Jalen Bowman-Whitaker Capstone

For my capstone, I decided that I wanted to focus on mental stress and anxiety. To do so, I formatted my project in a way where I can learn more about SLA’s mental health status and how stress & anxiety can play a role in the student’s everyday lives. I designed and 3D printed my own fidget toys, which I plan to distribute to a handful of students at some point. I took a survey for the students to answer and gave them the opportunity for interviews so they can share their thoughts and opinions on the topic. This whole process was a learning experience. It taught me time management, collaboration, communication, and patience. If I could redo it, there are things I know I could improve on but I’m satisfied with how my project ended up. I worked with a lot of people and learned more about myself and my community along the way.

Copy of Capstone Bibliography (1)

Stella Jann Capstone

By using the Trap-Neuter-Release (TNR) approach to solve the problem of feral cat overpopulation, my capstone project intended to bridge the gap between my personal and academic lives. To reduce the number of feral cats and enhance their well-being, TNR involves catching, spaying/neutering, and relocating the cats to their original habitat. I chose to do my research because of my passion for the topic and the negative consequences of population growth, including the spread of disease, competition for resources, and effects on wildlife. My capstone matched SLA’s five guiding principles. Researching cat behavior, trap design, and community needs prompted the inquiry. To enhance the design process, extensive research was conducted on the materials, methods, and traps already in use. The most effective trap ideas were chosen after thorough evaluation and brainstorming, and they were then prototyped and tested with my pet cat and bait. I found some obstacles including selecting a material that would minimize harm to trapped animals.

Annotated Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1I5OS5l_T6PfmVBTPG7SPgSvVdOquQDSbjZyDD95DCvU/edit?usp=sharing


Samson McCarthy Capstone

When I first started on my capstone I originally wanted to create my calendar app but also allow it to communicate with Canvas to take assignments from there. I realized that recreating something that big is ridiculously hard and not feasible for me. So I decided that I would need to change what I had for my final plan. This meant not making it an app and instead just purely coding it. I also then decided to limit my calendar to only adding classes and assignments. So after coming up with what seemed to me like a reasonable direction to start working towards, I got started. Most of the time I spent at the beginning was familiarizing myself with the API that Java Script had for date and time because I knew it would be necessary to create a calendar and also re-familiarizing myself with coding in general as it had been quite a while since I had coded anything. I started by creating basic date checkers and after that looking at other calendars online where I noticed that all of them were unable to add events to the calendar so I decided that I would at least be able to do that. As I worked I eventually created the base but I realized that with the time I had spent working on just making the calendar itself, I would have to cut out either the ability to add assignments or classes. I chose assignments over classes because making classes seemed less important but also more difficult. I then kept working and eventually created the calendar I have today.

Capstone: https://github.com/Spumason/SLA-Senior-Capstone

Bibliogrophy: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kuU1sx9l_dlZb1uMRax3_AYxydTyP33Sk5JW8gqQk4A/edit?usp=sharing

Synai Harris Capstone

Through the course of my capstone project, I went looking for things that reflected my passions and personal growth. After my experiences with My School Votes and diving into various resources and lessons on voter education, I felt it was important to bring these crucial topics to my school community. It took time and contemplation to find the perfect concept that resonated with me, but when I did, I knew it was worth the effort. Crafting a lesson plan that would not only educate but also engage my underclassmen became my mission. I wanted to make the learning experience fun and enlightening, so I incorporated activities that allowed everyone to participate and win incentives along the way. It was nice to see my peers get involved and witness the fun that some students experienced. As the lesson plan unfolded, I made sure to discuss the upcoming election and we worked to explore the candidates so they could cast their own ballots and reflect. To tie everything together, I continued work on a website I had created back in 2020, where I expanded on the significance of my capstone project. Through this platform, I aimed to convey the importance of voter education and how it could shape our future. This entire journey has been a visual to my growth and the realization that when we pursue things that align with our passions, meaningful ideas can take shape.

