Crystalle Hutchins Capstone
The idea for this senior project first sprouted when I was junior at SLA. Having three easily accessible sources of raw ingredients or pre made foods within the vicinity of the high school made me realize how our students’, and even sometimes faculties’, consumption of their products was taking a substantial toll on our environment, with something typically seen as trivial - non reusable bags. Every time we buy from these establishments and our purchases are stored in plastic bags, we are verifying its inevitable fate of finding its home in a landfill, where it will not decompose for 20 to 1000 years (ABC Australia). I did not want to help in the continuance in creating an unavoidable horrendous reality for my great great grandchildren. Large scale reusable bags are now sold at some supermarkets for large groceries, but I knew this was not practical or appealing to the average high schooler. So for my capstone, I constructed the blueprint for making reusable, desirable to everyone, regardless of age. After a few meetings with my mentor, who also is my grandmother, seamstress extraordinaire, we decided on the best design for my product. Prototypes were made and given to two testers, who then gave me back honest criticisms on how to improve my products. I found that although accessible and easy to carry, my product could be slightly larger to accommodate for various items, like dance shoes for the dedicated teen ballerina. I am going to major in Entrepreneurship in college and this project was a great stepping stone in my higher learning and future endeavors.
Crystalle Hutchins
Annotated Bibliography
"EPA." Reducing and Reusing Basics. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Jan. 2015. <>.
This webpage on the site of the United States Environmental Protection Agency lists the basics of reducing, reusing, and recycling. It also provides ideas on alternatives or life changes to become a more environmentally friendly citizen. This list includes looking for products with less packaging, what would seem to be an obvious method but I had personally not considered, and maintaining and repairing products, so they do not have to be replaced as frequently. I want my project to focus not just reducing the need for plastic bags, but educating people to reduce how much they intake altogether.
"Recycle." Sustainability Recycle Comments. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Jan. 2015. <>.
Boston University Sustainability webpage tells of the effects of not recycling in comparison to the benefits of recycling. One selling point was that it does not just help the planet, but also your pockets. This is by reusing items you already have instead of purchasing new ones. The basis of my project is to sell something that can have multiple uses in of obtaining new bags. Some establishments even require their customers to purchase bags, as a motive for their customers to take heed to reusable bags. This is an excellent tactic for a vendor like myself.
"Recycle Now Philadelphia - Recycle, Go Green." Recycle Now Philadelphia. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Jan. 2015. <>.
Recycle Now Philadelphia’ s home page is dedicated to showing how recycling has positively affected various areas of society in order to convince Philadelphians to make environmental changes. It speaks on how multiple schools have turned to Cenergistic to lessen energy costs. The website also details how an iconic landmark became energy efficient through LED lights, window refurbishment, etc. This is a great tactic for the purpose of getting more people to be energy efficient. I will consider using a similar method with my project.
© Copyright 2008 International Society Of Sustainability Professional. "Cool Trends." 10 Things Cities Are Doing Now (2008): n. pag. Sustainability Professionals. Web. <>.
This source is a pdf to a easily comprehensive booklet on what “Cool Trends” cities are doing to reduce greenhouse gases. The language is important because there always needs to be persuasive coding when trying convince hesitant audiences. One the trends mentioned was the use of car sharing in certain cities. Renting a car is much more affordable and reasonable for some people. That is a great way to sell my product- make it known that it is an affordable and reasonable simple alternative.
"Philadelphia College . . . Chapter 1." Philadelphia College . . . Chapter 1. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Jan. 2015. <>.
This is an environmental self study done by the Green Planning Committee at the Philadelphia College of Textiles & Science. It talks about the recent efforts the school’s campus to rebirth its environmentally friendly, which began in 1991. This campus recycles white paper, cardboard, aluminum, and yard waste. Then it details how this recycling is in effect- through providing appropriate bins for recycling, making it easy for students to make a positive environmental change. The ultimate objective of an campaign is to make the desired decision as effortless and obvious for the subjects. I will remember when completing my project.
Wellington, Megan. "The Status of Recycling in Philadelphia: Analysis and Recommendations for Philadelphia ’ S Floundering Recycling Program."UPenn Scholarly Commons. N.p., n.d. Web. <>.
This source will be benefit me immensely because it a paper done by a student for a capstone project on sustainability in Philadelphia. It gives background on recycling in this city such as Philadelphia being the first city to introduce residential curbside. It touches on the downfalls of Philadelphian recycling like its ill progress with increasing the waste prevent rate as other major cities have. The purpose of the paper is to analyze what is keeping Philadelphia from being a more energy efficient. This will useful to me completing my project.
Erdos, Joseph. "Why You Should Use A Reusable Grocery Bag." The Huffington Post., n.d. Web. 30 Jan. 2015. <>.
This article is focused solely on persuading people to switch to reusable bags. Facts like plastic bags take 15 to 1000 years to decompose and debunking a misconception like paper grocery bags being eco-friendly when in actuality, they are just as bad, helps to arm the audience with unshakable knowledge on why this change is absolutely necessary.
"Reusable Bags - Twenty-Five Reasons to Go Reusable!" Reusable Bags - Twenty-Five Reasons to Go Reusable! N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Jan. 2015. <>.
This webpage includes 25 easily understandable reasons for why switching to reusable bags is a smart choice. Pocket friendly incentive like some stores may offer discounts for customers that use reusable bags caters to the desires of the average money crazed American. It also reveals unknown benefits, such as one less grocery bag per person would save New York City 250,000 in disposal costs.
Why Replace Plastic (n.d.): n. pag. Heal The Bay. Web. <>.
This is made specifically to cater to the Los Angeles County audience. As well as acknowledging the hazardous effects the use of plastic bags on human, it reveals the repercussions that are faced by marine animals because of these unsafe items. This is a tactic of pinpointing the concerns of a specific areas in order for getting people to be more uneasy and heedful to a problem. This is a strategy I will use by presenting facts specific to the Philadelphia population.
"Waste Management Single-Stream Recycling: Take a Tour of Our Philadelphia MRF." YouTube. YouTube, n.d. Web. 30 Jan. 2015. <>.
Philadelphia’s Waste Management made this video with the purpose of advertising its consideration of the longevity of Earth while in this essential system. They want to triple the amount of recyclable materials to 20 million tons of recyclables. The most important part of this video is the testimonial. a employee of waste management states, “The more people know about what we do, the better.” Having actual people support your cause is always a great persuasive tool.