Pertenecer - Allen Yang

The recording I made for this project basically speaks of where I came from and ultimately where I belong. Off course here. 

From these past week that flew by, I've learned at least how to tell someone where I came from, and especially that where someone comes from doesn't always have to be literally a location. Many things factor in to it. 

I'm proud that I got this done!  

If I could do this over again, I'd improve by coming up with better... "lyrics"? 

The following are some very sad lyrics... (you've been warned): 

Yo vengo de tierra de padres 

Vengo de Filadelfia 

de Estados Unidos 

Vengo de tierra natal 

Los cancha de baloncesto 

con juego fútbol

en la aire fresco 

Todos las mañana, 

yo veo el brillante sol 

escucho los grillos piar 

Un nueva diá comienzo

Yo vengo de tierra de padres 

Vengo de Filadelfia 

de Estados Unidos 

Vengo de tierra natal 


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