Annotated Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/16Lw2hd1W4W5tZeClTF7nhkMXtrISI-G02rF5ZelLv68/edit?usp=sharing Website link: https://synaiharris.wixsite.com/everysynaibreae

Democracy Beyond The President
Capstone Bibliography

Sarahi Franco-Morales Capstone

For my capstone I chose to highlight Latine entrepreneurs in Philadelphia. I was able to reach out to around 5 different businesses to ask them for an interview. I recorded their stories and learned about their business. My goal was to share the places with others because they have played an important role in my community and directly impact our world’s economy. I grew up surrounded by these businesses and never realized the lack of attention they receive. I designed a website to showcase how special these places are. I took pictures of the shops and included them in the website alongside the best clips of the interviews. I cut down hour-long interviews into less than 10 minute clips.
The purpose of my capstone was to portray the strengths within my community and invite others to visit these shops. Most of the media I have been surrounded by has focused on highlighting the negatives and all of the obstacles the Latine community faces. I wanted my website to be different. I wanted to focus on our successes. In this capstone I met hardworking and humble business owners. I built connections and became a stronger filmmaker. I was able to merge my passion for my community with my film studies. In addition, I partnered up with another student who created a children’s book based on the interviews I acquired. Our goal was to inspire the next generation to become entrepreneurs. We wanted youth in our community to know that owning a business was attainable. This makes our message reach a broader audience, both adults and children.



Annotated Bibliography  (1)

Trey Jones Capstone

For my capstone, I created a digital magazine called “Sugar Snaps” and two original songs. The songs were created using the Digital Audio Workshops (DAW) Cakewalk and Logic Pro X. I chose this project because I want to be a musical artist professionally and photography, production, and songwriting are all skills that will be vital to my career path so it would be a strategic use of time to design a project that encompasses all of those skills. To complete my capstone, first I researched inspiration for “Sugar Snaps”. I wanted it to be somewhat bright like “Fruits Magazine” but also creatively realistic like “Nana” stills and manga covers. Separately, I worked on my music in the Digital Audio Workshops “Cakewalk” and “Logic Pro X.” The largest obstacle I encountered was overall inexperience with every skill involved in my project except for writing music. I did not know how to edit photos, mix or master music, and both were technical skills so my musical abilities did not help with getting through those. My schedule in high school has always been hectic so I’ve never had the ability to get involved in the music scene in Philadelphia which always made me feel stagnant and incompetent. This project allowed me to push myself away from the negativity I focused on and devote my time to music production skills, which were a lot more accessible and just as important in my opinion.

Link to Hold You: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RnfQpbvQekK2CyBO8057OucYFMVRydNM/view?usp=sharing

Link to Booboosoosa’s Lullaby: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zZ4jkYwJK1U3VBnKex9OuBBy8y6Cqivd/view?usp=sharing

Sugar Snaps Issue #1
Sugar Snaps Issue #2
Sugar Snaps Issue #3
My Capstone Bibliogrpahy

Nicholas Schaeffer Capstone

My capstone project was to design and simulate a model rocket that used a dual-deploy parachute system. I decided to do this project because of my interest in model rockets and aerospace engineering. The rocket is 39 inches long and has about a 2-inch diameter. Dual deployment means that once it reaches its apogee, the highest point, a small parachute gets released, then a larger parachute gets released once it gets much closer to the ground. A normal parachute system just releases one large parachute at apogee. I researched different components of model rockets and model rocket kits. Then I designed a rocket in Fusion 360, a CAD software. I then took that design and created it in a simulation tool called Open Rocket. I adjusted the design to get the apogee over a thousand feet. Then I went to the CAD and added the changes I made in the simulation. The other data I’m collecting from the simulation are the drag coefficient and the horizontal distance traveled. The horizontal distance is important because the point of a dual-deploy parachute system is to decrease the distance a rocket travels after its parachute is deployed. Throughout this project, I have learned so much about how model rockets work, how to use Fusion 360, and how to use Open Rocket. All of these are skills that I plan on using in the future as an aerospace engineer.

Rocket Rendering
Rocket Rendering
Internal View
Internal View

Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZBTOZC78DLeTPDKGGQUDDRYAeXIkPatUDR6PWbz7qaM/edit?usp=sharing

Frankie Gavin Capstone

For my capstone, I made a short stop motion film. The idea for this stemmed from the anxiety that I felt before my wisdom tooth surgery. The specific type of stop motion animation that I used was claymation and I made the sets from cardboard. As I was working, I thought deeply about how I could create something that reflects all of SLA’s core values as well as being something unique to me and what I wanted to create. My process had a lot of ups and downs, since I had never done claymation before. I ended up using animals as the characters instead of people because I could not figure out how to make a good looking clay human. I struggled a lot with my time management, but I ended up overcoming my obstacles and creating something that I am proud of. The end result is a short film that is supposed to show the audience that no matter what situation you are in, nothing is perfect and there will always be things to worry about, so make the most of your life.

