounds like a comedy.
Similarly to Hortensio and Gremio, Harold and Professor Hilbert are trying to narrow down a pool of possible people. In The Taming of the Shrew they’re looking for a man to marry Katherine. In Stranger Than Fiction they’re looking for the possible love interest that would determine whether Harold is living a Comedy or a Tragedy. He later goes to Ms. Pascal’s bakery with a small moleskine journal that he uses to record the instances that would make the story a one of the two defining genres. He spends the whole day going through Ana Pascal’s receipts while she spends the whole day making sure his day is awful. He chalks his story up to being a Tragedy. When he’s on his way out, Ana makes him cookies and they spend time talking. Harold upsets her by turning down a box for the rest of the cookies and feels terrible about it. Days later he can’t get the smell of cookies or the thought of Ms. Pascal out of his head. It starts to affect his work and they give him a paid vacation that he spends trying to court her.
By the end of the movie, Harold and Ana are in love. By the end of Taming of the Shrew, Petruchio and Katherine are in love. Both men achieve their end goal while pursuing it in vastly different ways. If Harold Crick had approached Ana Pascal in the same way that Petruchio did with Katherine, the movie would have been very different and they most likely would not have fallen in love. In Petruchio’s time, his tactics were commonplace. That goes to show how much society has changed in the last 400 years.
cuando sería una cabra
sería el rey de los animales
haría ayudar los humanos porque estan mis amigos
Cuando sería una cabra
Comería todos los cosas y saltaría en los montañas
no haría los cosas mal porque yo sería el amigo de todos
cuando sería una cabra, no tendría problemas
cabras no tiene problemas
una dia sería una cabra
porque cabras estan mejor de todos
La vida de Max
Me llamo Max Amar-Olkus. Me llamaron así por el niño “Max” en el libro “Where The Wild Things Are.” Nací en la isla Key West cerca de el estado Florida. Mi familia y yo nos mudamos a filadelfia cuando yo tenía tres anos. Mi madre tiene un perro y mi padre tiene dos gatos. Mi madre vive en norte filadelfia y mi padre vive en el sur de filadelfia. Mi madre se llama Tracey y mi padre se llama Robert.
Soy alto y flaco. Soy americano y llevo la bandera de los estados unidos todo el tiempo. Tengo pelo moreno y rizado. Tengo los ojos cafes y una nariz muy grande. Soy muy frágill porque mis huesos son como vidrio. Tengo un metabolismo muy rapido, yo fui a comer mucho comida. No llevo los gafas, pero me encanta los gafas del sol porque son muy interesante. Mis ojos son cafes y muy grande, también mis compadres decían yo tengo los ojos de una pez. Llevar los pantalones flacos igual a un hombre muy popular. Mucho del tiempo llevar los zapatos de Nike o Vans. Llevar los calcetines muy lujoso. Mucho de mi ropa es muy viejo porque no comprar ropas nuevas regularmente. No llevó los sombreros porque mi cabeza es muy grande. Por otro lado, mi madre tiene una cabeza más pequeño. El pelo de mis brazos estan rubio y yo no se porque. Creo que esta porque el sol besa mis brazos con sus rayas de calor.
Mi mejor amigo, Señor Sherif, me entiende mejor que nadie. Cuando necesito consejos, el siempre ayuda. El protejo a yo con los brazos más fuerte y los manos más suave. Me llevo bien con mis profesores todos los días. Me cae bien con señor baird porque el es muy gracioso. También, historia es mi clase favorito. Me da miedo señor VK porque el es muy antipático en los juegos de futbol de SLA. Srta. Garvey es muy simpático y inteligente y me cae bien con ella. Me molesto Srta. Manuel porque yo no hablo español todos al tiempo. Me molesto Srta. Echols porque mis bromas en clase esta muy tonto y sarcástico y ella no entienden.. Lo siento Srtas. Manuel y Echols. Me de riza señora Hull porque ella es muy excéntrica y única. Mi mejor amigo numero dos es Srta Pahomov porque ella es muy graciosa y imaginativa demasiado. Ella le gusta mis escritura en la clase de inglés. Creo que yo no molesto Srta Pahomov. Llevamos bien con mis padres a veces. Soy un adolescente, no necesito llevar bien todos al tiempo con ustedes. Media a la semana, vivo en la casa de mi madre y el otro media de la semana vivo en la casa de mi padre. Mi padre y yo nos gustamos mirar peliculas y tambien gustamos cocinar. Llevo muy bien con el jefe de mi trabajo. El esta muy interesante y gracioso. En ingles, la palabra que describir nuestro relacion es “bros.”
