Emma Schwingel-Sauer Public Feed
Lost Time
Closing the Wage Gap
In the United States today, women are getting paid eighty cents for every dollar a man makes. This is an average across all fields of work, but in recent years, professional athletes, specifically women soccer players, have brought this to the attention to both the nation and the larger world. Women athletes are tired of feeling underappreciated for their work compared to their male peers, and they aren’t the only working population who feel this way. Professional soccer players should be paid based on team and individual performance, not by views and attendance count.
In March of 2016, five top players on the Women’s National Team filed for unfair pay with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. The New York Times created a comparison of the women’s and men’s team finding in recent years the women's team has play as much as 50 percent more games than the men and doubling the men's team win count with 88 wins to the men's 44. In this case, the Women are working more per year compared to men and they are doing much better than the men’s team. Many competitions are based on statistics in this world, such as getting into college, based on how well an individual performs. At other regular jobs, people are paid based off of hours worked whether there is a pay per hour or salary, amount of time worked goes into it which should correlate with athletes too. Since women have a substantially larger amount of games played, therefore more minutes played than men, they should be paid more than men. The US Soccer Federation should be rewarding the team who continues to win, throughout the season and in international tournaments, instead of supporting the team that continues to lose.This helps base their income on performance and successfulness instead of views, which helps create more equality in the wage gap for women.
What makes this situation even worse is that the male players are still getting paid more than women even with the increased profit the Women’s National Team has been producing in the past couple of years. PBS released a budget report from the US Soccer Federation predicting that the women's team will bring in over $17 million while their male peers are producing less than half of that in revenue. When the women are making a profit higher than the men in sales, even with less views and attendance, they should be getting paid more. The US Men’s National Team sales are predicted to go down which, should conclude to getting paid less. If men are getting paid more based off of views and the people who are coming to games, the merchandise being sold should be looked at too. Women’s sales are creating a much larger profit, and shouldn’t just being going to the clubs if the men are making money off of it. While it should be based on performance, if the board doesn’t change its salary distribution, sales and other profits should be looked into for paying women. If they are working harder and not getting paid for it, they need to be compensated in some other way. The better their performance gets, normally, the more memorabilia they will sell. Statisticians should look for correlation between these two to help women earn fair pay.
Another important concept to look at when it comes to fair pay is what the players are getting paid for. In an interview with the New York Times, Rich Nichols, the general counsel for the United States Women’s National Soccer Team Players Association, said, “Seventy-five percent of (their) compensation, the women have to perform at a world-beating level just to keep pace financially. And that victory tour money? The women had to play the extra games to get it. The men get paid just for showing up.¨ Even though the Men’s National Team hasn’t made it far in recent tournaments, they are still getting paid more than the women who have won multiple tournaments in recent years. Women have to do extra work to earn the same amount as the men regularly when the men aren’t even doing well. To earn 75% of what they are, the women have the be the best in the world. However the men continue to lose and are outperformed by other teams. Women should not have to continually being putting in more work and playing a lot more than the men just to earn the same amount of money. America needs to make way for equal pay. If the commissioners continue to do nothing about it, Americans need to step up and stand behind women and start supporting their careers as well.
This is one solution for this discrepancy that professional soccer players should be paid based on team and individual performance, not by views and attendance count. By paying men and women fairly for their work, a more equal society can be created. Although equal pay for women athletes may only seem important to women, it should in fact concern anyone who cares about an equal society. A high profile change in salary for these players could have a positive impact on youth and women alike looking up to women who lead as a role model and have the chance to work alongside and get paid the same as their male peers.
Works Cited
Das, Andrew. "Pay Disparity in U.S. Soccer? It’s Complicated." The New York Times. The New
York Times, 21 Apr. 2016. Web. 21 Sept. 2016. <http://www.nytimes.com/2016/04/22/sports/soccer/usmnt-uswnt-soccer-equal-pay.html?_r=1>.
Santhanam, Laura. "Data: How Does the U.S. Women’s Soccer Team Pay Compare to the
Men?" PBS. PBS, 31 Mar. 2016. Web. 21 Sept. 2016. <http://www.pbs.org/newshour/rundown/data-how-does-the-u-s-womens-soccer-team-pay-compare-to-the-men/>.
Reader Profile: Siani Davis
Siani enjoys reading in her bed, snuggled up with pillows. However, don’t let her friends around her or she’ll get distracted very easily. Siani’s life as a book would be Taking It By Storm. She’s a fierce and determined person who takes anything thrown at her, and if she had to throw a book out the window it would be We Need To Talk About Kevin (ba dum tsk). Siani does not like to read slow and boring books. Siani would live with George from the Lathe of Heaven because his dreams affect reality. She would have him dream up a million dollars and become rich. That’s pretty smart.