Here is the link to my final video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DXqQYJKIjbs

Here is the link to my annotated bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1TY9kAE1liH1-7pS-PsYyO-zRmrQ7VEvjLmd_UiSAcyk/edit

Sun-Ra Keller Capstone

For my capstone project, I examined the COVID-19 pandemic and how it impacted the class of 2023 at Science Leadership Academy as well as teenagers across the country in regards to their mental health and overall high school experience. I explored a lot of online sources for a portion of my research. These provided an abundance of data and percentages that would draw attention to the pandemic’s detrimental effects on students’ mental health. In order to increase the relevance and reliability of the project, I restricted some of my analyses to the Philadelphia region. For other sources I searched for firsthand accounts from genuine teenagers. I made sure to include a lot of diversity within my research. It was crucial to consider factors such as a student’s income, ethnicity, language, or disability. The other half of my research came from interviews I conducted with my class of 2023 peers. In order to receive useful information about their mental health and experiences during the pandemic, I had to structure my questions carefully. I made sure to even question minor concerns such as routine changes and shifts in friendship dynamics. After completing the study, I utilized the knowledge I had obtained to develop a podcast on how the COVID-19 pandemic affected the mental health and overall high-school experience of SLA’s class of 2023 and other teenagers in America. Through this capstone project, I was able to learn about how other students responded to the pandemic and compare their experiences with my own.

Capstone Podcast: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/1/folders/1gmxu5z5IfKsHXc24-kKuAr5_Dt3TvLC5

[Keller, Sun-Ra] Annotated Bibliography (1)

Christopher Straface Capstone

For my project, I have created both a written guide and a series of videos talking about ESports. Specifically, the topic of whether or not it is viable to pursue a career as a professional ESports player, or “athlete.” With ESports constantly rising in popularity, it’s a sport that’s been recently picked up by many schools, so there’s a good chance there’s many students at SLA who have at least thought about whether or not they’d like to create a career in ESports. What I have created is meant as a resource for them to look at as their introductory guide to all things related to the ESports industry, all laid out for them to read or watch. I put numerous hours into researching all different components of the industry in order to construct a lengthy, quality guide with the proper information for anyone interested in using it. The videos are there for anyone who does not want to read through the entire guide, as they are shorter but contain a lot of the important information, just not every single detail I went over. While creating this project, I have learned how much I loved expressing my strengths through writing, and I am proud of how I was able to create all of this by myself. Through my developed skills of researching and writing, I have created this project out of curiosity and love, and I hope someone can find use out of it.

Capstone Guide Straface
Capstone Annotated Bibliography (1)

Hassan Soboh Capstone: Start your Transformation

I made a google site that has information on getting healthy and fit. It includes suggestions on losing weight and gaining weight. It also has information on working out. It also gives you ideas on what foods to eat to reach your goals. I did this project because when I started the gym I wanted there to be some type of website that gave me all the information about working out and dieting in one place. The website I created is simple and easy. I will give you a summary basically on what to do and what to eat. Without having to look up multiple things and without reading pages of nonsense to get to the answer you are looking for. I also wanted to make it to help people start getting healthy and turning their life around and reaching their goals in fitness. https://sites.google.com/scienceleadership.org/getfit/home

Copy of Copy of Capstone Bibliography

Nathaniel Buskirk Capstone

Hard work always pays off, one way or another. Putting the time and effort into doing something, and seeing that be rewarded is a feeling everyone deserves to have. My capstone is a combination of the time I spent in Digital Video perfecting my camera skills, and learning how to use Premiere, along with the subtleties of interviewing people, and mixing it with the love for a sport that I never thought I’d be playing. Frisbee was the first sport at SLA that convinced kids to wake up at 5 AM to grind and work harder than anyone else. This is something that I sense is becoming lost amongst the next generation of SLA students, as more people are complaining about the early practices, or opting out because of them. I created this project to shed some more light on a community that is a core piece of SLA. I made the Ultimate Frisbee Reel to encourage others to give Frisbee a try, regardless of any initial judgments passed upon it. Because if everyone can apply a hard-working mindset to something like Frisbee, SLA will become a better place. There will be challenges and setbacks. There were challenges and setbacks in my capstone, as I struggled with the interviewing process, and finding Braskem funding. However, it will all be worth it in the end. Everything at SLA always is.


