Valeria Escobar Capstone
My Capstone project is a full-size quilt that I made from scratch with the help of my grandmother through WhatsApp phone calls. Quilting is known for being a family tradition that is passed down from one generation to the next. I used 7 different fabrics to create the pattern of my quilt and I did not use any modern-day tools that are shown on Youtube tutorials. I chose to make a quilt for my Capstone because sewing has been a valued skill for the women in my family, and I wanted to be part of this. I was also gifted a sewing machine that I had not really used to create anything and it was a bit sad seeing it be unused which gave me the motivation to take on a time-consuming project like quilting. This Capstone served as a personal project to help cultivate my relationship with my family, especially my grandmother, whom I’ve grown distant to since we live far away from each other. I’m happy to have finished something that took so much time and that physically hurt during the process of making it.
My bibliography: tps://