Paloma, Cristina, Sara
La Entrevista- Isabel Celli, Cristina Schwingel-Sauer, Luis Goins
Spanish 2 Photography Project
ILP Post
African Americans for Government!
In this visual some of the key elements include the background information of the newspaper and the pictures. The North Star was a northern newspaper published in Syracuse, New York by Frederick Douglass. This is key information because newspapers will tend to have a bias, in this case a liberal perspective. It’s important to understand that not everything may be one hundred percent true in every newspaper or a certain article may have a spin on it. Since this newspaper is coming from the North, it’s going to try and persuade you to vote for the candidates who are in support of equal rights and abolition. Another important piece of information to notice is the date and the headlines that come with it. The date this newspaper was published was June 11, 1871, which was soon after the thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth amendments were passed. These amendments abolished slavery, protected African Americans and their rights, and the right to vote. This is why the headlines support the date. They talk about voting for African Americans because they finally had the chance to be elected to the government. African Americans could freely learn how to read and write and become educated so they were able to run for congress and the senate.
Another important piece about this visual is the pictures. The image in the bottom right corner shows two candidates from opposing campaigns. It shows one standing for white men and one standing for black men. The image also has many words about negro suffrage written all over it and saying who was in support of it. At the bottom is written ¨The negro must be allowed to vote or the states be punished.¨ This is showing the advancement of freedom for African Americans.
This visual is important because it shows part of the advancements that African Americans made running for the government and being elected. The impact they had may not have been super strong, depending on what we determine as ¨free”, but they did make some headway in rights for African Americans.Design A Menu
Nombre: Emma Schwingel-Sauer
Fecha: April 29, 2015
Para quien es su menu?
Tiene el/ ella un dieta especial (vegetarian@, Kosher, Musulman, diabetico, etc.)? Cual?
sin gluten
Plan one meal a day | Which meal: desayuno, almuerzo, cena | Comida | Bebida |
lunes | desayuno | arroz tostadito con leche | el café |
martes | almuerzo | ensalada | la aqua |
miércoles | cena | el pollo | jugo de arándano |
jueves | cena | la hamburguesa sin el pan | la aqua |
viernes | almuerzo | el sándwich sin el pan | la leche |
sábado | desayuno | el huevo | el jugo de naranja |
domingo | almuerzo | el tomate sopa | la aqua |
Q3 Art Reflection
La Familia de Dillon: Sydnye y Emma
Dillon Hershey asiste a Science Leadership Academy, ella es un estudiante de tercer año. La tutor de Dillon fue Señorita Manuel hasta el añó terce. La tutor de Dillon es ahora Ms.Sessa, la professora de biochemica. Ella estaba en corriente de naranja en la año primero. En la año segundo ella fue en la corriente de plata y en la año tercer ella tiene en el corriente de fuego.
Antes de SLA Dillon asiste Independence Charter School para tres años. Antes de Independence Charter School asiste Greenfield para quatro meses. Antes de Greenfield asiste Samuel Powel elementary. El jardin infantil y primer grado asiste Watermelon Elementary en Virginia y los grados segundo y tercera asiste Horace Mann Elementary en Iowa. En la clase de B Dillon enseña un SAT de la clase de Español. El clase favorito de Dillon tiene la clase de ingles, y en el año primero tiene español uno.
Dillon tiene una hermana menor, Eden, ella tiene once años. Ella vive con su mamá, hermana menor, padre, un gato, y un perro en Filadelfia. Dillon tiene diecisiete años. Su familia encanta juega juegos de mesa. Les gustas ven béisbol con familia extendida, tal como su tias, tios, primos y abuelos. Dillon ha sido juega softbol que ella cinco años y juega para diez años. La madre de Dillon es un pastor y su padre es escritor de béisbol de fantasía. Ella practica softbol para SLA. Dillon juega breva parada, segundo base, y primero base. La abuela de Dillion tiene un abanico de Philadelphia Phillies y ver los juegos. Los primos son fánaticos de béisbol, y la familia todo. El padre de Dillon es la razon ella juega sofbol. Dillon cuida su hermana. Dillon tiene un receptor. La familia de Dillon es pequeña sino que muy divertida.