Soy gracioso y sarcástico. Soy de filadelfia. Me importa mucho de honestidad y trabajo. No creo en las religiones. Creo que esos son locos, lo siento. Me molesto mucho los zapatos Keens. En el futuro, yo era a comprar muchos cabras. Soy tranquilo. Llevamos bien con mis amigos y mis profesores. Tengo miedo de dwarfs y los hombres no tienen casas. Soy muy generoso con mis amigos y mi familia. Me importa mucho la generosidad. Soy culto porque viajar mucho con mis padres. Soy enamorado con anime y memes. Me molesta lagartos porque son extraño. A mi me gusta burritos de pollo. Yo trabajo en una restaurante mexicano se llama Shifty’s Taco. El perro de mi mamá se llama Chance y el parece como un chico se vive en los calles. A veces soy extrovertido pero a veces soy hurano. Soy nervioso cuando en una habitacion con personas yo no creo. A mi me gusta jugar futbol. A mi me gusta leer los periódicos porque me gusta aprender nuevos hechos del mundo. En muchos de mis clases yo soy agobiado porque yo hace mi tarea muy tarde. A mi me gusta practicar fotografía y hacer peliculas. A mi me gusta leer a historia en wikipedia durante de mis clases aburres y mi tiempo libertad. Mi película favorito esta The Dark Knight. ¡No es una película de una noche oscuro, es una película de Batman! Mis comidas favoritas son los de china y italiana. A veces me gustaría la comida americana como una hamburguesa o un bocadillo de bistec con queso.
Soy un chico de muchos cualidades. Cabras tienen muchos cualidades también, eso es porque cabras estan mi animal favorito. Yo y una cabra tienen mucho similar. Mi mascara sera como la cara de una cabra. Cabras son los reyes de el reino de animales. Cabras estan en la parte superior de la cadena de comida, cerca de los leos y los humanos. Soy una cabra.
El nombre de mi mascara es Cabra Bowie
diario #5
diario #4
Evidence: Cuando necesito consejos, el siempre ayuda. El protejo a yo con los brazos muy fuerte y los manos mas suave.
Conclusion: Por eso, la respecto mucho y nos llevamos muuuuyyyy bien....
diario #3
Diario 2
Diario #1
español 4
- Max
Quarter Four Artwork - Max Amar-Olkus
"Portrait of Lucien"
Fiber board, Spray Paint, Marker pen, Acrylic ink
Max Amar-Olkus
Here is the link to the photography I've done this quarter
Quarter Four Benchmark
Gold Stream
Ms. Larissa Pahomov
Journal #1:
She that was ever fair and never proud,
Had tongue at will and yet was never loud,
Never lacked gold and yet went never gay,
Fled from her wish and yet said “Now I may,”
She that being angered, her revenge being nigh,
Bade her wrong stay and her displeasure fly,
She that in wisdom never was so frail
To change the cod’s head for the salmon’s tail,
She that could think and ne'er disclose her mind,
See suitors following and not look behind,
She was a wight, if ever such wights were—
In the beginning Iago would be in a crouch position with a huge smile on his face. Possibly somewhat seductive to catch Desdemona's attention. At the end of each line he would give an arm gesture to emphasize his point. When he says the line about the woman showing self restraint he would back off away from Desdemona and almost make it seem like she is not the one he is talking to. This would show his subliminal opinions about her and also make her follow him to hear what he's saying. When he says the line that signifies the woman being too smart to do anything stupid he would be very close to Desdemona. His face very close to hers, he would then taps her on the nose to emphasize his point. Before his soliloquy gets cut off abruptly, he would be looking admiringly into the audience as if to be dreaming about this woman.
