World Hunger and Homelessness

The world’s population is approximately 7 billion and counting. About 5 people are born every second and approximately 2 people die each second. In addition to that, there are about 925 million people on the planet who go to bed hungry every night. And over one billion people are homeless, not having adequate housing. As part of the You and the World Project, I want to go on a crusade to seek an end to these epidemics. 

Hunger according to the Oxford English Dictionary 1971 is the want or scarcity of food by someone or some where.  People may associate the main cause of hunger with the shortage of food supplies, but the leading cause today of hunger is poverty. According to the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO), 3 billion people, almost half the world lives on less than $2.50 a day, and nearly 8 million people die each year because they can’t afford to stay alive. The largest poverty stricken regions of the world are Asia and the Pacific, then the Sub-Saharan Africa, next Latin America and the Caribbean, the near East and North Africa, and last other developing countries.

* Picture of a girl from Sudan trying to crawl towards the United Nations feeding center with a vulture waiting behind her for the right moment to attack.

Homelessness is the state of not having a constant and adequate home or nighttime residence. Homeless people may take refuge on the streets, in shelters, cars, abandoned buildings, or with friends or family. According to the National Alliance to End Hunger, roughly over 640,000 to 2.5 million people experience homelessness in the U.S., let alone 100 million and counting are homeless in the world. And of the U.S. of the homeless population, 40% are families with children, 1.37 million of the population are under the age of 18, 41% are single males, and 14% are single females. Shockingly, of the homeless population, veterans make up 40% it. The greatest cause of homelessness yet again is poverty. The other leading causes are lack of affordable housing, unemployment, substance abuse, and mental illness. In America, Alaska and California have the highest rates of homelessness. But in the world, India, Nigeria, and China have the largest homeless populations. 

* Everyday, more than 100 million people face the reality of being homeless.

There are many organizations out there to help put end to the homeless epidemic, such as the National Alliance to End Homelessness. This organization is one of the leading alliances to committed to preventing and ending homelessness. Other organizations such as Project H.O.M.E., is a Philadelphia based organization that empowers communities to break the cycle of homelessness and poverty. The Just Life is another organization that aides the homeless. It is a Christian organization that is committed to being agents of social change by living out righteousness and justice in the world.

* Homeless shelters offer a warm place for the homeless.

An organization the have been founded to aid the hungry is the World Food Programme or the WFP, which was founded by the U.N. is the second largest humanitarian organization is the world that adresses world-wide hunger. The Hunger Project is also a charitable organization that is dedicated to an end in world hunger. And Bread For the World is a Christian organization that urges our nation’s decision makers to end hunger. 

* Organizations are available to feed the poor.

Homelessness and hunger are urgent issues that should be tackled. So make your voice known. Petition the Congress to pass legislation to aid the hunger and homeless, volunteer at local homeless shelters and food banks, donate to these causes, listen to the cries of the victims impacted by these issues, just do something to make a difference. They need your help.

They Need Your Help!

Comments (13)

Michelle Friedman (Student 2016)
Michelle Friedman

Hey! Before I even read this, I knew I liked it! It looks really awesome and professional. You have a typo right under the image of beds in homeless shelters- oh no! This is really informative and informative.

Tobi Hahn (Student 2016)
Tobi Hahn

I agree with Wilson. The images were good and striking, but they were certainly overwhelming as at the same time as they drove the point home. I enjoyed the post, though. Good job!