Picasso at the Lapin Agile: Y-band's Interpretations

3 groups from each drama class were asked to perform the same scene from Steve Martin's Picasso at the Lapin Agile in three different theater style: thrust, theater in the round and proscenium. These are Y-band's interpretations

Morgan Craig-Williams-Q1 Benchmark

        As an artist I feel free. I know when I create something form my imagination it can't be criticized or re-explained but it can definitely be unwanted and that is fine with me. When I create something it always has a meaning behind it. I was extremely excited when I found out I had art this year, I've wanted ever since our required freshman class but never got it. I'm looking forward to continuing the year as it bring on new challenges and broadens my view as an artist.
        This quarter we went to see  Aurora Robson's work on bottle caps and what she does to eliminate some of the trash left on this earth buy humans. Her art as beautiful, what really amazed me was the time her and her team spent working on the project.


 Seeing this project in the making had inspired us to make bottle cap posters. Here's mine:
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          My next project was to create something of of recyclable items, it could be anything. I decided to make ballerina because I've been dancing since I was three so, dancing is something that means a lot to me.  It took me a while to figure out exactly how I was gonna create my ballerina but I finally got it. Here is my finished work:

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Photo on 2010-11-12 at 17.40
Photo on 2010-11-12 at 17.40

La Cita Mi Verano

La Cita de Mi Verano

The purpose of this tutorial was to tach Noah the difference between conjugating preterite and present tense verbs. Also, how to use the phrase Qué tal?. Mostly to tach him that Spanish can be fun. Noah should be able to conjugate some words in the preterite tense and present tense, such as hacer. and ir. These goals are important to the group because we think that we would have benefited most from learning these things. So why not give the perfect advice for a Spanish student, from another Spanish student. I would really prioritize much more appropriately. Also, i am very proud of our final outcome. I know it could have been much better but i did as best as i could. 

How much Spanish have you learned so far Noah?

And How much did you learn from our video?

Link TO PDF- http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2195984/Spanish%202-%20BM.pdf
Spanish 2- BM

Research Question: Like other initially controversial scientific theories, will evolution one day be universally accepted by society?

Research Question: Like other initially controversial scientific theories, will evolution one day be universally accepted by society?

Evolution has been a controversial theory since the first day word reached out about it. But, this is not unlike many other theories which we consider true and indisputable today. For example, Copernicus' Heliocentric theory and Newton's gravitational theory. Copernicus' Heliocentric theory basically asserted that the earth was not the center of the solar system, but the sun. At the time, everyone believed in geocentric theory which said that the earth was the center of the universe. This theory was so novel and unprecedented, people were quick to scorn Copernicus and dismiss the theory as nonsense. The dissension around it did not end for later Galileo defended it. He was a supporter of Copernicus and was put on trial by the Catholic Church for defending something that they felt contradicted religion.They wanted the theory banned. This is almost the exact same scenario with evolution today. The Copernican theory gained legitimacy over time and became universally accepted. Newton's theory of gravity had similarly controversial beginnings yet no one contests it's admissibility today.

 If history has taught us anything, it's although initially controversial, theories with strong foundations such as Evolution do become universally accepted over time. There is evidence of evolution gaining more support today. Although just 39% of Americans believe in evolution, as indicated by a Gallup poll in 2009, that number has been on the rise, especially with the newer generations. 74% of people with a post graduate degree believe in evolution. There are some creationist museums today that include evolution in their displays. Perhaps one day even religious people can believe in the basic concepts of evolution while still holding faith in their religion at the same time. With the number of people who believe in evolution on the rise with newer generations, it is safe to assume that we will one day live in a society which almost unanimously accepts evolution as true. 


Peacocking or The Enticement, Perhaps Foolishly, of the Opposite Sex

The woman adorns her face in make-up, covers herself in perfume, removes all “unnecessary” hairs, puts on a most flattering outfit and enters the field. The man grooms himself, applies a hearty amount of cologne, and drapes himself in his finest clothing, entering that same realm. These are the stereotypical, if abbreviated, versions of preparation each human gender takes to make themselves a viable option for the opposite sex, a process that has only gotten more complex. Yet despite the understood belief, this is not the only species that undergoes such strenuous enticement methods. It exists everywhere regardless of the harm it may cause!