Ensayo: El Lugar Para Todos (Equipo Que Chévere)
SLA: El Lugar Para Todos
¡Hola! Somos Justin, Emma, y Syeda. Somos catorce y quince años. Atendemos a la escuela de Science Leadership Academy en Filadelfia. Está en 55 North 22nd calle. En Science Leadership Academy, 7 Eleven y Trader Joe’s, está cerca de la escuela. Los estudiantes va ir a 7Eleven y Trader Joe’s antes y después de la escuela. Hay casi quinientos estudiante y treinta profesores con cinco pisos. En Science Leadership Academy, ofrecemos baloncesto, fútbol, último disco volador, y béisbol. Además, Science Leadership Academy tiene programas por ejemplo la Franklin Institute. Emma participó en fútbol porque es divertido. Syeda participó en arte club. Justin participó en baloncesto.
Nuestras clases en SLA son historia, bioquímica, español, inglés, álgebra, tecnología, almuerzo, y teatro. Nuestros clases favorita son inglés, español, y bioquímica. Para inglés los materiales nosotros necesitas son el libro, El Odyssey, unas lápices y la computadora. La clase de bioquímica es divertida y nosotros necesitamos la bata de laboratorio, una pluma y un cuaderno. En la clase de español necesitamos una carpeta, la computadora y una pluma. Necesitamos una calculadora, la mochila y la carpeta en la clase de álgebra. Para tener éxito necesitamos participar activamente, sacar buenas notas, trabajar duro y prestar atención. En la clase de historia participamos en discusiones. Actuamos en la clase de teatro. La clase de tecnología es aburrida. En el almuerzo comemos y hablamos con amigos.
El Señor Kay enseña la clase de inglés. Su clase es muy fantástica y importante. El Señor Kay es cómico y divertido. Leemos libros. La Señorita Dunda enseña la clase de bioquímica. La Señorita es simpática y tranquila. Hacemos experimentos en el laboratorio. Otra clase nos gusta es español uno. Su clase es fácil y entretenido, y la Señorita Manuel es creativa. Vemos películas y aprender canciones. Los estudiantes de SLA es aplicada, talentoso, creativo, y inteligente. Nos gusta participar en después de la escuela actividades y otra programas. Somos ingenieros, científicos, matemáticos y el futuro.
Nos encanta SLA porque es diversidad, proyecto basado, y acogedor. Lo que más nos gusta de SLA es el gente, nuestros profesores, y el ambiente. Tres palabras que describen SLA son creativo, divertida, y tranquila.
Los seres queridos en mi vida: Emma
Intro: Hola! Te voy a presentar a mi amigos y mi familia (los seres queridos en mi vida).
Yo: Me llamo Emma Schwingel-Sauer. Yo tengo quince años y mi cumpleaños es veintiséis de agosto. Soy alta, deportista, y sociable. Me gusta practicar deportes, cocinar, y escuchar música. Yo soy alemána y irlandésa.
Ella: Su nombre es Zoe Schwingel-Sauer y ella es mi hermana. Los ojos son pardos y el pelo es ser pelirroja y rizado. Ella es bonita, alta y muy trabajadora. Le gusta leer, dormir y salir con le novio, Javier. No le gusta ayudar en casa. Asiste a Science Leadership Academy.
Él: Su nombre es Rick Sauer. Él es mi papá. Rick es muy alto y sociable. Él trabajador para PACDC, dónde ellos ayudar gente.
Ellas: Se llama Sydnye y Maddy. Asisten a Science Leadership Academy. ellas les gusta a pasar un rato con amigas. ellas son morena y linda. Cuando tienen tiempo libre que les gusta descansar . Ellas son mi mejor amigas.
Nosotros: Nuestros nombres son Isaac, Emma, Zoe, Isabel, William y Andrew. Somos de Boston y Filadelfia. Nos conocimos en Lake George, Nueva York. Nos gusta nadar, cocinar y pasar un rato con amigos. Nosotros somos tremendamente guapos.
Conclusión: Gracias por tú atención. Adios!
Slide 2 (Emma Schwingel-Sauer)
Net Neutrality (Emma Schwingel-Sauer)
Emma Schwingel-Sauer
Home Network, Schwingel-Sauer
1. All of the devices connected to the internet connection at my house, my Local Area Network, are: four iPhones (my mom's, dad's, sister's and mine), my sister's laptop, my dad's laptop, my laptop, Roku, and a Wii. My internet service provider is Comcast and my enters my house through a coaxial cable into the office. It is connected with an ethernet cable to a modem router.
2. Something new and interesting that I found when we learned about networks was that one file can go through so many portals through the network just to get to a final destination. The really crazy part though is how fast it happens.
3. What other people need to know about having an Internet Service Provider and Home Networks is that the person who pays for the internet owns the network you connect to at a certain place. They may have certain rules in the Acceptable Use Policy that may be important to know even if the AUP is very long.