Andre Doyle Capstone

For my capstone, I taught a coding mini course here at SLA for the third quarter every Wednesday from 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM, with a total of ten classes ranging from February 15,2023 to April 19,2023. In this mini course,students learned how to code in the programming language C sharp, by learning the process of coding, as well as the importance of technology, and programming in our everyday lives. As students progressed through this course, we focused on the question of what role does technology play in our everyday lives? By teaching this mini course, I hoped to introduce students to the field of Computer Science. I also hope to teach this course as a source of Career Exploration.

Andre Doyle ~ Capstone Finished Product Link


Annotated Bibliography

Grace Eagen Capstone

For my senior project I wanted to do something with interior design as a way for me to see if it’s something I would pursue in the future. I wanted to do something for the school as well. My project was to clean and organize the DigVid closet and make the space cleaner and better for students and teachers that utilize it. It always felt so cluttered and I never understood how people were able to function with a space that didn’t feel right. I did research to figure out what it was I wanted to do and how I could accomplish it. I also spoke to an interior designer to understand more about the job. While it was a difficult process and I experienced a few road bumps the overall outcome was what I always wanted. Several students who are in the DigVid program told me the space felt less cluttered and bigger than before. Throughout the whole process I learned a lot about what it takes to be able to balance several different things at one given time. My main struggle was prioritizing everything and staying on top of my work, it was something I have never really had to worry about before. Throughout this whole process I have a new appreciation for calendars and other tools for staying organized that I never used before. My overall goal of this project was to leave the school with something I did and to do something that would help people.

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Screenshot 2023-05-22 5.58.39 PM

Annotated Bibliography https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VPZU7oO84T6MZMx9YcFIIjB-MGhha3DynTgi7kDYdKU/edit?usp=sharing

Oisin Hyland Capstone

For my capstone I created a website that can be used by students of SLA and other Philadelphia schools to help find internship and volunteering opportunities across the city. My website has 30 different internships, a section explaining the importance of internships and a place where you can submit any other internship you have interest in doing. To complete this I used Wix to create the website and conducted my own research on why internships are important. In addition to researching why internships are important I also researched where to find internships in the Philadelphia area. I decided to do this for my capstone because I never got a chance to have an internship in my time at SLA and I think that they can be really beneficial for a student’s growth into a working person. I enjoyed this challenge because I got to apply information that I learned through SLA while also learning a new thing like website building.

Link to Website: https://ohyland23.wixsite.com/slainternships

Link to Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1StFCD-ijbm1PnXGe0mavbF7ZtM4Al_7P1X-ljiTeiK8/edit?usp=sharing

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Screen Shot 2023-05-22 at 5.34.09 PM

Jasmine Randall Capstone

For my capstone, I decided to build a desk where I can be able to practice doing nails. What inspired me to build a desk for nails was my passion for it. I have always loved getting my nails done and still do so now. Everytime I would get my nails done, I would watch closely to see what all they were doing because I was so fascinated and curious about it. In addition to what inspired me to build a desk for nails was that it will help me in college. A way to be known in a big college like Penn State, be able to make new friends, and make it my side job just to keep me busy.

Nail Station
Nail Station

Annotated Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1aywKPetK7AmOuaPg6cgjowuSBqXTUUJzJcr7dlKf6uk/edit?usp=sharing

Nyasia King Capstone

Some photos from the shoot.
Some photos from the shoot.

For my capstone, I decided to do a “photo shoot” of my friends wearing pieces of clothing and jewelry that showed the evolution and impact of African American culture on the world today. This was a self-discovery for me because I do not know much about African American culture myself and I feel as though this is something I should know especially since deciding to go to an HBCU for college. I had to do a lot of research on things that came from African American culture not just from today but from years back also and see how it had/has an impact on the world and its influences throughout history. I learned a lot about the original meanings behind some clothing and how the black community decided to change the meaning by embracing them. I believe a lot of people are ignorant of the impact African American culture has given the world and it’s not their own fault. So for this project, I had to find my “ models” aka my friends and find jewelry and clothes that black women from the late 90s and early 2000s use to wear and then talk about what those pieces represented back then and how some women turned the bad dehumanizing meanings behind certain pieces of jewelry into the uplifting, encouraging and powerful symbols that they are today. The biggest surprise and most interesting thing that I learned throughout all of this was about the meaning behind hoop earrings and how much that meaning has changed today. Now you see everyone rocking big gold and silver hoops but not everyone knows that back then it would be a disgrace to walk outside with them on.