A grand example would be the peacock. This lovely creature is known for its noticeable plumage, an addition that both attracts the opposite sex as well as makes them a target for any predator on the prowl. This attachment has remained despite the danger it poses because of the higher probability of being chosen by the females for the proud honor of fatherhood. (No female can resist beautiful plumage.)

But why pick the incredibly-feathered peacock ? Or the cologne laden male? It can all be attributed to the implication. The female peacock will pick the male because if such a gentleman could survive despite the hindrance the tail causes and maintenance energy it requires, the female can safely assume this fellow is of a strong caliber and in possession of a quality genotype. This choice of the fittest mate, despite its troublesome side effects, is necessary in ensuring the peacock’s survival. Now if we look to humans, it must be acknowledged that there are somewhat more complex methods put in place but it is the same at heart. By primping oneself, it also implies the same strength and quality genome as the peacock feather. But here lays the greatest difference: humans have evolved the ability to mislead quite a bit better, meaning that such preparations may cover up an unflattering truth. (A thing no peacock can muster.) 



On a final note, the lady’s choice in mate is also chosen in consideration to the way their offspring will come out. A female will choose an attractive mate to give birth to others who will prove just as attractive, to ensure they will also be chosen. However, in the case of the male peacock and countless other species, these “attractive” traits are detrimental to their continued existence, yet they are chosen nonetheless. Oh how curious it is…

Hewett, C. (2003). Theory of sexual selection- the     human mind and the peacock's tale. The Great Debate,



Huk, T, & Winkel, W. (2008). Testing the sexy son hypothesis- a research for       


empirical approaches. Oxford Journals, 19(2), 456-461.

Evolution and Co-Evolution

We have heard about evolution being the change of a specific species over a period of time, this is caused by natural selection. Some have been extinct and some have been mandated to change in order to change to survive. However, do they affect one another in how they changed we call this co-evolution and in order to keep things in order.

Co-evolution is how to species coexist in order to survive because no matter what species we are talking about we know that at one time it has caused another to either species to change the natural selection of another. Such as the common example of predator vs. prey:




Birds and plant coexist because one can’t survive without the other, with a bird who eats the flower or fruit from the plant, they get the nourishment they need in order to survive, while the plant started to produce regurgitating seeds for which the bird had to evolve, so the plant would find a way to share its seeds to grow more plants. They evolved to different types of birds to make sure they know where the plant would be.





The Thumb

Andrew Smith The thumb


       The thumb is arguably the best adaptation humans have. We don’t think about it, and we take if for granted, but the thumb is used everyday, and makes things so much easier. However we didn’t always have thumbs, nor are we the only ones who have them. The first actual record of a thumb, was back when the Dinosaurs roamed the Earth, the most known is probably the iguanodon. So thumbs have been around for a long time, even sauropods that walked on all 4 legs seemed to have some resemblance in their feet to a thumb bone, But what about with humans?

One of the earliest apes (even before the Humans) that had a thumb was called the Proconsul; This ape lived around 17-23 Million years ago, Although not human, they evolved from the same  relative (The

Kenyapithecus) they are one of the first mammals on record to have a thumb. The first humans ever were the Homo habilis, they too had a thumb. 

            This all just means the thumb is a hard evolutionary trait to trace, they appeared way before humans and apes, but did not appear to be used as an opposable thumb until the first mammals.  Now here are some pictures of animals with thumbs:


Are evolution and "survival of the fittest" the same thing?

"Survival of the fittest" is a term coined by Charles Darwin. Throughout Darwin's life he studied the evolution of animals but he is most known from his work with birds on Galapagos Island. What separates the two is survival of the fittest is a "race" between the same species of animals where only those who are capable of surviving the conditions presented to them. The Ginkgo tree, a native of Asia, was in a race with its own kind. When forced to survive in extreme conditions, the tree with the defensive adaptations survived where as the only thing left of the other variety of tree is a mere fossil. Evolution is the process to adapt to the conditions provided. The difference between evolution and "survival of the fittest" is that "survival of the fittest" is when one species is competing with itself with different varieties. Evolution is when one species is constantly changing to better survive in their environment.

Human Evolution Through Meat

Q: How does the point in which humans started to eat meat affect the way of evolution?

