Kurt's Krew #2: A Truthful Lie

Gregory Tasik, Miguel Rivera, Nick Ryan, Tommy Conley
Gregory Tasik, Miguel Rivera, Nick Ryan, Tommy Conley

On this week’s podcast, we analyze our reading through literary lenses. We discuss the 1960s and its impact on the themes of the book.  One of the major themes ends up being religion’s role in the story. We analyze Bokononism and its undenying contradictions, and truths. The Krew goes back and forth in understanding Vonnegut’s critiques of religion vs science through this fake religion of Bokononism. Finally, we discuss Mona, a strong female character who presents some problems for the narrator John.

Some evidence we used:
  • “And there’s old Karl Marx…….They got practically every enemy that freedom ever had out there.”(230)

  • The people of San Lorenzo… are interested in only three things: fishing, fornication, and Bokononism”(234)

  • “Newt was the quickest, he pointed out to me that I had my passport and my billfold and my wristwatch in my hands” (192)

  • “I love everyone.” & “Love is good, not bad,” -207

  • “As your husband, I’ll want all your love for myself” (208)

Comments (15)

Jayla Wright (Student 2019)
Jayla Wright

I liked your analysis of the difference between power from man and the power of god. This is also interesting when you bring up the historical context and connect it to people having a dangerous amount of power in that period.

Sharron Norton (Student 2019)
Sharron Norton

Before starting, Miguel Briefly summarizes what happened during the chapters…I really think this is helpful. Great analysis guys! They clearly help us understand what they see using evidence.

Emily Pugliese (Student 2019)
Emily Pugliese

I really enjoyed how steady you guys kept everything through out the podcast. I think you did very good at keeping everyone involved and included in the podcast, not just including each other but also your audience by having them think about what is going on.

Taylor Green (Student 2019)
Taylor Green

It's interesting that your book gives a direct reference to Karl Marx and it makes your discussion about the different literary lenses very interesting. I also liked that you guys talked about "ice-nine" but I wish you would've gone more in-depth with its significance in the story.