Me Magazine

Me Magazine

In my me magazine based slide, I wanted to put the most important things that have affected me in life to show how I became the person I am today. I wanted to choose these things and make them look in a way that shows that they bring a positive force in my life which can really hard at times.

I made my slide look this way because I wanted to let the dark slide show the times when my life got hard or it made me really sad. the light represented the good in my life that overcame the bad. As the dark is being lit up, the good pictures were there to show the good things that were important to me. I thought that this was the best way to get my point across and everyone would understand it and what I was trying to do.

After reading the websites that Ms Hull gave us to read, I tried to follow the advice the best way that I could. I tried to make the slide as simple as possible and still get my point across. I also tried to make my slide interesting and unique so that it’s remembered. I tried to make my color choices not really contradict each so the will make the slide look appealing and not look ugly.The pictures I chose were what I wanted to to show what was important to me : music, family , religion, and teachers. The light that is in the middle is supposed to get my whole idea across and make all my pictures look like they were being hidden in the dark but the light is revealing them.Then I put a quote there to try and summarize my slide. That is why my slide looks this way .
New improved slide
What I learned about my previous slide was that there was too much going and my quote could have been a little bigger. What I could have done differently was that I could have taken out all of my pictures except for the glowing hands because it still gets my point across and there won’t be so much going on in the slide. I also need to make the quote bigger so the reader can see and read it easily. I learned that with a slide that less is more and that size is important. These are the thing I took into consideration when I was improving my slide.

Comments (6)

Eva Karlen (Student 2017)
Eva Karlen

I notice that the changes made to your slide make it much clearer while still conveying the message. The edits you made were well thought-out and relevant. Your paragraph describes the edits you made, but not in much depth. You might want to talk about color, contrast, font or the size of the text and images. What if you made the quote even larger?

Brandi Jones (Student 2017)
Brandi Jones

I noticed that your second slide was less cluttered than your first slide. Which I do preferably feel more attracted towards. Not only that but it will become more of a remembrance. I wonder if you would of kept it as cluttered could it still have had been as appealing. What if you changed the font to make it look even more professional.

Michaela Peterson (Student 2017)
Michaela Peterson

I noticed that your second slide looked much better, and I completely agree that it is much easier to look at. If I were to suggest any change, I would suggest you change the font of your quote to match the mood of the rest of your slide. Other than that one small detail, I believe that your slide was very professional and really displayed who you are and what is important to you.

Logan Smith (Student 2017)
Logan Smith

I noticed that you changed your slide to focus on one photo. I also noticed that your changes were thought out .I wonder what made you decide to use this quote because I like it a lot.