The world in which we live in has many mysteries. One of the things we never think about is how we first became meat eaters. It is said that the first meat eating humanoids date back 2.5 million years ago. That is just long enough to teach us everything we know about the animals we eat, and possibly even change throughout evolution because of it.

There are many reasons why a person would need to include new things into their diet. One of those reasons is survival. Scientist Patricia McBroom of the organization, Public Affairs gave their reason behind why human ancestors began to include meat. “Human ancestors who roamed the dry and open savannas of Africa about 2 million years ago routinely began to include meat in their diets to compensate for a serious decline in the quality of plant foods”, University of California, Berkeley. 2 million years ago the loss of some plant life was said to be among the Earth. With the Ice Ages end different plant life was killed, and humans were left were hardly any plant life in which they felt contained the nutrients they believed they needed. This led to a diet of meat, which was full of nutrients that provided help through human evolution, for example the growth of the brain.


Thea's Election Day Interview

Me:  Do you think it’s important for everyone to vote?

Interviewee:  Of course I do.

Me:  Was it a challenge at all getting here today?

Interviewee:  No.

Me:  Do you think it would be any easier if voting was on a different day?

Interviewee:  No, it doesn’t matter to me what day it is.

Me:  Okay, it doesn’t conflict with work or anything?

Interviewee:  No, because you can come from eight in the morning until eight at night, and I live around the neighborhood so it’s easy to walk over.

Me:  Do you know why they have voting on Tuesdays?

Interviewee:  No, I don’t.  That’s a very good question.

Me:  Okay.  Thanks!

Interviewee:  You’re welcome.

Evolution of the Hour Glass Shape

According to this idea of natural selection humans are still around today because of the adaptations we have developed as time has pasted. We use almost everything on our bodies to “survive” in this world, and to keep our species going. Sometimes though these certain adaptations we have acquired over time have stopped being about surviving. We stopped worrying about what could continue our species and began to only focus on our own wants and needs.


 Women overtime have formed a certain shape that we call an, hour glass figure. Consisting of broad hips, big chest, and small waist, we have classified this adaptation as normal. Many people attribute wide hips as a great necessity for child baring. Meaning a women with bigger hips are more suitable to bear tons and tons of children. But that mind set has changed, and not only because of time but because of cultural differences.


In an article in the Telegraph written by Andrew Hough, “..a man was more attracted to a woman based on the size of her waist compared with her hips.”  Which is not always true. In a study done by Women’s-Health.com 80% of the men tested preferred slim women. But according to evolution, a women of a slim stature would not be suitable for bearing children. So why would some men prefer this? Something that could mean the possible end of our species because of a halt in reproduction. This has also been proven to me when talking to my fellow classmates. Some boys talk about their love for a girl with amazing curves, and with smallest waist. While other boys gush over slim and trim girls. This proves that over time, we stopped caring about the aspect of reproduction and only the satisfaction of attraction.







Evolution and Protection of Species

Climate and environmental change are major parts of the evolution of species. If the environment changes the species generally either adapts to fit that change and becomes a new species or dies off. This is part of nature and always will be as long as there is life. So this brings up the question, if extinction is part of evolution, what is the point of protecting a species?

            There is no point to this actually. All it does is change how the species evolve or make it take longer for them to die off. However people find it necessary to fix these mistakes that are causing the extinction of species. However, the way to protect species isn’t to have them grow inside, being kept from living in the wild, it’s to fix the problems that human beings have caused by fixing what’s been done to the environment.

            However to argue against that, there is the point to be made that many endangered species are national or state symbols, like the bald eagle. There’s also the fact that many species are only able to survive inside because they’re environment has changed so drastically.

Overall this topic is something that is easily debatable from both sides. Possibly the simplest explanation of what the point of protecting species is, is that people find it necessary to find an immediate solution to the problem caused but don’t realize that the long term solution is the better one.




Evolution of Taste Buds


            The evolutionary process is relatively simple; if something about ones biology helps them to survive and thrive over others, then that trait will be passed down through their DNA sequence and those without it will slowly die off. This then begs a basic question: 

How come our taste buds haven’t evolved to appreciate the taste of fruits and vegetables over sugars?

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  • The answer to this question lies in our young history as a species.


            In most cases, obesity is a product of eating many foods that are unhealthy. Those with obesity have a much higher susceptibility to many illnesses such as diabetes. Since this is true, wouldn’t those with a liking for fruits and vegetables and a dislike for sugars be reproducing more leading to a decline in obesity?