Journal #2:
My character is Bianca.
An important scene that Bianca appears in is the one in Act 4, Scene 1. This is when Iago is talking to Cassio about "his woman", and makes Othello think he is bragging about Desdemona. This causes many problems for everyone, except for Iago. It causes Othello to further obsess over the idea of his wife cheating on him even though Desdemona isn't even the one Cassio is talking about. Problems arise for Cassio because it makes him look bad to Othello.
At this point, Bianca has not seen Cassio for a week's time and is very irritable. She observes firsthand the end of the conversation that was previously happening about her with Cassio, Iago, and Othello. We can understand her motivations while focusing on just this scene by seeing how upset she is at Cassio for giving her another woman's handkerchief. She has motivation to break up with him if he didn't come to meet her that night.
Journal #3:
When Roderigo was just a small boy he decided that he would want to be in the military. All of his heroes were great warriors. He was a frail boy, and was always getting beat up at military school by his peers. "You can never be a great fighter," they would say to him. He wanted to prove them all wrong through hard work and perseverance. He was not able to do this.
When he was 14, his parents' relationship became strained. They eventually split up, after about a year of passive aggressiveness. Roderigo and his sister chose to live with their father, because women had no rights in that day. His sister was older, and was never home. She was always with her new husband. Roderigo promised her that he wouldn't tell their father about her relationship. When their father finally found out, he was crushed. Not by the news of her being married, but the fact that she did not tell him. Roderigo vowed to never let this happen to another old man. This is why he wanted to tell Brabantio that Desdemona was with Othello.
Journal #4:
My character, Roderigo, will be portrayed as a very weak man. This shouldn't be too hard for me because I am also a very weak man. I will use a very timid voice for most of my performance. The only time I will use a different tone will be when my character is putting on the illusion of confidence and strength. Roderigo will take very small strides while walking and have an almost cartoonish and angry gait in scene two when he has to fight Cassio. I have practiced stage combat for that scene. I will bring an umbrella as my prop. In the first scene, I will use the umbrella as a complement to the surrounding and give the illusion that it is raining. I will use the umbrella in the second scene as a weapon. I think my group's presentation will stand out because we are all very energetic and outgoing. We are able to convey the seriousness of the scene without making it droll and boring. We have worked on blocking a lot as a group and I am confident that our scene will be top-notch.
Journal Post Performance:
“Tush! Never tell me. I take it much unkindly
That thou, Iago, who hast had my purse
As if the strings were thine, shouldst know of this.”
This line is important to the play because it really shows Roderigo’s character. He is weak and offended that Iago would use information against him. He does not realize the risk of dealing with a man like Iago. Iago takes advantage of almost every other character in this play and uses the things they tell him against them. This line exposes Roderigo’s weakness to Iago. This line set the tone for my character and I delivered it with a slight attitude at first.
My group’s performance went a little bit better than expected. We had rehearsed in a different setting than the classroom stage so we had to adjust our blocking slightly on the spot. I am proud that we were able to make our performance work, and I think that it went well with the following ones from our peers. I would have liked to have memorized my lines, but because I had such a short amount of time, I could not do that.
My understanding was changed after performing because we had the modified scripts, which helped very much. Going through the script worked better for me than reading the play. I think this is because the scripts showed the key elements to the play and drew the focus to the events that were the most important. Personally, I feel that Shakespeare’s writing tends to dance around the main idea he is trying to convey. For me, acting out the a Shakespearian play is always more helpful for my understanding. Interacting with other characters has always been an eye opener for me because I am able to actually understand where my character is coming from and his intentions or goals. I think this project was very useful for my understanding of Othello. When I first read it I was somewhat lost but by the end of the unit, I had a steady comprehension of the play.
Third Quarter Artwork - Max Amar-Olkus
This is the link to my photography portfolio.
Below are some pictures of my bicycle for my outside project.
Thank You.
