More about Minors Running Away
In my previous blog post about Minors running away. My initial research started off being about the missing DC crisis, but plans changed so my new revised topic is teenagers running away from home . Ive researched more things having to do with minors running away.
In the previous post about running away something that was mentioned was that running away is illegal. Some things that could happen if a minor runs away and gets caught, is the minor could go to a juvenile detention center, be placed in a shelter or group home, or be taken back by a police officer. To further my knowledge and understand what people my age thought about running away I created a survey. The survey consisted of seven questions. The responses to the survey came from people who are considered minors. The point of the survey was to see what the youth know about running away. Something that was surprising about the results was that more than half of the people who took my survey did not know that running away is illegal
My original research taught me a lot about my peers. Another questions that was on the survey was if the person has ever thought about running away. The results were shocking. Most people who answered the question responded that they have thought about running. This was very appalling because based off the people who took the survey I would expect that to be majority of the answers. The follow up question was what was the reason behind running away. The most popular answer was family problems. Overall my results showed me that you should never assume what happens in somebody's house hold or behind closed doors.
The survey results gave me a better understanding of what people knew and thought about running. It let me know that not many teenagers know a lot about the issue and it's affects a lot of teenagers. Most people don't realize that running away is a big issue. In the beginning of this project, before I started researching anything about this topic , I didn't know if it was organizations that helped teens thinking about running away. There are organizations that help teens before they run away. What the organizations do is basically talk to teens and tell them that they are are other solutions to whatever problems that are happening. Two major organizations that help are Safe Place and National Runaway Safeline . Safe Place is a nation wide organization that helps teens who don't feel safe and need help immediately. The National Runaway Safeline is a prevention line. They have four ways to connect with a 24 hour member who is trained to help. When I started off doing this topic I didn't know how much it affected others. Now learning about it , it makes me feel like more people should know about it especially parents or guardians should know the signs of when something is wrong. The next part of the You and The World project is the agent of change. For my agent of change I am thinking about two different things. The first idea that I thought of is doing a presentation on the statistics of running away and presenting to my peers to raise awareness. My second idea I thought about is making flyers with organizations that help and ways that people can help their friends get through their issues. Thanks for reading, check back soon for my agent of change.
For more information check out my annotated bibliography
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