            However, this is not the case, at least not yet. Only in the last couple hundred years of our history have we been able to obtain sugars whenever we get a craving. For the large majority of human history, our only natural sources came in small dosage along with whatever naturally produced food the sugars resided in (usually fruits). If we look at the problem this way, then we can make the prediction that if our eating habits continue like they have been over the last 100 years, obesity will eventually cease to exist.

The book, In Defense of Foods, Michael Pollan writes, "Sugar has it is ordinarily found in nature-in fruits and some vegetables-gives us a slow-release form of energy accompanied by minerals and all sorts of crucial micronutrients we can get nowhere else. One of the most momentous changes in the American diet since 1909 has been the increase in the percentage of calories coming from sugars, from 13 to 20 percent."

Why do we still crave sugars?

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             We still crave sugars because it takes hundreds of generations to evolve. We are still in the early stages of evolution when it comes to our new agriculturally sound diet. In due time, we will probably start to enjoy all foods equally and just proportion them so that we get the correct dosage of each every day.




In Defense of Food, Michael Pollan

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Artist Statement - Aaron Johnson

In my advanced art class, my teacher Mrs. Hull assigned a project where students had to recycle everyday materials and use them in a creative way. Our class was inspired by the artist Aurora Robson, who used bottle caps to create unique sculptures. She used her creativity not only to make something interesting and unique, but also to create something environmentally friendly. Our art class wanted to produce something that was not only imaginative, but that also did something positive for the environment.

For my first quarter art project, I decided to make a picture frame with a picture inside of it. The picture frame itself is made out of an Abercrombie and Fitch shopping bag, while the inside of the frame is made out of the tissue paper used to cover the inside of presents. People are always recycling bags, so I wanted to do something different and recycle tissue paper. The inside of the picture frame is a picture of how the earth will look if we don't recycle: empty and ruined. I constructed the globe by cutting up the bottom of several water bottles and then taping them all together, making a somewhat round figure or sphere. 

The tissue paper in the project is around the globe and is supposed to represent the space. The tissue paper is loose and colorful, and even though space is dark, I wanted it to be bright and colorful, to show a contrast between it and the darkness of the earth in a non-recycled future. Basically I switched the roles so the earth is dark and dismal, while space is colorful and vibrant. 

Overall I very much enjoyed working on this art project. I try to be as environmentally friendly as possible and creating this picture frame was a way to incorporate school work and the environment.

art 1
art 1

Why do we have opposable thumbs


For generations, humans have had the competitive edge over other species on this earth because of one amazing feature we have that other creatures don’t.  Our opposable thumbs.  We have these amazing appendages and we use them to do things most other creatures couldn’t even begin understand.  For those of you who don’t know, “an opposable thumb is a physical adaptation. An adaptation is a feature that helps a plant or animal survive in its habitat. Adaptations can either be physical (a part of the body) or a behavior an organism has developed.” Thumbs have helped us with things we normally could never do.  They let us hold things, make tools to work and work those tools.  They even let us give thumbs up.  They do so much for us that we sometimes even forget how important they are.  Years of evolution have let us go this far with thumbs and they will not stop now. 








Why wings?

How have some animals evolved wings?

When learning about evolution, someone might wonder about how irreducibly complex parts of animals, such as wings, have evolved.  A wing only works when there is an entire functioning wing. So this brings up the question, how does an animal without wings evolve into an animal with wings? The most reasonable explanation would be that wings began evolving with a slightly different purpose. 

Theropods that lived in the trees would get around by jumping from branch to branch. If they missed the jump, they could fall out of the tree and die. These theropods evolved into birds. According to discovermagazine.com, birds and theropods both "Have three bones that appear to have evolved from the digits on a common five-fingered ancestor." A theropod with a small flap of skin between its fingers would have a slightly larger surface area when jumping between branches and that would decrease the chance of it falling. Through generations, that skin flap became larger and eventually evolved into a functioning wing where the animal could flap it's wings and fly away.

If I were to do further research, I would want to look into birds that don't fly, like penguins or emus. If they can't fly, what is the purpose of having wings?



The Blind Watchmaker by Richard Dawkins

Are there evolutionary causes behind the rates of cancer in this country?