"Must Be The Money" by Max Amar-Olkus
Welcome to this week’s installment of This Philadelphian Life. I’m your host, Max Amar-Olkus. This week we look into the life of a man that would do anything just to make sure his family wasn’t poor. As soon as he’d see the economy change he knew it was time for him to make a change too. Jerry Olkus made it through life by taking risks. Big risks.
In this project I learned a lot about my grandfather. He would always tell me these stories as a child but I would never really listen. Now that I’m more grown up and (arguably) more mature, I’m able to take a lot away from his stories. He puts effort into everything he does and many people have trouble doing this. I personally have problems with effort but this conversation has made me realize that I have to make a change. I learned that if I want to succeed in life it won’t just come to me. I have to actually be proactive and try my best in school and everything else in life.
Max Amar-Olkus - Q2 project
Thank You.
Please Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood
Please Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood
“AAaaaAAaHHhhh Max, you have been growing so much since th th the last time I have seen you!”
Who this woman was, I did not really know. I was given the basic information on the drive up to New York by my Dad. We were meeting his aunt who is in town from Israel and staying at his second cousin’s house in Midtown. That was all the information I was given. Whenever I’m thrown with the obligatory, “oh you’ve grown up so much blah blah blah,” I usually just uncomfortably smile and say something meaningless like, “Oh, uh, it’s great to see you too!” Unbeknownst to me, the people I was meeting saw right through my attempt at politeness and became (strangely) upset.
“What... you do not remember me? Do you not care about me or your family?!”
My father’s aunt aggressively spurted this jewel out in my general direction when I met her for the first time last year. This is what I get confronted with from my extended family members.
Sometimes when I speak, people mistake what I say for sarcasm. I’m only being sarcastic like 70% of the time. That’s a joke. You laugh now. Many people tell me that my voice just always sounds like I’m being sarcastic and condescending but honestly, I don’t mean it to be. It’s just the way I speak. Yes, I realize that sometimes the tone of my voice can give whatever I’m saying a bad connotation but it usually isn’t on purpose. It’s the difference between a “Yeah!” and a “yeah.” The people close to me have been able to adapt and understand when I’m being sarcastic or not but people that I don’t know very well usually hate me for it. Especially if they don’t speak English very well.
My Dad’s family was originally from Morocco and when Morocco gained it’s independence many jews thought that the rest of the non-Jewish population would start religiously persecuting them. My Dad’s family decided to move away from their home. For the most part they went to three different places; the wealthy ones went to live in France, the middle class members of the family made the journey to Canada, and the more adventurous and, well, poor ones made the move to Israel. My Dad’s parents were part of the group that moved to Canada, making him a first generation Canadian citizen. Almost all of his family members speak French and Hebrew. Those are the common languages that connect everyone.
Because of the family splitting up, I know very few of my paternal relatives. My Dad has many relatives that live in Montreal and the surrounding areas but close to none of them speak distinguishable English. They all speak French and through just being around them I’ve learned a few words but I have nothing close to what people would call conversational skills. Many of the older people in my family have a more traditional French accent and I’m able to catch a few words every now and then. The younger generations, like the people between me and my Dad have a much stronger Québécois accent. In my professional opinion, it just sounds like a grosser, more sloppy version of traditional French. I cannot understand the Quebec French for my life.
In the essay If Black English Isn’t A Language, Then Tell Me What Is? James Baldwin claims that, “one may speak the same language, but in such a way that one’s antecedents are revealed, or (one hopes) hidden.” If an average French person from, say, Paris, were to hear any of my Israeli or Moroccan relatives speak French they would probably subconsciously begin to judge them. Generally, French speakers from France tend to look down on those with dialects from any African country or even the Canadian dialect. Hearing me attempt to speak French, any posh Frenchman would assume that I’m just an uneducated American snob. They would never think that I came from a long line of French speakers. I think Mr. Baldwin is trying to tell us that the way you speak directly causes you to be stereotyped.