Alexander Pompey Capstone

For my capstone project, I studied the science of hot air balloons and created one myself. I’ve always had an interest in air travel, particularly airplanes and hot air balloons. The guiding question for this project was, “How can I use the science of thermodynamics and other engineering principles to create a miniature hot air balloon?”

My capstone project was split into several phases. During the research phase, I learned about the basic principles of a hot air balloon, as well as all the parts that make it work. I also learned about the Montgolfier brothers and their first ever hot air balloon. During the prototyping phase, I created three lighter than air vehicles, or “LTAVs” for short. LTAV-03 became my final product for my capstone.

Creating a hot air balloon from scratch was a lot more difficult than I thought it would be at first. Air temperature, and by extension air density, play a huge role in getting the balloon off the ground. I also had to worry about heat sources, since open flame was a little too risky due to the small size of the prototypes. Also, figuring out the lifting power of the balloon was a bit tricky since the outside air temperature kept changing, and some of the test flights were done indoors. Despite these challenges, I successfully got the final product to lift off and I’m proud to say I created a working hot air balloon for my capstone.

Link to my capstone presentation: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1OT0i4QkbxNRrJXsYbYxAnKUwDW_L7g9D4UKFqm3Ecqo/edit?usp=sharing

Annotated Bibliography:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XTB4efIXDvLuyVVlCjLoiPXvnJ8ev-HWp7_xIqOk5Zc/edit?usp=sharing

Lele Davis Malavé Capstone

For my capstone project I decided to create what I’ve titled the “SLA thrift”. Essentially it is a way for students to collect and donate clothing as needed. It is a clothing rack placed in a convenient area for SLA students to access. And includes a variety of styles and sizes with the goal of making it inclusive to all. Philadelphia is home to many things, but one of those things includes one of the highest poverty rates out of all major school districts. My goal behind my capstone is to make sure that no student feels less than based off of the inability to obtain something as simple as clothing. Essentially, you never know who needs help and the SLA thrift serves as a simple and discreet way to provide that to anyone in our community in need. To get more information out I sent out an advisory memo informing people of the location and how it works, as well as an opportunity for students to get rid of unwanted clothing. Finally, I dedicate this lengthy process to all of the people that provided me with the necessary resources. Those people include the family, friends and community who donated clothing. My mother who constantly kept me on track to thoroughly complete my capstone. My advisor/mentor who aided me with no hesitation anytime I needed help or felt stuck. And finally the many staff of Benjamin Franklin High School who provided me with the materials to display the donated items. All in all my capstone would be nothing without the people above.

Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IHVnbKOilxNWGImFD8jJ0jdN2J_-gAhVn_vhDt2gRas/edit?usp=sharing

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Screen Shot 2023-05-22 at 2.08.24 PM

Devin Hang Capstone


I have made a website with literature from myself and my fellow students. My goal for my capstone is that I wanted people to have a space where they can enjoy reading and/or writing, but importantly, appreciate their work. Many people do not enjoy reading or writing either because of school or other reasons, but sometimes they can produce the most beautiful work when they do, so I wanted them to be able to show their work on this website. I have collaborated with some CTE friends to help me build the website and with fellow students to get the website started. The goal was to share some works that I and others can be proud of and to provide some inspiration for those who will come across this website. I am proud that there were those who were willing to share a story that they appreciate no matter the size of it. Each writer has their own unique writing style which leaves my website with a kind of uniqueness that can’t be copied. I learned the different types of writing styles everyone has and how people tend to express themselves through their out-of-school writing, but I also learned the more challenging things like technology and organizing a website. The process of making a website and having it mirror my vision was its own obstacle. Overall, I appreciate the collaboration I have done to have this capstone completed. Without any, this website and stories would have never been shared.

