Reflection on Media Fluency

-ME magazine- slide (1)

After presenting my google slide, I received new insight on how the design of my slide could be improved. I learned that I had a good use of each element of art: such as line, space, texture, depth, contrast, and more. But, I made changes where I got suggestions, like in my font hue. My use of large text stayed the same, but I changed my text to green to create a lot of harmony with the trees on the left side of the slide. It originally was a blue hue to compliment the water, but I got feedback that there was not enough blue water present to be noticeable. So, I highlighted the tall green trees with my use of army-green text. I also made the backgrounds behind the black trees brighter, so their greyish-white background matched the white background of the slide. I realized how very important research is when doing a project, because without my research from Slide Design for Developers, I might not have made large, bolded, brightly colored text. Then, my quote would not have been seen as easily and understood. Also, if I hadn’t gotten research from the Ikea link, I might not have made such a simplistic slide, and I might not have known what it meant to be understandable at a glance media. Now because of my research, my slide was a success and well-received by my reviewers. I got very small suggestions, but fixed what could improve my slide even further. I am proud of the final slide that I re-did, because it does address each element of art and has a simple and understandable design.

Comments (15)

Monie Duong (Student 2020)
Monie Duong

Your slide has a nice harmony with the colors between the picture and the words. Your reflection clearly expresses how important your research was when it came to creating this slide.

Zeke Maitin (Student 2020)
Zeke Maitin

The perfectly symmetric line down the middle of the slide if quite pleasing to the eye because of the contrasting and similar colors. This quote also makes a good element for a song lyric that makes you look at both sides at the same time.

Zeke Maitin (Student 2020)
Zeke Maitin

The perfectly symmetric line down the middle of the slide if quite pleasing to the eye because of the contrasting and similar colors. This quote also makes a good element for a song lyric that makes you look at both sides at the same time.

Assirem Hosni (Student 2020)
Assirem Hosni

The contrasting the two sides is very well applied on the slide to in a way symbolize the two sides of your identity. All the different dimensions and different colors that beautifully harmonize together.

Emmett Tsai-McCarthy (Student 2020)
Emmett Tsai-McCarthy

The picture fits well with the other side. Bothe sides give a vibe towards woods. I mean, the picture is obviously in the woods but the green text and trees are more subtle but still feel like it relates, making it all connect.

Juliana Long (Student 2020)
Juliana Long

The contrast in your slide is very pleasing, it flows really nicely with your color scheme. Your reflection proves that you really appreciated the critiques you received.

Emma Risher (Student 2020)
Emma Risher

The simple adjustments that you made to your slide were very effective. You incorporated your research and knowledge of the vocabulary very well. It's evident that you learned a lot in this unit.

Emma Vass (Student 2020)
Emma Vass

The different elements of the slide, (text, image, etc), are very well balanced, and very well complimented by the color scheme. My only critique is that the divide between the image and text is slightly off centered. Great work!

Arthur LaBan (Student 2020)
Arthur LaBan

I think the simple design of your slide really helps you. It is very simple but I think it gets the point across very well. You clearly showed thought in your reflection.

Mary Lamb (Student 2020)
Mary Lamb

I haven't seen your old slide, but I really appreciate the contrast between both sides of the slides. You took elements from the picture and incorporated them in a new way on the other side of the slide.

Nhu Lai (Student 2020)
Nhu Lai

I love the way that you improve your slide. It's look more better when you change your text to army green to highlight the trees. Perfect !

Serenity Baruzzini (Student 2020)
Serenity Baruzzini

This is a big improvement from your first slide. It's less cluttered and cleaner. It's definitely more pleasing to the eye. :) Still, it lines up funny, almost in the middle, but not really.