Every time I see my grandmother she greets me with, “Bonjour mon cheri! Blah blah blah uh huh huh!” That’s my poor interpretation of her proceeding to speak French to me. I always reply with, “I’m sorry, what did you say?” Once she realizes that I haven’t learned French since the last time I saw her she’ll say something like,
“So, uh uh uh, m m max how is your schooling? Are you doctor yet?” They aren’t stereotypically Jewish in most ways but they pretty much define the stereotype that every Jewish parent/grandparent wants their child to be a doctor, lawyer, or accountant. When I reply to her I’m usually trying to be sarcastic so I’ll say something like, “No, I failed out of school a month ago.” This kind of thing never goes over well with her because of the language barrier and her inability to understand comedic genius. Anyone that knows me would have been able to tell by the inflection in my voice that I wasn’t serious about failing out of school. This misunderstanding is partly my fault because I know her English isn’t that great but, I mean, she’s been living in an predominantly English speaking country for about 50 years and she hasn’t picked up anything other than the basics.
Since my family lives all over the world, they’re dialect for some of the common languages can make it seem like they might as well be speaking whatever distant language they also speak. This makes it difficult for me to understand whats going on when I’m around them. On the other end, they don’t understand the way I speak very well so it’s kind of a lose-lose situation for us all. My Dad’s family thinks I have a stupid American accent. Lots of the ones that speak decent English usually avoid talking to me because I guess they can’t handle hearing how I speak. But it’s a fair trade off because speaking slow enough for them to understand can be straining after a while.
Seeing that side of my family always makes me feel like an outsider. I have a feeling I always will feel like an outsider until I take the time to learn every language my entire family speaks. Even then I’ll probably still have the feeling because of the culture gap. Knowing myself, I’ll most likely waste the time I could be using to learn French or Hebrew by like, reading about useless things on Wikipedia or something. My point is that even though we share a blood line, it means nothing with no communication. And it’s made even worse with massive amounts of sarcasm induced misunderstandings.
Q2 english benchmark from Max Amar-Olkus on Vimeo.
That Kid's a Piece of Shit
“Listen up, maggots. You are not special. You are not a beautiful or unique snowflake. You're the same decaying organic matter as everything else.” That’s from the book Fight Club. We used to keep this book in the bathroom for toilet reading. This quote makes sense to me. Mainly because it applies quite literally to my life.
“That kid’s a piece of shit.”
“Well of course he is, his dad is an asshole.”
My dad is an asshole. You know that. You know my whole story from when I was flushed to when we became friends down here. We live in a cesspool of grime and disease but I mean, that’s the sewers for you, right? My dad got rid of me while we were on vacation in Paris. Bam, right down the toilet after his feast of steak frites and various french wines. He couldn’t hold me in so he ran straight to the bathroom after he paid his check.
I can’t talk about this anymore. At this point it makes me more irritated to think about it then it makes me sad. You know how it feels, Sanchez. Your parents flushed you after they thought you were dead. You went straight to the sewers while you were sleeping. They didn’t even care enough to see if you were awake. They just assumed, “oh he’s not moving... He mustn’t be alive.”
To the outsiders, our friendship might seem unlikely or perhaps even scientifically impossible. I have news for them, the laws of science don’t apply down here. Down here it makes total sense for a goldfish and, well, a person like me to be friends. What am I even talking about, you ask? Okay, fair enough. You know that big crazy dumb sports game that’s happening today? Yeah the one that everyone’s been talking about. Like a soccer game or whatever. Yes I know, sports suck. They’re about to make our lives and every other sewer dweller’s lives a lot worse.
So when this game gets to halftime, all the humans are going to go to the bathroom. This is going to cause a massive flood for us, almost on a biblical scale, if that helps with perspective at all. When this happens, we’re all goners. I hope this flood goes all the way up to the streets of the human world and they have to walk amongst thousands of goldfish and rats and excrements like me
I figure it’ll happen within the hour. This is your life and it’s ending one minute at a time. I got that from Fight Club.
MP1 Art2
A sugar skull is a traditional Mexican mask and candy that is most prominently made during the day of the dead celebration. The candy version of sugar skulls are used to adorn alters and can be eaten. I came up with the design for my mask by vigorously researching traditional sugar skull designs. The design I used on my mask is slightly different from the design I initially sketched. I changed the design for the mask because all the extra details in my sketch would not have fit on it.
