Spanish 2 Benchmark (Dolores, Julio, Alicia, & Diego)

Comments (9)

Sydnye Misero (Student 2018)
Sydnye Misero

I wish you guys had embeded the video to the post, but overall you had a great project. The food aspect was really great and interesting. The audio was okay but sometimes would be harder to understand.

Kathryn Kopf (Student 2018)
Kathryn Kopf

Great job, good information about your country costa rica. Your picture and photoshop was fun as well, but I'd work on the audio a bit more. Occasionally it felt forced or was quiet, try to make it seem like you are just naturally talking to someone about your trip. Great job overall!

Lydia Anderson (Student 2018)
Lydia Anderson

The food focus was very well delivered. Going to clubs and things of that nature is what people do when they're on vacation. A little more history I think would help the video be more rounded. Overall it's a great project!

Taytiana Velazquez-Rivera (Student 2018)
Taytiana Velazquez-Rivera

I liked how you guys actually made it seem like what people would talk about, the food thing was great. Most people don't come from a vacation and talk about history they talk about experience's and I think you guys captured that nicely. Your visuals were good and your audio was pretty clear next time i'd recommend practicing the pronunciation of some words.