Devin Hang- Annotated Bibliography (1)

Jennifer Nguyen Capstone

For my capstone, I present a floral garden in the community of my Buddhist Temple. I chose this capstone as a way to connect with my religion in a deeper meaning, and to understand the importance of how big of a role nature has to do in relation to Buddha. In reference to the process of this project, I was required to do research on techniques of gardening in terms of how to build one, different soil types and flowers, and the understanding of nature and my religion. The weather has also been the biggest obstacle in building this garden. Based on this capstone I learned so much about nature, talking about how there are different soils for specific plants, and how certain plants cannot be planted together. I started off with picking and deciding which soil is best with the circulars that I was working with, and what plants are appropriate to proceed. I then mapped out what and where I wanted to structure and plant the flowers. Once I figured that out, I went ahead and dug out holes in the ground to plant the flowers and layer soil on top as a,” finishing top coat.” To prevent a damaged and dehydrated garden, I plan on watering them daily with water mixed with miracle growth. This has also taught me as a whole that gardening is more than just putting plants together and calling it a day, but it taught me that nature is vibrant, beautiful, and enlightening.

these photos shows an overview of what I have been working with, within the garden.
these photos shows an overview of what I have been working with, within the garden.

Day Gillard Capstone


For my capstone I started an official boys volleyball team at SLA. This project required a lot of research into the differences between boys and girls volleyball, including the fact that boys volleyball is very attack-based and places a larger emphasis on blocking. I also had to learn how to integrate into the boys team dynamic and collaborate effectively with the players who had other sports commitments. Despite facing challenges such as not having a fully functional net, the boys in the team were very supportive and understanding, and even managed to compete and win despite this obstacle. The other schools’ athletic directors were also accommodating and supportive throughout the process. Looking forward, there is now a full team ready to compete next year, and I believe that this is a team that will continue to be a part of the school’s athletic program for years to come.

Sa'Mya Burton Capstone 2023, Enzweiler

Schools normally teach students things they might need in life. They don’t teach you how to be successful. They don’t teach financial savings in order to succeed. This project I will be teaching students how to become their own boss. I will be teaching them another way to be successful. Schools program you to become a doctor, teacher, lawyer etc. What schools don’t teach us is how to be a successful business man/woman. I will become a teacher and teach them the way! This also benefits me as well because I will be using this plan to hopefully have a successful trucking company/business in the future. I’ve been researching the trucking business I want to pursue. I’ve come up with steps you and I would need to make in order to be successful. I gathered all the important information from websites and videos. I also spoke with a couple people that are in the trucking industry for advice. I hope you all enjoy!

Capstone Annotated Bibliography

Rayane Benamara Capstone

My capstone project, First-Aid Cabinetmaking, has multiple inspirations and reasons as to why I chose to pick it. I very much wanted to combine my engineering experience with my passion for Medicine and making an impact on others’ lives. At the same time, I strived to give back to the community I’ve been a part of for 4 years before leaving. The resulting factor led to me choosing to build a first-aid cabinet after also realizing there was no emergency equipment on higher floors. One of the driving factors in choosing a woodworking project was that I wanted to build my skills in the engineering shop with machinery or hand work since covid held me back from that.

To be honest, I was tired of just using traditional screws and drills. I wanted to use my hands more so I won’t have to rely too much on the quality of the wood or machinery like the CNC. This led to the decision to use a router to make mortises/dado joints and rabbet joints to connect all of the shelves and cabinet framing together. This took the most time by far but I think I improved on the most seeing as I had never touched a router beforehand. I hope that others in the future can look at this capstone and be inspired to pursue something which combines their interest. I also hope they can be proud of how much their skills would have improved just like I did.


Annotated Bibliography:


Tommy Moore SkateVision

I made photographic content for my Capstone project for a local skateboard company called the Skateboard Academy of Philadelphia. There were three subparts to my project. I first took photos of all of the company’s new employees to update the website of the company. I took photos for the company’s Instagram. I finally took photos of academy students who skate professionally, so they could send the photos to promoters to help them get sponsored. Throughout my project, I had to deal with scheduling and lighting issues that made it difficult to produce quality work. This was a great experience because I was able to learn to skateboard on the side of doing my project, and I was able to immerse myself into the skateboard community and change it for the better.

Exported Photos: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1nKF4sYs3rkj-npzV1mNxv0FS4_GrAQ5Y?usp=share_link

(Tommy Moore) Capstone Bibliography