When I began this project, my first step was to sketch a design for my mask. Then, I molded the plaster to the face of my classmate Wynn. After this I allowed the mask time to dry and harden. Once the mask was dry, I painted only the black outlines on it. After that was dry, I painted in the colored sections. To finish off the mask I put a coat of clear gloss on it to give it a shiny exterior.
señor swag
The Pro-Choice Movement's Involvement in Politics: Part 3
This is the third and final segment of the three part blogging project my class was given for our final project of the year. In my first post I introduced my topic and gave information about it so that even those who know nothing about it could have an understanding of what I researched. The purpose of my second blog post was for me to express my opinion openly and in detail.
This post is being called “the post for change” because we were assigned to create a piece of original content geared towards informing people about your topic and possibly changing their point of view at the same time.
I decided that the best way for me to raise awareness was to make a video. In the video I interview four seniors at my school who are all 18 and registered to vote. I chose that demographic because the Pro-Choice movement’s involvement in this upcoming election could be a large deciding factor for them. I plan on showing kids that have just registered to vote this video to inform them about the candidates they will be voting for. Young people around the world are holding protests to fight for their rights.
I think this method of eliciting change is good. I think protesting for the causes you care for is an important part of democracy. Some people in the occupy protest were attempting to raise awareness of the Pro-Choice movement but in my opinion the protests were too unorganized and there wasn’t a clear enough ideal system to make a huge difference in our country.
This topic is strongly rooted in opinion and theological beliefs but I believe that the government should not take away a person’s right to choose what to do with their body. If you think about it, our government has taken a long time to grant minorities their rights. It’s the land of the free yet freedom still hasn’t been legalized. Thank you.
Here are my sources.
The Pro-Choice Movement's Involvement In Politics: Part Two
This is my second blog post regarding the topic of the Pro-Choice Movement’s involvement in politics. First off, I would like to state that the point of this blog entry is “opinion.” If I happen to offend anyone, I am deeply sorry. I have done more research on this topic and I have found many interesting tidbits of information.
In my opinion abortion and contraception should not be made illegal. There are things that are illegal that people still manage to do (i.e. Drugs, dog fights, jaywalking, etc) but because they are illegal, they do these things in an unsafe manner. If abortion were criminalized, people would still get them because they are necessary in most cases. I learned that 13% of pregnancy-related deaths worldwide are related to complications in unsafe abortions. According to Planned Parenthood, 1 in 3 women in the U.S. Have had an abortion by the age of 45.
Some people believe abortion and contraception is a mortal sin because of their religion. In 1930 the Roman Catholic Church banned all “artificial” means of contraception like condoms, diaphragms, and cervical caps. According to the Church, tampering with the "male seed" was equivalent to murder. Not all people that are Pro-Life have had those opinions their whole life. In my research the most notable change of opinion was that of former senator Rick Santorum. In a statement made in a 1995 interview Santorum says, "I was basically pro-choice all my life, until I ran for Congress... But it had never been something I thought about." Santorum is now one of the strongest opposers of abortion and contraception. “Santorum is a product of the polarization of our politics," said Pat Ewing, the former campaign manager for Senator Harris Wofford, whom Santorum defeated in the 1994 election. "He has taken advantage of it. He understands it. And he will take a position to benefit himself to get a small group of people to love him adamantly. His personality hasn't evolved, his politics has."
People can change their opinions if they think it’ll make them more popular. Not just about their views on abortion and contraception. Anything.
In my opinion, saying “Pro-Choice” is kind of pretentious. It may sound harsh but at the end of the day the reality of it is that you are “pro-abortion.” This doesn’t mean that you want to abort every child that is conceived. It just means that you support women's right to choose what they want to do with their body. In many cases, abortions happen because of rape or incest. If it is your opinion that abortion and contraception shouldn’t even be used in these situations then I guess our beliefs conflict.
Through out my research I’ve been asking myself, “why would people be against this?” I totally understand the religious aspect but if you oppose abortion and contraception for a reason other than that, I’m left confused. In my next blog post I have to talk about change. I plan on looking into people’s opinions on this topic to enrich my knowledge.