Research Question:
Are there evolutionary causes behind the rates of cancer in this country?

Results of Research:
There are findings that support a notion that evolutionary changes have contributed to the many instances of cancer in America. According to Jarle Breivik from the University of Oslo in Norway, there are select mutations in the human genome that encourage cells to rapidly divide that also encourages genetic mutations. Usually, the immune system kills these mutated cells, but given how rapidly these cells divide, it is inevitable that the cells become cancerous as people continue to live longer. Jarle's research focused mainly on the cells of the upper intestine, as that is a common area for the creation of tumors and other signs of cancer in older people. Anil Jegga, a researcher at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, further concludes that there are seven mutations present in most Europeans in the p53 regulatory network of the human genome that encourages these changes; the p53 network normally regulates the cell's division genes so that they won't become cancerous. They have further demonstrated these results through rodent testing, in which they were able to replicate the entire p53 network and then modify it: the results of the studies were that the p53 regulatory network does not prevent the creation cancerous cells. Dr. Dan Mishmar, a researcher at BGU, performed a study that links the mitochondria of cells to the cancerous mutations. He argues that when mitochondria are passed from mother to offspring, there are certain changes that came from genetic mutations that were adapted to environmental conditions that resulted in cells living shorter lifespans and dividing more rapidly. The conclusion that scientists have drawn is that there is an evolutionary link between the makeup and behavior of cells that encourages cancer.


Natikwa Goodwin - Art Project .

​In my advanced art class the assignment was to create a piece of artwork out of used materials. The idea of the assignment was to use household items or things that can be found around you and make them into art. 

For my assignment I used old t-shirts, needle & thread, and pillow stuffing. For my project I made home made pillows. I first took the old t-shirts and washed them. After that, turned the t-shirts inside out and sewed the bottom. After sexing the bottom i sewed the two sleeves together. Then, I turned the shirt right side out and started to place the pillow stuffing inside the t-shirt. Finally, I sewed the top of the t-shirt together and I had a new made/ home made pillow. 

This assignment was good because it used items that had no more use. Instead of things going to waste, reusing them is always a good option. The regular things that would have been thrown into the garbage and adding pollution to the world is now less then it would have been.

Uyen Nguyen (Recyclable Camera)

“Art is something unique for yourself to create and not for others to judge. Art has the ability to enrich each individual.” As a high school student, my definition of art is more than just a painting or a drawing. Art is an outlet for my feelings and emotions, it’s one of the ways I can express myself without communicating with others. Art class is one of the classes that I can escape from my in school, and it also motivates me to express myself as well as show my reactivities. I was really eager to find out all the projects we are going to get involve with in the unit.

We started our unit by connecting the environment with art. Aurora Robson with her most recent work on using recycling material inspired our teacher Mrs. Hull to come up with our unit project on using recycling objects and create our own art pieces. Aurora Robson created a sculptured out of melted bottle caps. Her inspiration was not only from using recycling product to create her art piece. But it was also because it was one of her biggest nightmares; therefore using bottle caps to create the sculptured was an outlet to show her feeling and emotion on all the negatives affect to the environment when people are abusing the environment by not recycling right.

When the project was first given to us, I was blown away by Aurora Robson’s project and was so thrilled with trying to make a different piece of art from the same material. However, I was having lunch one day and realized right on the table, there’s a soda can sitting right next to a cardboard box laying on the table. I started to realize that there are more recyclable products I can relate to in this project. Along with seeing recyclable object lying on the table, right next to it what I call my passion or in another word my camera that I’d carry with me everyday. I decided to collaborate my motivation and passion together and create something new something that could attach to me as well as describing who I am.

I’ve come to a conclusion to rebuild another version of my camera, but with recycle products. For this project I used a box that was found on the table the day I had lunch to resemble the body of the camera. For the camera lens it was replaced with cans that was also found at the lunch table, which someone decided to not recycle it. Also a long the progress of building this camera, I found a couple of plastics item I could use as extra attachment on the camera. This piece of camera was put together by masking tapes because I wanted to stay in the area of using all recyclable materials or can be use to recycle. With the brand new camera I can finally captures this experience as well as my new outlet with the environment around me when people start to take role in recycling.

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Photo on 2010-11-12 at 12.44 #2