First Post
The Pro-Choice Movement's Involvement In Politics: Part 1
My english class at SLA has just started a project that requires us to choose a topic of importance to us and blog about it. Everyone is allowed to chose their own topic but some people are doing the same ones. Our teacher will pick one of the topics from a student in my class and we will have to debate either for or against it. We weren’t necessarily asked to choose something controversial but a controversial topic allows for a better debate.
I have chosen the involvement of the Pro-Choice Movement in politics, mainly this upcoming election. The Pro-Choice Movement is the movement that’s goal is to give women their rights and legalize things like contraception and abortion. This topic is very controversial and is one of the main platforms some politicians run their campaigns on. For the most part Republicans are against it and for the most part, Democrats are for it. If you want to put political differences aside, the two groups can be split up by people that are against abortion and birth control, “pro-life supporters,” and people that support the issue, “pro-choice supporters.”
In ancient times abortion was just considered a form of family planning and population control. In today’s world, the main deterrent from abortion and contraception is religion. Part of President Obama’s healthcare overhaul in 2009 was that employers provide free birth control coverage. "Every woman should be in control of the decisions that affect her own health," said the president. Recently he announced that religious groups were exempt from that law. Under the new plan, religious institutions are not required to provide birth control to their employees but the institution’s insurance company still has to offer coverage without raising the premium.
For those who argue against abortion and contraception, it is usually a question of ethics and morals. The main Pro-Life argument is that an unborn fetus is a living being and therefor should not be terminated under any circumstances. For the most part the politicians arguing for the Pro-Life movement are men and there are very little women advocating against contraception and abortion.
Max Amar-Olkus and Isaac Adlowitz's podcast
Negative space by Max Amar-Olkus
Negative space is everything that the subject isn't. You are drawing the space around the subject to show what the subject is.
B. Explain how you found negative space in 1. your cut out?, 2. in your stool drawing?
In my cut out finding the negative space was relatively easy because it is already separated by the dark gray and light gray. In my drawing I found the space by drawing the space in between the still life.
C. Why does it help an artist to see in negative space?
It helps an artist to see the negative space because it gives their art another dimension and allows them to see the whole spectrum of artwork.D. Does seeing in negative space enhance drawings, why or why not
It does enhance drawings because it helps with shading and other aspects of the piece.
Max Amar-Olkus's creative project
E2 Q3 BM Max Amar-Olkus
The assignment was to make a website for a Spanish tourist to use when they come to America. We decided to make a guide about how to order in a restaurant, how to hail a taxi, and how to understand American currency.
I learned how to use google sites.
I feel good about my part.
I would add more pictures to the website if i had to do it again.
Max Amar-Olkus Q2BM español 2
The assignment was to describe our daily routine and make a video about it. I enjoyed this project.
I learned that I do the same thing pretty much every day and that my days are boring. I acquired the skill of conjugating reflexive verbs. I used the core values in many ways. I used the research and inquiry values because I had to look up some words that weren't in the vocabulary sheet. I used the collaboration value when I peer-edited and got help from others. My presentation is in movie form. Reflecting back I will use what I learned in the future. If I could do this project over again I would make things up so my life seems more interesting.
Q2 mini proyecto mamar-olkus
1.What are you especially proud of with your finished project?
2.What was the hardest part of completing this project?
3.What would you do over again if you had the chance?
1. I am proud of my descriptions and pronunciation.
2. The hardest part was making the descriptions have all the required vocab.
3. I would add more outfits.
new slide. max amar-olkus.
Max Amar-Olkus Q2 media fluency
Q1 BM spanish Max Amar-Olkus
I used the research part of the core values in this project when I needed to look up a word or conjugation. I used the inquiry value when i asked questions about this project. I used the collaboration part when I peer edited to improve my project. When I did the voiceover i used the presentation value. I am doing the refection part of the core values right now.
I learned about conjugation in the past tense for normal verbs and even some irregular verbs. I also learned more about imovie.
If i could do anything differently, I would add more pictures.
I enjoyed this project because I got to look through pictures from past summers.